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Messages - Kaelaen

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General Discussion / Re: NA Watchlist
« on: May 15, 2011, 05:03:00 pm »
I think the people who make these lists follow old guidelines from the list before, causing a never ending chain of "Goretooth is the best player!" when he really isn't. I'm not going to lie, he's a good player but I don't think he does amazing things daily.

I'm not going to deny some of your clan mate's skills because from what I've seen most of them clearly know what they're doing.  But here's the catch: if they're playing seriously.  I don't think people take Dracul seriously because half the time you guys are in peasant gear chopping at trees or running around with practice weapons.  In my mind it mirrors how people see LLJK - CaptainMorgan for example I think is a pretty good player but because of his association I don't think people will ever consider him in any of these lists.

General Discussion / Re: NA Watchlist
« on: May 14, 2011, 07:50:59 am »
I feel the most dread against Cyranule actually, just saw him go 63-3 on a battle server yesterday with a longsword (normally hes 1hander), haven't seen any of these other guys do that on a battle server lately even with danish greatswords and becs.

Ranged was on that day.  Why did no one shoot him down?! D:

General Discussion / Re: What is THAT?
« on: May 12, 2011, 03:57:43 am »
Got it on my archer recently, I now have gilded hourglass gauntlets which seem to do exactly the same things as a regular pair of hourglass gauntlets.  Got it in like 3 rounds on a x2.

Definitely probably has to do with how little you change your equipment, I've been wearing the standard BRD light armor set on my two main characters for awhile now but when the patch hit I changed my main melee guy's uniform to the brynja on the first post-patch day and haven't changed that since.  But, judging by the fact I haven't been getting the message on my melee character even though I play him more and have a much higher KDR on him, the fact is I have been wearing that uniform for a lesser period of time so... yeah.

Don't know if weapons have anything to do with it, I've never changed my longsword on my melee guy but I have changed around my bow and melee weapon several times on my archer looking for a good combination.

General Discussion / Re: NA Watchlist
« on: May 12, 2011, 03:48:16 am »
- whines about every. little. thing.
- will also kill you

Weird, I didn't know he became Cryranule all of a sudden.  Anyway, I love popularity contests!  Who care if it's been done before, Kalam abandoned it so let's do it again!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Langes Messer
« on: May 11, 2011, 04:27:54 pm »
Thing about it being short range though is I can stab people point blank with it and never whiff.  Not once in the duel server did I need to spin stab for it to be effective, and when I'm right there in people's faces with a supposed two-hander stabbing with a polearm animation, it really messes with people's heads.  I read somewhere on these forums that the lolstab had transferred from two-handers to polearms, and I'd have to agree because whenever I stabbed people it made me lol.

General Discussion / Re: Which 1h is best in their category?
« on: May 11, 2011, 05:46:09 am »
Not everyone is as good at face stabbing as you, Bob.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Name Changing in the New Site
« on: May 11, 2011, 04:51:12 am »
Well people know you more as Malaclypse than random_title_here so it's not like you were breaking the standards.

Scene Editing / Re: New TunaTown maps for BRD by BGallemore
« on: May 10, 2011, 05:14:48 pm »
Sea battle map looks nice, but what if the players fall of  the ships?

They die.  No really, there's no force fields or anything in that map so I find the idea of being able to fall off into death due to bad footwork or bad parkour an interesting concept.  Didn't really care too much the other two, but last I heard the maze map was going to be made smaller so I think it's still a viable idea. 

As people have stated in-game, I didn't really know the theme or the point of the farm map other than running into each other and occasionally into bumpy hills.  My natural inclination to explore just wasn't activating in that map, there didn't seem to be much of a point going here or there when running into each other in the open field where each team spawned provided the same gameplay.  I would like to use Tydeus's village river map as an example to draw inspiration from should you need it.  In the center of the town you had a place for archers to arch, to the left of it you had an open field for cavalry to cav, and the north of it where the other team crossed the bridge provided a focused part for all types of people to do battle in.  Not to mention the fun underwater fighting.

Basically what I'm saying is put some more thought into what you want people to do in certain areas of the map, otherwise it's just a generic field map.

All in all though, not a bad foray into map making considering you only just recently discovered the map editor and only spent a few hours in it.  If you're still taking suggestions, I did like the dangerous footwork concept in your ship map very much and would like to see more bridge-intensive battles where backpedallers better learn to parry lest they like falling off things.  Was a breath of fresh air gameplay-wise.

Server Info / Re: cRPG_TunaTown
« on: May 10, 2011, 04:51:01 pm »
Yes, it's off every Monday-Thursday for now.

For me personally, my two-hander.  I find it very easy crutching on 8 powerstrike compared to say, crutching on 8 powerdraw.  In fact, my bow rarely seems to shoot straight these days.  I haven't played cavalry seriously enough to warrant an opinion on how that would go (both my riding alts are joke characters - one has 10 athletics and 10 riding and the other is a horse archer).

Granted this isn't so effective on siege,

Heh, I don't think you've seen the CanYouBlockDown and CanYouBlockUp train then.  Granted I doubt they can play on siege very much because Brunchlady can't seen to play on highly populated servers, and seeing as now even I can't play on them anymore due to server lag I am guessing they haven't been able to show other pikers how it's done.

I don't think the guy he was fighting was holding his up strikes, but because they are naturally slower Murmillus_Prime did seem to constantly make the mistake of letting go of the block button.  I myself make that mistake often.  Memento_Mori and everyone else was correct in earlier posts in that you are trying to tap block.  It doesn't matter if you know or don't know what it means, you only hold your block for like a split second before trying to retaliate, which is easy picking for good duelists no matter their weapons.  Not to mention... dat backpedal

Faction Halls / Re: [Cavalieres] The Cavalieres (Recruiting)
« on: May 02, 2011, 09:22:38 am »
I like this clan.

General Discussion / Re: Kicked while having 5x multiplier
« on: May 02, 2011, 02:18:48 am »
Haven't seen it happen once yet actually, so.... wut?

Don't think you play siege very often, I've stopped playing there completely myself due to the insane lag I get on top of people pulling this on me.

When I'm in the middle of archering the absolute LAST thing I'm looking at is the peasant to my left looking at me funny.  The second last thing I'm looking at is the goddamn chat box where the warning appears.  Tankmen and Kesh are correct - it's a little bitch message that I at least cannot see in the middle of battle.  Is it a personal failing?  Maybe, but I've been trolled with it twice now when I was clearly in combat both times so I am completely against this system.

General Discussion / Re: Auto Block Hack At Work?
« on: May 01, 2011, 07:52:05 pm »
Even if that works, the combat engine in this game won't make the average player sudden become OP duelists.  There's the whole timing and distance thing to worry about, and as far as I'm aware that hack doesn't compensate for those at all.

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