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Messages - Algarn

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EU (Official) / Ban me please
« on: January 01, 2018, 10:16:12 pm »
Exams are closing in dangerously, and I want to be banned until the 11/01/18, just to be sure I'm not distracted by anything. Hell, cRPG surely is addictive.

Official cRPG 5v5 EU Tournament II / Re: DO IT
« on: January 01, 2018, 12:32:42 pm »
Remember battle of the nations, did that ever go anywhere?

I think the russians won. Largest community = more potential to have good players within it.

General Discussion / Re: Please
« on: January 01, 2018, 12:31:23 pm »

What I know is you deserve more downvotes than she does.

General Discussion / Re: The Ranged Problem.
« on: December 31, 2017, 08:45:20 pm »
You're complaining about archers and I'm giving solutions, its more productive than simply screaming NERF every few minutes. We want people to stay on the server yet archers force people away because they are too stubborn to take a shield or accept that they are going to get shot due to lack of protection. Again you are suggesting a nerf to a class that only has X amount of ammo and is most of the time useless in close combat besides blocking. What are archers suppose to do? I know that most cases I cannot afford to put 5-8 arrows in a person, which is the case at times. I have to aim for headshots and that's how I've found it for the longest time.   

Thing is, he isn't complaining about archers, but crossbowmen who are able to easily outfight a melee player while archers have to commit to their class and sacrifice melee power. The game needs class balance so not all archers/cavs are put in the same team. Besides, the thing that is just purely wrong with your idea, is the effectiveness of the ranged players on the server : why would a level 34 crossbow main be stopped from entering the server when a peasant with a short bow is already filling that slot ?

Global / Re: Why am I banned (Eques_Kaskar)
« on: December 30, 2017, 12:00:37 am »
Keep him banned. The mod has players now, keeping a botting/money-stealing douchebag has no advantages whatsoever. Or if you really want to unban him, make him bear some humiliating title that he can't remove manually. Robbing a clan bank is something already, robbing the bank of a clan meant to help new players is just a whole new level of being a dick.

General Off Topic / Re: What class should i play?
« on: December 29, 2017, 03:40:40 pm »
Archer in plate w/ shield.

General Discussion / Re: The Ranged Problem.
« on: December 29, 2017, 12:49:57 pm »
I think the only way the baying crowds of 2h heroes will be happy is if you give them a knightly aura that blocks all projectiles from the dirty peasants who are too afraid to play the game the way nature intended

Just give them the ability to block arrows and you'll see how much they'll still complain about ranged removing more than 10% per shot. I shouldn't have a say when it comes to nerfing shielders because they'll always win a 1v1 against me, same goes about nerfing heavy cavalry because I can't kill their horses. The only imbalances I see are that crossbowmen don't have a requirement skill that forces them to commit to their class (can melee way better than archers), and that the archery builds using less than 8PD are more or less irrelevant.

Currently lying with feaver in bed, but I made some "quick" impression of a story, gonna make a few ones too, but its just for fun. Keep posting my friends  :rolleyes:

(completly not AoE II overtaken)

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That reminds me of how much I'd love to see a GoT spinoff where Tywin destroys the Reyne of Castamere.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Level 32 build (Shielder)
« on: December 27, 2017, 12:22:34 pm »
I think it might be a sweetspot. I played a spearman/1h build with ashwood pike, 24/15 and then 21/15 on my leveling alt, the differences were pretty clear, the first one was heavy-hitting, while the second one is currently a glancefest. Wouldn't recommend going for less than 8PS, especially with cut 1h weapons.

EU (Official) / Re: ban linux
« on: December 27, 2017, 02:22:35 am »
Alright, I will kick Linux from the clan, and hack his account so his looms are mine. I will also hire a hitman on the darknet so justice can be served even better.

wait. you and thorvic are brothers? or did you mean like comrades?

Also great read. I also belong to the crowded group of archers who were traumatized by UIF archery death squad. Gave me ptsd.

Yes. We live in the same house, and some times I need to put on some loud music just not to hear him rage. cRPG turns you mad, just like Kratos lmfao.

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord / Re: CONFIRMED: Nudges in Bannerlord
« on: December 24, 2017, 09:46:47 pm »
We all know the devs appreciate cRPG a lot and actually confirmed that themself on twitter once iirc. No wonder they were going to copy some functions.

Pics or didn't happen.

Story time ? Fuck it, story time. No beautiful pictures, but today I fuckin write. I wrote that garbage story in like 30 mins, and I'm like the worst writer ever. I also can't draw for shit, so well... :^)

What the "story" is based on:
(click to show/hide)

From the French lowlands, 3 young brothers took arms for what they thought right, or merely wealth and wanderlust. The youngest, Herlish, fought for innocent virgins and viscounts, and often was found guarding castles and successfully beating back its invaders through sheer strength. The second brother, Thorvic, and the eldest, Algarn, both joined a band of Frenchmen, calling themselves ironically "Pecores", before joining groups of wandering mercenaries, ravaging the countryside, named "Ecorcheurs" (skinners in English). Both of these men learned how to wield their weapons better and went on with their lives, until the eldest, Algarn, left the company. He thought he had potential to go beyond all of this. To become better, to use his sight and skill with a bow to get more gold than he could have dreamt of. He joined a group of wandering knights, flying a blue banner, after he met their leader, Zaalback. He explained Algarn that he was trying to resuscitate an old, famous knighthood order, long forgotten since then. He took the young bowman, and made him realize he could become way better than he could have.

