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Messages - Algarn

Pages: 1 ... 12 13 [14] 15 16 ... 203
General Discussion / Re: Idea - How to fix a problem
« on: December 23, 2017, 01:15:32 pm »
Just make more regular loompoint sales, if the players keep coming back, the marketplace will be back on its feet.

General Discussion / Re: Choose the best archer in crpg history!!!!
« on: December 22, 2017, 02:57:28 pm »
Plz not one of these threads, not again.

Sell/Trade / Re: Tore's Money Bin [Buying any +3]
« on: December 21, 2017, 11:50:09 pm »
How much would you be ready to sell your leather gloves for ?

General Discussion / Re: The Ranged Problem.
« on: December 21, 2017, 11:06:47 pm »
I didn't make any claims about accuracy, only made a suggestion based off of my experience.

That bit was mainly destined to Blackbow, his claims are just wrong. What you said however, I do not agree with at all, if anything, the last thing this game needs is some more RNG, truly not a good idea especially when we're talking about skill-based games.

powerful bows should be more 'cannon' like. less accuracy for much higher damage. the shorter bows should be the less damaging sniper bows.
The thing is that it is already the case, and pushing it any further will just throw off the balance completely.

Also, you say that with 10 pd and 120 wpf that you have very a very small window for "accurate" fire. I feel as though 30 strength on an archer should be as hindering as it would for an infantryman with 30 strength; as infantry with a 30/9 build, you would have 3 WM which is 100 wpf in any melee weapon. With that wpf you are are looking at getting stunlocked when you stab, have poor overall timing, etc. Also 3 athletics is going to make footwork impossible. All-in-all you are going to be a 1 trick pony: smashing people's asses in groupfights and maybe getting those lucky hits in duels.

You highlight the drawbacks of not having a lot of AGI, well, guess what, I can't have any footwork either, have even less hp, just 5 wpf in melee, and so on... STR archers deal with the same problems as melee characters focused on STR.

I will do some testing with bows and stats when I get a friend on to test with me. I'll do some tests with low str longbow builds and high str horn bow builds and just see how it all looks. I'm not an archer in cRPG by any means so I'm not trying to be pretentious here, but I've been shot my archers in cRPG for 5 years and have a good feel for how strong they should be against various infantry builds.

You'll likely find the same results as I did :

- you'll be slower to draw your bow
- your arrows will be faster
- your initial spread will be mediocre, regardless of your build (27/15 or 30/12)
- said spread will bloom way faster with a Yew Longbow than with a Horn Bow or any bow with less damage
- initial spread will be tighter with lower damage bows in general (bar the short bow and the regular bow for their very low accuracy value)

Of all the things to nerf (and if a nerf there needs to be), the accuracy of strength builds is the last thing to pick from. You sacrifice already a lot by going for such build.

Lastly, bows shouldn't be pinpoint accurate at more than 50m at all, doesn't that fall under the purpose of a crossbow in the game's meta?

The crossbow, is more anchored into a sniper role because of the unlimited time you can spend with the bolt ready to release; as well as very high damage, speed and base accuracy values, and also no power draw penalties at all, which means even more accuracy. An arbalest shot will always be way faster than a shot from a composite bow and 8 PD (highest arrow speed combination), and currently, the bows at 28 base damage and above are the least accurate of all.

TLDR : Powerful bows aren't accurate with high strength builds, nerfing their accuracy would be a huge mistake. I enjoy archery as a class, but I can't tell how many shots I've missed just because of how inaccurate my character is. While a nerf is what most people want, I think it needs a revamp, separating the bows further between fast, and slow firing bows, and increasing the damage all across the board with a big increase in draw times, so STR builds are heavily penalized for missing due to their low wpf, while AGI and balanced archer builds will deal less damage overall, but have more chances to hit a target in a time window.

General Discussion / Re: Buff Board Shields`
« on: December 21, 2017, 10:33:05 pm »
Agreed, their low speed make them pretty unattractive for anything right now. The area covered, which is the main selling point of those shields is bypassed by the magical energy barrier created by a shield skill above 4. It is also necessary to note that they're even inferior in width compared to the round shields, and barely beat most of the mainstream shields in both width and height. This leaves the board shield with its only advantage being hit points, easily overturned by terrible resistance ratings on all of its variants (below 20).

General Discussion / Re: The Ranged Problem.
« on: December 21, 2017, 07:59:32 pm »
the most funny is now archers have lost their mobility and xbowers who are suposed to be a static class have more mobility than archers ...

and i also dont get why the 3 most powerfull bows have also the bigest accuracy... wich make them wait to powerfull and easy.
there is no point anymore at using something else than yew longbow or longbow .

mw yew longbow : 105 accuracy
mw longbow : 106 accuracy (dafuk its suposed to be a bow hard to bend and it's also one of the most powerfull)
mw rusbow : 105
mw composite bow : 104
mw horn bow : 104

imo longbows should be around 98 and 99 accuracy
rusbow around 100
composite and horn around 103/104 like they are now ...

most of the time i play with horn wich deal no damage, and yesterday i was like dam i need more damage, i will have to use a longbow but because my 18 str i will have shit accuracy then i realize than i was rly much more accurate with a yew longbow than my hornbow
to me it's a no sense and make str build way too accurate...
I agree, powerful bows should be more 'cannon' like. less accuracy for much higher damage. the shorter bows should be the less damaging sniper bows.

Seriously, no.

