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Messages - Algarn

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12] 13 14 ... 203
Announcements / Re: Belated Update
« on: January 13, 2018, 03:10:36 am »
It's good that I'm not going crazy if I find the camels stupidly tanky/too agile. Also the archery melee buff should be reverted if anything, and blunt weapons should be put on par with 1h cut weapons.

Sell/Trade / Re: uwuwu's den of iniquity
« on: January 12, 2018, 02:01:40 am »
Simple question, what would you trade the ashwood pike for ?

Faction Halls / Re: [Merc] Mercenaries
« on: January 12, 2018, 02:00:57 am »
Do we still have a forum or a ts?

No forum anymore, we got a discord.

General Discussion / Re: THE RANGED EXPERIENCE
« on: January 11, 2018, 08:25:40 pm »
Alright, gonna need these arrows back, hope you enjoyed them.

EU (Official) / Exams are over, please unban
« on: January 11, 2018, 11:00:34 am »
Pretty please. Otherwise I'll have to keep having a healthy lifestyle for 12 more hours, I can't take it anymore.

You shouldn't announce your vote on a hidden poll.

Sorry, Algarn. We're gonna have to remove you from the competition.

Eh, late night study of boring books made this detail go above my head. Besides, I doubt my story full of plotholes would win anything, I'd be a shame for me to win when there are actually talented writers/drawers here.

General Discussion / Re: THE RANGED EXPERIENCE
« on: January 08, 2018, 04:51:24 pm »

Ok, not 30%, can be 60% maybe
Bt it is still not much for that build :mad:

UPDATED 2 (question)
Does impact Weapon points in Archery for dmg?

Yes I think. Effective WPF affect damage above 150 wpf, 1.5% for 10 wpf. 1 wpf has 15% damage penalty iirc, 150 wpf 0%, 170 wpf 4.5% more damage.

General Discussion / Re: Multiplier
« on: January 07, 2018, 02:08:03 am »
I'd rather divide the amount of xp required by 1/3 or by 2 all across the board.. That kind of thing would just increase banner stacking in my opinion.

Biggest problem with the game atm, is that barely anyone wants to do the outdoor maps.

Majority of the gameplay videos are in the factory.

I stopped playing EFT ages ago because of how frustrating the AI was on said outdoor maps (or in general). They could miss their shots from point blank range, or insta gib you through an entire forest with a makarov. Besides, they need to make the gunplay feel more reliable : the last time I played it, they could tank 5 7.62 rounds at most (fired from 20m), or die from a single torso shot. And don't get me started on the servers, or the AI detecting you while you're trying to sneak around (or above their heads for that matter). If they improve on these issues, and release the planned content, it's easily a GOTY contender for realistic FPS'.

Announcements / Re:, New Year, New Balance(tm), New Beginnings
« on: January 04, 2018, 02:27:01 pm »
So now, I got the ability to use my 3 slots bow, two stacks of bodkin arrows, and a long one handed ? Why.

General Discussion / Re: THE RANGED EXPERIENCE
« on: January 03, 2018, 10:55:19 pm »
You just said yourself that I was using the wrong arrows, Tybalt was wearing armour so that would explain the lack of damage. That's the joy of an experiment, you get results you don't expect sometimes. Far from over though, I'm sure I'll have plenty of good experiences with archer too just like my first game.
there aren't any +3 bods in the armoury so I'll have to use basic bodkins.

I can lend you mines, just put up stones. I won't use them until my exams are over, so feel free to help yourself with those.

General Discussion / Re: THE RANGED EXPERIENCE
« on: January 03, 2018, 09:50:02 pm »
Why on earth aren't you using bodkin arrows ? Using tatar arrows +3 will give something like +11 damage to the bow, making it absolutely terrifying against low armor, yet completely useless against high armor targets, which is the meta of EU. Tatar arrows will start to lose a lot of effectiveness on people wearing 40 body armor, which is reached by anyone with a body armor weight above 8 (+3 ofc).

I also loved:

"Archery didn't feel weak", just before "that did make archery feel very weak"

General Discussion / Re: The Ranged Problem.
« on: January 02, 2018, 04:00:46 pm »

ok guise i hereby confirm that i will be engaging in an experiemtn, a DANGFERUS experitment that may even give me CANCER but im wiling to do it to help the crap pe ge player base

i will delve into the life of a newbie archer and see what it is TRULY LIKE for these annoying CUNTBAGS


i will update u when i know more

it is signed, i can only approved,

ladodada, hater of archers, jumper of walls, uwuwu of uwu's, killer of babies.

(psst ay yo if u got any cancerous archer builds hit me up on discord or pm me here i'm fucking retarded and have no idea how to build an archer)

30/12, level 32/3
One Handed: 5
Archery: 120

Weapon Master: 4
Athletics: 4
Power Strike: 5 (8 if 33)
Power Draw: 10

Use a Yew Longbow only.

27/15, level 32/33
One Handed: 40
Archery: 129

Weapon Master: 5
Athletics: 5
Power Strike: 4/7
Power Draw: 9

Use longbow/rus bow, and not yew longbow.

You can go full ranged and put no melee wpf nor PS, which will make you worthless at anything but ranged, so be advised if you choose that path.

For both builds, keep the effective weight level below respectively 10 and 9, remember that the effective weight multipliers for wpf penalties are 1 for body armor and boots, 2 for helmets and 6 for gloves. Pick any 1h sword/mace you feel comfortable with, and never pick anything else than bodkin arrows, loomed if possible; note that your bow must be loomed as well, unless you like to hurt yourself. Have fun and good luck.

Feel free to PM any additional question about your suffering.

EU (Official) / Re: Ban me please
« on: January 02, 2018, 03:52:44 pm »
Thanks a lot Uther !

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