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Messages - Rico

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Suggestions Corner / Hide experience bar, gold and/or multiplier
« on: June 03, 2012, 02:55:03 pm »
For example, the option to press 'c' to hide the experience bar, your gold and/or the multiplier.

Sometimes you do not want to see how long it will take to level 31 etc., but just enjoy the game.

Sell/Trade / Trading a Masterwork Long Bow and Sharp Bodkin Arrows
« on: May 23, 2012, 08:34:32 pm »

I am offering a Masterwork Long Bow
(click to show/hide)

and Sharp Bodkin Arrows.
(click to show/hide)

I would be happy if I could get one of the following items in exchange:
  • A Masterwork Tatar Bow if you want the bow or a Fine Tatar Bow if you want the arrows
  • A Mighty Mace or a Powerful Mace
  • A Champion Destrier or a Spirited Destrier
  • Masterwork Barbed Arrows or Sharp Barbed Arrows

Thank you,

Suggestions Corner / Re: Secondary mode for bows
« on: May 23, 2012, 07:28:15 pm »
92.8% want the secondary mode atm. All we need is a developer saying us that he implements this :mrgreen:

Okay, I was thinking about a direct coherence, but it could be meant in that indirect way: depending on the build, 1 point in IF means 1 less in athletics, just because there are no skill points left. Hell, why can't people explain things clearly?

Thank you very much!

Thank you both. WaltF4 does not write anything about the movement speed penalty as well. This rumor seems to be bullshit, doesn't it?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Does IF decrease the movement speed?
« on: May 23, 2012, 05:33:30 pm »
As title says. I've just heard the rumor and I don't know if it's true.

I mean, I would not be too surprised if it is true because PD lowers your effective archery wpf which I didn't know before a while. Hell, how do you actually know these things? Do you read the code of the game? If yes, how to open it? Please don't tell me that you just read the forums to get those informations, the people posting such stuff must have found this out somehow before and I'd like to know how they do it. I just hate to be informed about everything in such a second-hand way...  :?

Thank you,
Sorin  :mrgreen:

Realism Discussion / Re: Throwing
« on: May 23, 2012, 04:40:39 pm »
Historically, throwing weapons were used as cheap disposable projectiles that you could launch at the enemy before moving into melee range. Throwing axes, for example, weren't actually used to kill anyone - they just bounced around and disrupted enemy formations.

It's the first time I've heard about that. How do you know that? Has someone tested it? Maybe the person who did the test was not skilled enough? I mean, even stones thrown from a wall killed people, at least by kicking them of the ladders. I just can't believe that throwing weapons did not have killing potencial. Used professionaly, I'm sure they had.

See what humans are able to do:
No repeater crossbow is that fast. This is why I think that the throwing weapons should not be nerfed. People really have the potencial to use them correctly.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Secondary mode for bows
« on: May 23, 2012, 04:26:09 pm »
Just make archers a bit more effective against other archers by allowing them to change the quivers. Most archers will switch to 1 quiver of Bodkins and 1 of Tatars. The great majority of the non-archers wears heavy armor, and they can be happy about archers having only 17 instead of 34 of those dangerous Bodkins. Why do you even think about nerfing the secondary-mode-quiver? Those arrows will be mainly used against other archers and all are content :mrgreen:

Suggestions Corner / Re: Secondary mode for bows
« on: May 22, 2012, 09:16:16 am »
(click to show/hide)

A. Range between the archer and the enemy
    a. Archer is using Bodkin Arrows
        P1. Archer is effective against polearm infantry (no shield), same for the Bodkins
        P2. Archer is effective against twohand infantry (no shield), same for the Bodkins
        P3. Archer is effective against light cavalry (shooting the horse), the Bodkins are not
        P4. Archer is effective against other archers, the Bodkins are not (due to light armor and low ammo)
        N1. Archer is neither effective nor ineffectiv against throwers (because it depends on shield/no shield), the Bodkins are neutral (depends on the armor)
        C1. Archer is ineffective against heavy cavalry (high armor and speed, I tested it with Simon on a duel server), the Bodkins are not
        C2. Archer is ineffective against crossbowman (the crossbow is much more accurate and it's rather a far range missile weapon while the bow is a medium range distance weapon; throwing weapons are low range distance weapons), the Bodkins are neutral (depends on the armor)
        C3. Archer is ineffective against shielders, same for Bodkins (due to low ammo, you really do not want to waste them on a shield wall)
    b. Archer is using Tatar Arrows
        P1. Archer is effective against polearm infantry, not the Tatars
        P2. Archer is effective against twohand infantry, not the Tatars
        P3. Archer is effective against light cavalry, same for the Tatars
        P4. Archer is effective against other archers, same for the Tatars
        N1. Archer is neither effective nor ineffectiv against throwers, the Tatars are neutral (depends on the armor)
        C1. Archer is ineffective against heavy cavalry, same for the Tatars
        C2. Archer is ineffective against crossbowman, the Tatars are neutral (depends on the armor)
        C3. Archer is ineffective against shielders, not the Tatars