The high accuracy values are here to compensate for the fact that the more damage your bow does, the less accurate it actually is. A horn bow will ALWAYS be more accurate than a Yew Longbow, nearly regardless of WPF.
Now, be careful for what you wish for. If you touch the accuracy values on higher end bows, STR builds will be killed off entirely, while agi builds will remain as ineffective (read : garbage) as they already are. I don't know what you're trying to achieve, but nerfing accuracy this much would basically turn longbowmen into RNG characters more than anything else, dealing the same amount of damage, but with such a low accuracy it'd be comically bad. Agi archers, on the other hand, would be able to make use of longbows, but would still be stuck into the trashcan they're already at because the damage values would be unchanged.

I'll repost this, because it seems neither of you seem to have actually read it.

Again get your facts straight, with 120wpf and 10PD, I can't hold my arrow for more than .5 second and have some shitty initial dispersion, meaning I can't shoot beyond 40m and score headshots most of the time; also add to that I can not shoot more than 15 arrows per minute, or an arrow every 4 seconds.

Tell me more about being accurate when I can't headshot people beyond 50m half of the time.


Here, just to prove you're completely wrong about accuracy, here is a screen comparison, even better that the Yew Longbow I'm using only does 31 damage instead of 32 because I'm too poor to buy a final LP, meaning I should be even less accurate. If you bothered to back your claims about accuracy with screenshots, that'd be great.

Horn Bow :
Yew Longbow :

Announcements / Re:,, Bumps in the road
« on: December 21, 2017, 01:04:59 pm »
-Professor: Wrote code to lower DTV gold gain (Didn't work)

Why tho ? If there's anything wrong with the gold, it's the insane price of loompoints. Gold became more available (to an extreme extent), yet loompoints and heirloom items are very rare on the marketplace. If you're going to reduce the gold we're getting, please make it so the grind for a LP is reduced.

General Discussion / 120 players night on EU1 - Post your screenshots
« on: December 21, 2017, 12:25:51 am »
2 weeks ago, I didn't think I'd see so many old faces and players in general, but cRPG blew my mind, again. A seven years old mod said to be dead for like 2 or 3 years now reaching such amounts of population, that I can't describe. Thanks to all players who were there, special mention to the Americans and Canadians who stayed on the server instead of going to NA1.

Didn't manage to take any good screenshot of the battles tho, hope some of you had some better luck.

General Discussion / Re: The Ranged Problem.
« on: December 20, 2017, 07:41:09 pm »
str archer builds are still present and dominant...

Present, yes. Dominant, perhaps, until you get caught by a dedicated melee player that will wreck you. For example, I have at level 32:

- 45 body armor
- 5 wpf in 1h, with 5 PS
- 4 athl
- 65 hp

Fighting a strength archer is a free kill, unless they use the nudge and manage to kite you with their OP 4/5 athl.

now str is all about accuracy and damage agi is just speed rating...

Again get your facts straight, with 120wpf and 10PD, I can't hold my arrow for more than .5 second and have some shitty initial dispersion, meaning I can't shoot beyond 40m and score headshots most of the time; also add to that I can not shoot more than 15 arrows per minute, or an arrow every 4 seconds. The only way to make balanced archer builds more prevalent is to increase the damage of the bows, which will result in a massive accuracy loss for STR builds (and massive damage on the other hand). If it was up to me to rebalance it, I'd increase the damage (and accuracy) of all bows by 2 or 3, and sharply increase the time to draw a bow. You are accurate, you deal damage, but you got to choose between medium risk/medium reward, and high risk/high reward : the AGI builds would be able to shoot more often, to have more athletics and WPF in both melee and archery, adding to survivability (hence the "lesser risk"), while playing an archer based on strength would mean you'd deal a lot of damage and be accurate (for a short period of time, because less wpf), yet you'd be very, very slow to draw, and very vulnerable to agi-based melee characters if they get close to you, like right now.

However, suggesting an archer revamp is just out of the window, considering most people wanted this class to be nerfed into oblivion since december 2010.

can't you already change your strat hero in that time?

Yeah, but it's 3 days. If you want to respec your main, you got to transfer the "heroship" to an alt, then wait 3 more days so your main becomes your hero again. 6 days to respec your main isn't really a good system if you ask me, considering you got to fight with your alt for 3 days and with the build you want to change for 3 days aswell.

no, that would let people switch to builds specifically for the gear you have in your next battle. A horde load of ranged weapons would then lead to a massive archer spam.

I think its fine that you cannot switch your mains build as easily, thats why I am using an actual alt char for strategus

If there's a week of cooldown, trust me that they'll reflect twice about fucking up their battles for an entire week because they have to use garbage bows against plates. Archers and crossbowmen simply cannot hold the line.

TBH, the 1 week delay is fine to me, but the hero character restriction is pure bullshit.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA/EU] CASSI (hoot hoot)
« on: December 19, 2017, 10:21:29 pm »
sorry but everything below 70 body armor is clothes for me and will be considered as leeching

Even with armor you're terrible. Get good. Plz die.

Signed, someone with 68 armor.

General Discussion / Re: The Ranged Problem.
« on: December 18, 2017, 12:31:32 pm »
That Archer was either awful or poorly built his archer, I've been hit in the head with 61 head armour and 10 IF and had only 5% health left from it.

To deal damage with archery, you need at the very least 8PD and a 28+ damage bow, if you want to deal significant damage, you need 9PD at least, a yew longbow, and you got to shoot the head at all times. The archer probably didn't have bodkins or enough PD.

General Discussion / Re: The Ranged Problem.
« on: December 17, 2017, 02:15:31 pm »
cheaper on average

We're in 2017, everyone with some playtime has at least 500k of gold in their pockets. Price isn't a factor in anything nowadays, effectiveness is. If price actually mattered, you'd see way less armored players around.

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