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Messages - MeevarTheMighty

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Suggestions Corner / Re: Fix eyes on back of head.....
« on: August 27, 2011, 06:44:28 am »
The turning head so they know you're watching idea is stupid; you should always assume they are watching. If your reflexes are bad enough that it makes a difference, uninstall.

General Discussion / Re: Wipe
« on: August 26, 2011, 06:27:08 am »
Obviously for quite big part of community playing without any looms is just unimaginable, as far as i do not understand why, i accept that.

I don't think this is the issue people have. Most people who play this a lot have at least one alt without any heirlooms.

Pre-upkeep I was one of the people sitting on a lot of money, rather than retiring with it. Suddenly one day, inflation hit and the money that had taken me months to earn could be doubled in a few days. I could buy everything I wanted, but the game did not become more fun. I went out of my way to achieve something, and I was given a bad version of that (everyone could buy things), and my work toward getting the good version (I alone could buy things) was worth next to nothing.

If you think some people are so wealthy/old/descended that they can't be caught, take pity on the people who put a lot of effort into trying to catch up. A wipe would rob every player of any sense of achievement. You can win a duel or a battle, but it's nicer to win a war.

General Discussion / Re: Wipe
« on: August 26, 2011, 05:27:44 am »
You're suggesting that gold/xp earned before the retirement patch was implemented should have been discarded? Why should it be devalued?

Yes, it was easy to make a few retiaries if you had already invested substantial time in the mod, but once you depleted your savings, it became much harder.

You complain about people hitting gen 15 at the time, but you say 45k was a week's serious grind (there was no maximum income, as it was based on kills, but he must have been very active and very lucky, your number is almost unbelievably high). It does not currently take a week to hit 31, but to get from gen 14 to 15 at the time required 75k denars and level 28.

General Discussion / Re: Wipe
« on: August 26, 2011, 04:48:47 am »
All you had to do to retire pre-upkeep was money and like level 15, it was +1 level and I think +10,000 gold every retirements but at this point in the game most people had again, stockpiled enough gold to just keep retiring and retiring over and over again.

I know people like Kesh and Balbaroth and Goretooth all were at gens 15 and above, Kesh was even level 45 or something at some point, then when the upkeep patch happened, Goretooth and Kesh had like 20,000 xp per ticks at x5 or something along those lines, again making retirement very easy.

So even with the heirlooms theft and gen recalculation, it is safe to assume that they're both sitting on a stockpile of heirlooms.

I think it was +1 level, +5k gold, but do you remember how many kills it took to make that kind of money?

I imagine the top players are not the least deserving people of the top wealth stockpiles.

General Discussion / Re: Wipe
« on: August 26, 2011, 04:39:11 am »
C-rpg has lost enough of the "rpg" already, if you want everyone to have the same stuff, this is not the mod for you.

If you feel scammed because you sold your balanced katana for $500, you will probably feel more scammed when you lose the $500 and Steam Sale players are on a considerably higher average wage than you.

It's better to be harsh to new players than to old players. It takes next to no time to become competitive.

If you think it was easier to retire pre-upkeep, you don't remember very well.

Rosen, this is very ridiculous.

First I am banned without warning, contrary to your apparent policy.

Now you tell me that something I was doing was "trolling"? I consider this accusation quite insulting.

You finish by telling me that if I continue to be a *derogitary term which I am not*, I will get a longer ban.

You ignore the fact that the person who complained to you was teamkilling me and pollkicking me with his mates as he complained. You ignore the fact that I did not breach any c-rpg rule or any AEF rule. I was banned on the spot, with no evidence, for something that isn't against the rules and that I didn't do.

Nice of you to apologise to Meow.

I defeated a kitten.


I think Extoic might still be waiting for sub 300 ping and there were a few like this on the first page of General, so I followed suit.

Sorry to make you sad with my very saddening story of mean admins.

If it is any consolation, try to imagine your part in this conspiracy as a very big ball of wool that is being unravelled.

Then forget that there is a conspiracy, now there is only a ball of wool, much bigger than any kitten or hippopotamus.

Then imagine yourself not playing with the ball of wool, forever.

If you are not consoled, you never will be.

You're welcome.