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They fought side by side for months, campaign after campaign. The order of the Risen warriors however started to meet a lot of difficulties, with food and money becoming scarce, as their outposts fell to armies from the East. A choice arose, as a massive army of mercenaries, bearing black banners and various armors and weapons, passed by. Algarn, pushed by hunger, but also by his lust for money, deserted.
He followed the army, and when the time of settling for the night came, he went and asked one of them how to join. The man was named Phase, and while he looked like an agile warrior, a surprisingly large sword was sheathed in its scabbard. Phase took at look at Algarn, and told him that while he was young, he definitely showed potential. They both walked back to the camp, and stopped in front of a tent. Phase told Algarn to wait, and entered. Three minutes later, a slender, bizarre-looking  man wearing a brigandine got out, and invited the archer in. The young man took a seat as the person who appeared to be the leader took a glance at his armor and weapons. Algarn was wearing a brigandine with aketon and a kettle hat, and had a short sword hanging at his belt, near his quiver of arrows and his bow.

"My name is Tueten, and I'm the chief of this band. Phase told me you're interested for some work, but how far would you go to get some gold ? I used to be a bandit, just like you, until I decided that kings offer more money than mere dead peasants. The problem is that you don't seem ready to fight our battles yet".
A man in the corner of the room, with a thick eastern accent, rose and added : "I mean, look at this, you look so young you probably never fought a real man. You use your bow to stay away from them, you do not know what pain is, nor you have ever watched a man die by your own hand". He got closer to the fire, and Algarn could see the frightening scars on his face.
"Well, Dave, first you also use a crossbow, and you also should let the young lad a chance to prove himself. Like Phase said, he might be promising after all".

After some more discussions, Algarn was accepted into the company as a recruit, and was led to a campfire with three french mercenaries. One, had black skin and was smoking some strange plants, with a curved bow and a sword at his side, the one sleeping already had a large poleaxe next to him, and the last one had some massive moustache and was sharpening some throwing axes.

- "Blackbow, I told you not to smoke that crap when we're about to sleep"
- "Oh fuck off Mendro, you know I can't sleep without some. Hey, you, come over here, who are you boy ?"

Algarn explained how he got here, and blackbow laughed. "You think you're the real deal because you got involved in some raids ? Look at me, kid, I went into way more than you did, and if I'm here today, there has to be a reason to that. You better sleep well, because tomorrow, you'll get your ass to the shooting range so I can see what you got".

At dawn, after a loaf of bread and some chicken, he took his longbow and went to the firing range with Blackbow. There were targets at different ranges, and Blackbow said "I was young once, and I could hit all of these, but now, I'm old and there are some things I can't do anymore".

Algarn managed to hit targets up to 30m, but missed the rest. Even worse, at the last target, the arrow went into the knee of some random adventurer passing by, who then screamed "I WILL REPORT YOU, BITCHBOY !!!". It was humiliating for him, but Blackbow said, "you know, I've seen worse. Alright, go show that heretic what you can do with a staff". These were the last words Algarn heard before he got beaten for two hours straight by a superior warrior with some incredibly strange footwork. The heretic was spinning his staff so fast the young bowman was confused and missed the blocks all of the time.

At dusk, his body was covered in bruises, with even some multiple open wounds caused by the beating.

-"Well, while you're tough to kill, that won't lead you far where we're going. We're sailing to Calradia in a few days, so better rest, heal up, and keep training because the Grey Order won't have the mercy I had".
-"The Grey what ?"
-  "Order." Said Tueten as he came in the tent, surprised by the amount of wounds on the young man's body. "They're enemies from the East, we don't need to know more, we get paid for their heads. Oh, and before I go, you better do what Herezy told you to do, or you won't last long on the walls.

The young recruit took some time to rest, and tried to heal with difficulty his wounds and his pride. 3 days later, they left for the Eastern lands, but then got informed by pigeons that the cities of the Holy Roman Empire were being assaulted, and archers were needed desesperately. Algarn took this opportunity to ask Tueten to go fight on the walls, and he accepted considering the dire situation. Algarn headed to the castle of Derchios, and saw the massive armies afar, swarming the lands of the Holy Roman Empire. As the reinforcements Algarn was part of closed in to the castle, he noticed a very strong, independant-looking woman wielding a longbow just like his, armored with a heavy aketon. He couldn't resist to ask what her name was, and she replied with a german accent : "Nikodin. That's my name. I'm here to take out their plated warriors". "Wait, plated warriors ?" Algarn asked. "Nothing had been said about this in the deal.".

