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Messages - spiritus

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Suggestions Corner / Different Approach to the idea of adding new weapons
« on: December 02, 2013, 12:27:39 pm »
Instead of adding new weapons why cant lower tier weapons just be buffed for example Dadao and Persian War Axe all you would have to do is raise the stats and price.

Suggestions Corner / Tatar bow
« on: December 02, 2013, 12:08:47 pm »
Nomad Bow
missile speed: 48           
weight: 2.4
accuracy: 101
difficulty: 2
speed rating: 68
missile speed: 48
thrust damage: 23 cut
slots: 1

Tatar Bow
missile speed: 46    -2 missile speed
weight: 2.4
accuracy: 101
difficulty: 3
speed rating: 65      -3 speed
missile speed: 46
thrust damage: 24 cut  +1 cut
slots: 1

Horn Bow
missile speed: 44  -4 missile speed
weight: 2.7
accuracy: 101
difficulty: 5
speed rating: 59 -9 speed
missile speed: 44
thrust damage: 26 cut +3 cut
slots: 1

Statistically wise the tatar bow is inferior. The tatar bows looses 2 speed for 1 cut while from the nomad bow while the horn looses 4 speed from the nomad bow for 3 damage.

Suggestions Corner / Re: EASTERN HORSEZ!
« on: December 02, 2013, 12:02:35 pm »
you are a Horse xbowman, not a horse archer, no horse archer would gimp their build to have 8 riding.  However being a HX, you dont have a need to have any higher strength then 7, which at level 31 would give you like 10 riding.

Secondly Crpg is all about the style, id rather have something unique and different then ride an Arabian or Destrier like every other player.  The arabian is just hands down better then the eastern, and it serves a purpose, where as the eastern seems to not have any purpose whatsoever with its 8 riding difficulty.
Antiblitz 15 24 is the norm build for ha but the problem is that u r 2 points short. You have to choose (weaponmaster and riding) 7-7 or 6-8 and since most people dont get the extra 8 riding and you normally only get the 7 rideing if you are going to use the Arabian it really does outcast it. I think just make it better so people will want to use it, because if the diffuculty is lowered it still doesnt make it a good horse it only makes it so that more players can use it.

Barely draws back string. What's the poundage on the bow? How much penetration is actually done with such a perfunctory motion? It's dumb to assume this technique is in any way effective in an actual combat scenario. I mean, rivetted chainmail? Seriously?
it wasnt crpg everyone could not afford plate! Mail was very common and he is so accurate he can aim for vital zones easy 1.12 seconds to shoot 3 disks in the air....

Hey its the old kesh!!!

Suggestions Corner / Flambard
« on: December 02, 2013, 03:03:13 am »
weapon length: 117
weight: 2.5
difficulty: 15
speed rating: 94
weapon length: 117
thrust damage: 20 pierce
swing damage: 40 cut
slots: 2
Can't use on horseback
Secondary Mode

Sword of War
weapon length: 121
weight: 3
difficulty: 15
speed rating: 93
weapon length: 121
thrust damage: 23 pierce
swing damage: 40 cut
slots: 2
Can't use on horseback
Secondary Mode

lol really devs for one more speed you loose 4 length and 3 pierce and sow is less expensive. When you balance your weapons dont balance them with a certain class for instance dont just balance with the Danish and German greatswords you have too balance the flambard with every 2h!!!!! I think just give it another speed.

Jarold's stats
Length : 117 ( not sure what the exact length is )
Swing : 45c
Thrust : 19p
Speed : 90
Weight : 2.3

Suggestions Corner / Re: The Great Thread of Suggestions
« on: December 02, 2013, 02:48:29 am »
Swing speed and activation time are not the same thing.  For example, you have a identically positioned 2h and a polearms swinging at the same speed at a target.  The 2h hits before the polearm, not because it is moving faster, but because it enters the "active phase" sooner. 

Now let's say you wanted to change things so that in the same scenario, the two weapons would hit at the same time.  You could increase the swing speed of the polearm to compensate for later activation time or you could make the polearm swing activate sooner (or both, and/or make the 2h swing slower/activate later).  However, each of those changes would have very different effects on gameplay.  The ideas are related, "when can I hit someone," but distinct. 

By the way, Tydeus' post was only talking about overheads.  I'd be interested in seeing the numbers for other attacks.
For every time you have gave me a pointless thumbs down you deserve the couple dozens thumbs down u got!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Shields on horse? WTH
« on: December 02, 2013, 02:34:03 am »
Supposed to be fixed long time ago, not sure do we need fix for that right now. Aim very low, for horse legs.
Better the devs fixed something then nothing!

Suggestions Corner / Shield forcefield on horse
« on: December 02, 2013, 02:21:22 am »
OK so if you have a shield on a horse it not only forcefields you but also your goddamn horse! It is so annoying when you swing 20 feet away from the shield and something magically prevents you from hitting the horse!(THE FORCEFIELD)
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Game Balance Discussion / Re: 2h Bastard Sword Type Weapons
« on: December 02, 2013, 01:56:04 am »
I like that a lot, Tydeus.
94 speed and 32 base damage would be longsword, right? So HBS/BS/Katana would get 95-96 speed? I think that's good, too. Would give more variety of really long and somewhat slow 1hs other than the arabian cav sword.

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Spathions and paramerions and those choppy weapons erm cleavers!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Large Warhorse
« on: December 01, 2013, 02:27:35 pm »
Jeez, didn't really know that the Cataphract Horse is this terrible. It is the only actually tanky horse we have in the armoury so I'll keep using it, but damn, quite an imbalance if you ask me.
crpg balance!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Large Warhorse
« on: December 01, 2013, 01:28:39 pm »
Large Warhorse is better for bumping cavalry, but you'll avoid a lot more projectiles with the regular warhorse, because of the smaller size. I'd say those two horses are balanced with each other, having played with both a lot. I've also used Cataphract quite a lot and it's not worth it compared to those two horses. Mamluk is your best bet if you want to go tanky.
Still a range is only going to miss a fraction of his shots on u compared to what he would hit on the large warhorse and since large warhorse has more health you can take more. Arabian horse vs courser you have a smaller size on Arabian but you get fucked by range alot more when riding the Arabian since of the armor and hitpoints are less

Suggestions Corner / Re: Final_Boss' Heirloom Pack!
« on: December 01, 2013, 01:25:34 pm »
Does not work for me even when i browse folders and find crpg under modules. Halp!

Suggestions Corner / Large Warhorse
« on: December 01, 2013, 01:12:20 pm »
Large warhorse       
hit points: 130
body armor: 43
difficulty: 5
speed: 40
maneuver: 41
charge: 34 35k(upkeep 2,463k)

hit points: 120
body armor: 40
difficulty: 5
speed: 41
maneuver: 41
charge: 34 33k(upkeep 2,327k)

Cataphract Horse
hit points: 120
body armor: 47
difficulty: 5
speed: 40
maneuver: 39
charge: 36 45k(upkeep 3,129k)

Eastern Warhorse
hit points: 110
body armor: 47
difficulty: 5
speed: 39
maneuver: 42
charge: 36 45k(upkeep 3,129k)

I believe the large warhorse is pretty much the best horse especially for the price. Eastern warhorse is my favorite heavy cav horse. Though it is 10k more for 20 hitpoints less with 2 more charge 1 less speed with 1 more maneuver lastly 4 more body armour. 43 to 47.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Critical Error
« on: December 01, 2013, 12:53:20 pm »
Try to repair crpg first. I had a similar problem i had to re download crpg the quickfix for mine was running in offline mode.(i do not know if this will work for your problem)

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