(I suspect you are part of this consipacy, Meow)

Hi Rosen, I am still banned. :cry:

In turn, I'm sorry to have directed my outburst at AEF in general, but I believe that multiple members were involved in this case (AEF Juggernaught and AEF HumV had been discussing the map issue on TS and it was a guy I don't know who banned me) and I have never been warned by an AEF admin. It was an immediate ban without any explanation.

You've been a really good admin in game lately and it's nice of you to follow up this out of place complaint. I know there are others in your clan who would be upset to see that this has happened, so I hope you don't think I'm against AEF, I just don't understand some members' actions.

If ever I'm ever unbanned so I can get some new stuff to cry about, I'll make sure to use the AEF forums, thanks for the link.

I'm guessing you haven't had a chance to find out what's going on yet, so I'll get in touch tomorrow if the ban is still up. Hope it turns out to be just a rookie mistake, not a serious problem.

See you around, in any case.

General Discussion / Re: What is THAT?
« on: August 24, 2011, 02:31:26 pm »
Pretty sure it's been in all along. I haven't noticed any relent to the newbies' squealing about its apparent enigma and I've had it a few times lately, once the instant I dropped my sword to fist the last guy.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Fix eyes on back of head.....
« on: August 24, 2011, 10:58:52 am »
I have it set to ctrl so it doesn't alter my movement to use it constantly. Of course I still regularly get stabbed in the face while I'm watching the guy behind me.  :mrgreen:

Is my best guess, because I was just perm banned from the AEF hosted server without any warning whatsoever (besides "i have just banned song" from the admin, immediately after he/she entered the server), having broken no rules that I'm aware of.

I hit a guy with Q+M+L and he was pretty annoyed (he polled me many times afterwards, and began team hitting my horse with his mates), but there is a system in place to stop leech kicking from being abused. I found Flame_of_Udun/Naked_Flame leeching twice and both times I kicked him for it. It occurs that this may have prompted him to ask his friend to ban me from the only Oceanic server for ever.  :?

Earlier today, the same admin team ordered a group off a roof while a ladder was up on the other side (and not accessable to them, but providing access to them) and later told a group to descend after their own clan mate had deliberately destroyed the ladder and while there were plenty of troops from both sides remaining on the ground. The admin team then insisted that people would be banned for using one of the routes on Otreum's Smuggler's cove map. I had been using that route (as the designer intended) prior to this announcement and I protested, because I don't think it's fair to the map maker to edit his map, in the editor or by decree, behind his back. I know that Otreum requested that the previous AU server take down his maps, because they had been edited without his permission. I advised the admin team to either contact Otreum or remove that one from their rotation if they objected to its normal use. I think that would be the only decent course of action, but maybe I was banned for this request.

On the subject of maps, the admins have bluntly refused to update their map cylce post-patch to remove the random plains etc. that now litter the rotation, some of these maps include sinking sand, most include trudging across mountains. There are rarely admins on to regulate this cycle and allowing map polls is against AEF policy.

After being informed of my ban, I asked for a reason, first in general chat, then in admin chat. There was no response.

I look forward to hearing a more reasonable explaination for my instant perma ban (which is contradictory to the rules stated on your server page) and if the admin team was monitoring the server on Naked Flame's monitor while he pleasured you (because certainly no admin was present in the server until the decision to ban me had been made), please tell me why his series of ill-justified polls went unpunished.

General Discussion / Re: Average multiplier as a function of win rate
« on: August 23, 2011, 05:38:11 pm »
No, you are wrong. When quitting from time to time (disconnect, have to got, etc.) with a multi of >1, the theoretical average multiplier is lower than the 1.9x value.
You mean "can be" lower? If I always leave in my first round, I will only have an average of 1x, but if I play for thirty days and nights and then leave on a 2x, I think it will be >1.9x.

I don't know how useful it would be to assume that people will leave on their average multi (or anywhere between that and 1x without better data); I think most people would at least make some effort to saboutage their team to 1x if they want to leave.  :mrgreen:

General Discussion / Re: New Gamemode
« on: August 23, 2011, 04:39:04 pm »
Looks like you have to ladderpault those ailing cows into the fortification. chadz this means you fixed ladderpaulting? :)

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