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Messages - Kelugarn

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NA (Official) / MOVED: brokeback_mountaineer's unban essay
« on: August 27, 2013, 02:55:26 am »
This topic has been moved to Unban Essays.

Move to Global Unban Essays since that's where they go.

Diplomacy / Re: Ismirala Castle
« on: August 26, 2013, 09:55:25 am »
Kinngrimm was a hero we didn't deserve. It's our own fault he's gone now.

Diplomacy / Re: Dolby the traitor?
« on: August 26, 2013, 02:53:30 am »
He did manage to cash out though. 9 loom points for a castle towards the end of strat, at least he didn't go cheap.

It should go without saying that you need to watch your shots and try to avoid hitting people that are dueling, don't go and use other unwilling players as target practice.

I'd like to point out that I tried to high five you before we engaged the enemy team, but you ignored me and then reversed your course, leaving me to die a lonely and cruel death.

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Request - Clockworkkiller
« on: August 24, 2013, 02:03:58 am »
Witnessed him leeching for multiple consecutive rounds. Banned for 24 hours.

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Request - Armabust, Eren_Jaeger, Kolee, Butthole
« on: August 19, 2013, 02:37:09 am »
Stop posting inane comments in ban threads. I'll give 24 hours for Kolee & friends to post their case.

Diplomacy / Re: Meanwhile on the doorstep of Fisdnar...
« on: August 16, 2013, 07:49:39 pm »
I've unleashed my Evil Wizard Army upon Fisdnar, our smoke bombs will blacken your skies and pollute your streets. Your plebeian army stands no chance against the might of NA's Evil Wizard Empire, surrender while you can!

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Request- Spiritus_de_Astralis
« on: August 14, 2013, 11:27:42 pm »
First off, please try and use proper punctuation and grammar, it will make your posts much easier to read.

In your defense you say that you teamkilled Madking as retaliation for being TKed previously by an RoR member, however revenge teamkills are not acceptable, and even then it was not Madking who TKed you, but RoR_Thryn whom you did not report at the time. Since you have two prior teamkilling bans on record I'm issuing a 24 hour ban this time. The lesson here is remember that other players might not appreciate your affection as much as others.

Remember to post in my admin feedback thread.

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Request - RoR_SugarHoe
« on: August 14, 2013, 10:39:39 pm »
I'd repeat what I said in your previous thread but even then it was far too much effort on my part for the situation. Allow me to give you the summary: If you can't handle someone insulting you then use your client side mute function or turn off the game and go outside. No one is getting banned because they told you to kill yourself over the internet.

General Discussion / Re: Just thought I'd drop this here
« on: August 14, 2013, 08:21:34 am »
A+ would watch again, I absolutely love watching new people and hearing their reactions to the game.

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Request - Daimyo_Tsubohachi
« on: August 13, 2013, 11:18:57 pm »
While I'm not going to ban Daimyo_Tsubohachi I'll remind everyone to respect other players as much as possible. You never know who's on the other end of your insult and it's entirely possible that you could throw the straw that breaks the camel's back. However Palurgee has raised a valid point, if you feel harassed/threatened/etc. by another player's words then the last thing you should do is responding in kind.

We're not here to play internet censorship 2013, try to enjoy the game and be mature. That means don't be some troll or e-thug who's trying to ruin lives through a game, and if someone tries to do it to you have the presence of mind to realize that they're just acting poorly. If playing the game is stressing you out or the source of negative emotions it's a sign to turn it off and take a step back, don't pull a Huey and put a hole in your wall.

If you really are suffering from severe emotional instability then I strongly advise you to take a break from playing a game that's populated by 90% trolls and seek professional help.

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Request- Spiritus_de_Astralis
« on: August 13, 2013, 11:05:04 pm »
I'll give the defendant 24 hours to post in his defense.

NA (Official) / Re: Banned for?
« on: August 13, 2013, 12:39:53 am »
You were banned for an hour for repeatedly suiciding at the beginning of back to back rounds, your score was -8 and you had -2 kills and 2 deaths. The ban is set to expire in another 20 minutes or so.

NA (Official) / Re: Unban bootie
« on: August 11, 2013, 11:38:24 pm »
 If this wasn't your 7th ban for TW/TKing I might be more lenient.

The fact that you got to -40 score means that you spent more time and energy attacking your own team than the enemy, which means you not only intentionally team wounded, but you failed to contribute to your team's effort to win. I'd call that leeching if it weren't for the fact that you actually assisted the enemy team with your actions, something more severe that just not participating.

You have to realize that while attacking your friends on the same team may be "fun" for you the game isn't about you and your friends, it's about teamwork. I think it's reasonable to assume that the other 40+ players on your team enjoy winning more than watching their teammates pointlessly kill each other during the round. From the screenshot that Oohillac provided and the logs it's quite obvious that the round was still in full swing, remember it's never acceptable to teamkill while the round is in progress, regardless of whether the other party is your friend or not.

Having said that I'd like to remind everyone who sees this post that the manner in which you present your self and your case in your unban thread bears quite heavily on how the admin responsible reviews the ban. Being courteous and respectful with a well reasoned argument will always get you further than spastic accusations and ad hominem tactics.

In conclusion, I've decided to deny your request for an early unban. If this was one of your first or second offenses and you showed remorse I would unban you, if you hadn't managed to get -40 score, which takes dedication, I might have shortened the ban. If you think this is unjustified let me remind you that this type of behavior can result in much more serious punishment. Learn to respect other players, everyone deserves to enjoy the game but if your version of "fun" hinders your team it is unacceptable.

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