B. Low distance between the archer and the enemy/ Crossbow not reloaded in an open field
        P1. Archer is effective against infantry with low athletics
        P2. Archer is effective against crossbowmen
        N2. Archer is neither effective nor ineffective against throwers
        C1. Archer is ineffective against light cavalry
        C2. Archer is ineffective against heavy cavalry
        C3. Archer is ineffective against fast infantry

This should be complete (despite the HA, excuse that). At the moment, most archers use 2 stacks of Bodkins due to the piece damage. I come to the conclusion that allowing them to switch to tatars by pressing 'x' etc. would make them more effective against light cavalry over far distances (ride some fast zigzag) and against other archers in general. This means, allowing them to change the stacks of arrows they are currently using encourages them to fight each other and rather spares the infantry from archer fire.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Secondary mode for bows
« on: May 22, 2012, 08:38:33 am »
In terms of making money as an archer:

Before I joined a clan, with medium armour, 2 stacks of Bodkins and one of the heavier bows I've made the experience that I lose money. Playing in a clan as an archer usually makes your average multiplicator higher as you play organized and you have some infantry that really helps you, other archers and xbows when attacked in melee or sometimes you even get a shield wall. Consequently, it is logical that some say they lose money and others do not.

However, money is not the main reason why archers should be able to change the quiver. It's rather the tactical issue I can only repeat: Archers should be allowed to bring piece and blunt damage arrows like the throwers may change their weapons and infantry may bring more then one weapon or even activate the secondary mode. This is a question of fairness; make the same right for everyone.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Pavise?
« on: May 07, 2012, 09:23:55 am »
+1!!!! Of courser you should be able to take that shield up and use it again. Magnificent idea. Press "x" to put it on the ground for example so it can be used as a normal shield too ^^

It's basically a good idea, but we must find another secondary mode which is not activated with the "x"-button. Otherwise, pressing "x" would be the command to use the shield and the weapon in their secondary modes.

Suggestions Corner / Please change the stats of the Leather Armor
« on: May 06, 2012, 06:22:15 pm »
Please change the stats of the Leather Armor from currently

weight: 2.1
body armor: 18


weight: 2.1
body armor: 15
leg armor: 9

like the Skirmisher Armor. Then, looming this armor will increase the leg armor as well, which will make this usable. Alternatively, the stats could stay as they are now, but looming increases the leg armor from 0 to something.

However, I am sure some of us (including me) would loom the Leather Armor if it had some leg armor. So please, add leg armor to this, because otherwise the armor has iron knee protection but no leg armor, not even loomed.

Thank you,

Suggestions Corner / Re: Secondary mode for bows
« on: March 16, 2012, 01:38:02 pm »
"To my knowledge you cannot use 2 seperate stacks of arrows properly. If we were to add a secondary mode function to be able to switch between quivers though.. For example, you are cruising around with one stack of 20 barbed arrows shooting peasants, but then you see a plate armoured guy. Oh well no problem. Press 'x' and switch to your stack of 15 bodkins. I think it would greatly add variety to archery and allow for more tactical gameplay from an archers point of view."

Great idea imo. Please add a poll to this suggestion!

General Discussion / Re: Re: Latest version download
« on: May 14, 2011, 10:12:30 pm »
Well, my error is called "runtime error". But it seems to be the same shit :/

cRPG Technical problems / Re: How to enter
« on: April 30, 2011, 03:23:09 am »
Ok, I'm in. All i need seems to be patience. But it took quite a long time...

Sorry again.

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