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Messages - Adrian

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Spam / Re: The official cRPG post a god damned pic of yourself topic!
« on: February 11, 2011, 11:57:13 am »
You forgot one:
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Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Archer build
« on: February 11, 2011, 11:38:17 am »
While I do agree with some of the things people stated here, I would still recommend trying things out for yourself. Honestly when any of these people top me on the scoreboard I will take advice from them on arching.

Anyway, try the a PD 7 build then a PD 6 build and see what you like. I believe both are very viable and what it really comes down to is how much "skill" as a player you have when it comes to archery.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Archer build
« on: February 10, 2011, 07:12:18 pm »
If youre going Warbow stick with the build you just stated.

I'm currently


Weapon Master=7

What it really comes down to is what you want to do and what youre capable of doing.

I feel I can aim really well and so 163 WPF with a Warbow at level 30 is sufficient enough for me to still dominate and land arrows on target. If this isn't you then I suggest a lower level bow which shoots faster and may have better accuracy.

For me I personally enjoy being able to bring down any target, from lightly armored to your heavy armored knights. You just can't do that as easily spamming a Khergit or Strong bow. Where I do have trouble however, is fighting against other archers as a large majority now use Strong or Khergit bows which spam arrows fairly fast, faster than the warbow. I found though if you know how to strafe around you can overcome this and use superior aiming and damage to beat out other archers with faster bows.

So in the end like I stated it comes down to what you want to do, I would recommend you just go Power Draw 6 regardless of what bow you use and test out both the War Bow and Strong Bow as I feel these are the only two bows worth using at this point in time since the patch. Also don't make a set decision until the upper 20's as to which you find most viable. Infact I wouldn't decide on either bow until level 30. From then on you will be able to figure out which bow you would like to use permantly. With your bow selected you can then alter your original build to better fit your playstyle. I hope this at least helps a little bit.

Spam / Re: The official cRPG post a god damned pic of yourself topic!
« on: February 01, 2011, 07:32:23 pm »
Imageshack and yeah I did upload it because I knew you'd change it.

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

You don't know the power of the Dark Side

I can tell that you are not from Alaska, I got 0 visits from there and this is unacceptable, nobody can resist curiosity on that level. Your forum avatar and the old picture don't match at all.
I think I was right when I told you that you are either a master troll or seriously stupid.
Good job sir, you almost fooled me.

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Join me

Awwwww that's so cute he marked us all on a map! With our photos too! OMGizzle!

Spam / Re: The official cRPG post a god damned pic of yourself topic!
« on: January 30, 2011, 03:46:35 am »
I believe beiber quoted that from a real artist but just added a couple words.

haha yeah you're probably correct

Spam / Re: The official cRPG post a god damned pic of yourself topic!
« on: January 30, 2011, 03:43:58 am »
You are as dumb as bag of hammers and as useless as cock flavored lollipop.

haha, coming from the creepster trolling the forums? Congrats sculpter douche you win!

Spam / Re: The official cRPG post a god damned pic of yourself topic!
« on: January 30, 2011, 03:41:48 am »
It's cause your picture is like Baltons picture.
Self Pedestaled  and narcissistic.

It's the internet, I could care less.

Quoting the wise Justin Beiber "Yo Haters just gonna hate" (there actually might be some more "yo's" thrown in there somewhere)

Spam / Re: The official cRPG post a god damned pic of yourself topic!
« on: January 30, 2011, 12:33:35 am »
YEAHHHH I made the list and I didn't even say anything to you! How amazing am I?!?!?

Spam / Re: The official cRPG post a god damned pic of yourself topic!
« on: January 29, 2011, 08:42:04 pm »
awww so much "love" in this thread

Faction Halls / Re: [CLAN] Bandits (Recruiting!)
« on: January 21, 2011, 04:19:48 pm »
yeah I was a bandit, but like stated there was never anyone playing from the clan so I kinda fell out. Still sad though to see the Bandit Clan die

General Discussion / Re: No ranged server
« on: January 21, 2011, 04:13:52 pm »
Funny how all the bad players in this game cry about ranged. Ranged attacks are apart of the game just as much as melee or cav is. Not to mention Archer's speed being nerfed already.

Most of the time it takes 3-4 shots to down an average target already with a bow. So factor that into the already slowwwwwww draw speed of bows now and you have a pretty weak class yet people continue to complain. You rarely see ranged ever even topping the scoreboards on any server, anyone who says different is an obvious liar.

Honestly ranged is what I would consider one of the easiest classes to counter especially since most ranged players are not very "talented" when it comes to aiming and ranging with their weapon.

However, people just can't seem to accept that their class may have a weakness to someone elses playstyle, you can't be an unstoppable force all the time able to take on every single person in the game. Sometimes you're going to lose, accept it or move on to a different game.

So I say play the game for what it is, the way it was made to be played meaning melee, ranged, and mounted playstyles all in one or just GTFO and cry about it somewhere else where someone cares. Quit sitting here in the forums complaining about the same BS over and over again.

Only an ugly person would complain about photo avatars.  :D Smile you're ugly

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