- "Do you know the tragedy of archers ? That's not a story these lords would tell you. They would get so accurate lords would praise them and hire them to defend their castles, but one day, people forged better armors, and while they were accurate, they couldn't kill the carapaced men with their measly arrows. They could save others from mailled soldiers, but not themselves against plated warriors. Ironic."

-"It is possible to get this power ?"

-"Not from weak archers."

They finally arrived in the castle, as one of the armies was closing in. After 8 hours of march, they finally stopped, and set a camp a couple hundred meters away from the castle. Algarn was on watch duty that night, and saw torches lit one after another in the darkness, and sounded the alarm. He grabbed his bow in a hurry, as the defenders gathered in the courtyard and crossbowmen reached the wall. The attackers closed in with ladders, and a siege tower, and suddently, arrows came and decimated the crossbowmen. Algarn peeked through a gap, and saw his targets : monstruous men wearing plates and kuyaks, grey shields and banners, wielding scimitars and steel picks. He opened fired and couldn't take the soldiers out by firing in their torso, because of how well protected they were. He gave up, and tried to locate the archers, and checked the upper level of that siege tower. He saw nomadic archers with curved bows, decimating the garrison of the castle. As he readied to fire, one of these archers realized and shot first. The last thing Algarn saw that night was a siege tower crowded with bowmen. The bodkin arrow hit him in the head, but miraculously bounced off his skull.

When he woke up, the siege was lost. He was one of the rare survivors, and was found lying among the bodies of dozens of men, bearing a massive scar on his head. He was taken prisonner, and put into the dungeon's cages. The door opened, and the guard stepped aside for a familar face to appear : that archer he saw last night. His name was Bagge, and said that he was too young to die in such a way. He set Algarn free, and asked him to come see him when he would be done treating his wound.

Hours later that day, he came to his tent, and asked Bagge the reasons behind his liberation.

-"I've seen many bloodbaths, I've seen so many young men who died for what they thought was right, what do you fight for, archer ? Wait, no, first tell me your name to begin with."
-"My name is Algarn, and I am a mercenary, that should tell you enough."
-"So you aren't buying any of that honor and glory in death bullshit ? Well, that's unexpected. But I'm pleased to see there are some people who aren't going to judge me for what I do because they don't fight for anything else but themselves. And when it comes about the reasons of your liberation, I will confess something to you, young man : either let your enemies leave free so they learn a lesson and don't come back, or kill all of them. I am not an evil man, therefore I am chosing to let you go freely."
- "What of my equipment ?"
- "I fear that the only thing left of your former equipment is your bow, because my men took the rest as spoils of war."

Algarn left the castle, with a mere tunic, and found a dead eastern archer in the pit of the castle, probably killed during the attack. He took his armor off, it was some well-crafted mail, with a red cloak attached to it. He also found a large knife next to the body, as well as a veiled helmet, which would come in handy now that his face had been scarred.

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He rode back to the town of Dhirim, where he asked where to find his band of mercenaries, and he learned that his fellow mercenaries were beaten by the hordes, and fell back to Narra. While he was on his way to reunite with the others and to announce Tueten the castle had fallen, the learned that the Grey Order was declared victorious after all the lands from the Holy Roman Empire fell.

When he reached Narra, he went straight to the tavern to see his leader drinking and having fun with the others, yet as soon as they noticed him, everyone went quiet over his newly aquired armor, and above all else, his scar. He told Tueten his story, and was accepted as a soldier in the company. Then, for years, Algarn worked with the company, fighting bandits for meagre rewards, killing rogue knights and bringing their heads to the unsatisfied lords, but also trying to turn himself into a stronger man. He wanted to one day, be able to take on his revenge on these men of metal and on these archers from the East.

General Discussion / Re: Idea - How to fix a problem
« on: December 24, 2017, 01:52:51 am »
Looms should most likely never be touched. However, lowering the gold by a percentage might not be such an awful idea, if the old armor soak system were to be returned. Gold is no longer a scarce resource at all; this means that there is no incentive for competition anymore. Everyone has millions of gold, and most people have enough looms for at least a full set of gear. Getting a +5 used to be something that mattered - it gave people a reason to actually take winning rounds seriously. I don't think anyone would question that the temperament of NA_1 (I don't think this is true for EU) is less than serious. The game will live on even if the gold is completely left alone, and doing a gold wipe/reduction is a risky move since we *JUST* got the game back alive again; but I personally wouldn't mind losing my gold to see the battle servers become competitive again - imagine plate armor actually being a resource you choose to use carefully.

Considering archers pay already less upkeep because of their lighter armor, they'd be able to spawn their ranged items without being affected in any way. However, infantry would get rekt so badly without the shitton of armor I can't even imagine it.

General Discussion / Re: The Ranged Problem.
« on: December 24, 2017, 01:48:08 am »
There are just too many archers on the server atm
at least 60% either are playing bow or using an xbow
Mercs I'm looking at you you ranged cunts!!

Strangely, there is no coordination/any kind of order making our members play ranged classes, they might be just like the rest of the damn server, who knows ?


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