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Messages - Algarn

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11] 12 13 ... 203
General Discussion / Re: cRPG Quote Thread
« on: January 22, 2018, 04:08:20 pm »
"I like your voice, Algarn. You really sound like a French fuckboy." - Antonio, Merc TS.

"You guys are a disgrace, you've been playing this mod for 7 years and you're still getting rekt." - Kratos, during a strat battle.

"Die" - Cassi.

Announcements / Re: Back in Action
« on: January 22, 2018, 04:01:55 pm »

-Soak: 1H cut buffed, higher amounts of cut nerfed

Thank you. Seriously, thanks for buffing garbage 1h weapons, I just hope you left out the very high damage ones like the military cleaver.

General Discussion / Re: Ranged cap per team
« on: January 21, 2018, 05:52:23 pm »
The problem arise when there's too much ranged in one team, said team either lose or dominates for the next 3 rounds depending on what the other team has got when it comes to class distribution. It also depends on the map, maps with roofs will always be beneficial for ranged players, for example, Dave and me both went 15+ kills on that map with the two roofs at the center, then proceed to get rekt because there were just too many archers in our team, making us unable to hold all of the cav/melee in front of us.
Then, when it comes to your solution, what defines a ranged player ? Cos anyone can take a crossbow, or at least put some wpf in it. Another issue resides in the level of the players, why should a crossbow main be blocked from entering the server because a level 15 crossbowman is currently playing ?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Balance for crossbows
« on: January 19, 2018, 05:31:50 pm »
Actually it's not tripling the upkeep, I just made a typo and copied the current price of Heavy Crossbow instead of Arbalest.
15196 is current price of Arba and suggested is 32794 which is roughly doubled price. The rest of changes in price are not as big, around x1.5

I don't know if it's wise to set upkeeps this high. 32k is roughly the price of a top tier warhorse, the upkeep is just massive. As an archer with roughly 2k max repairs (bow+arrows account for more than 50%), I don't even make money anymore after the gold changes, and this is while playing on an average of x3-4.

General Discussion / Re: Gold Wipe Poll
« on: January 18, 2018, 12:30:48 am »
Or you just keep your wealth stashed as loompoints.

Faction Halls / Re: [Merc] Mercenaries I wanna join
« on: January 17, 2018, 03:46:32 pm »
Main Character = D3MON_the_TurkSlayer
lvl 30
Str 32
Agi 3
Two Handed 45
Iron Flesh 10
Athletics 1
Riding 1
Shield 1
Power Strike 10
Power Throw 7
Weapon Master 1
Gold 89.1k
Inventory: Danish Greatsword, Danish Two Handed Sword, Flamberge, German Spiral Mace, Hunting Crossbow, Lowlander Sword, Masterwork Two Handed Sword, Masterwork Spear, Ornamented Churburg Curiass, Ornamented Hourglass Gauntlets, Oramented Steel Greeves, Ornamented Sugarloaf Helmet, Plated Donkey, Red Shield, Saracen Lance, Siege Shield, Spathion, Steel Bolts

I also have 500k spread amongst five other characters .

Sorry for the late answer, pm Merc_Algarn on the website. Not gonna lie, your build is a mess, but don't worry, I'll make sure you get a better build at the very least.

Here is the ts address :, we often get on it when there are more than 5-6 members on EU1.

General Discussion / Re: Another Tweak to Leveling System Poll
« on: January 15, 2018, 11:15:21 pm »
3 more hp per level would be better (since you don't get skill points at all, therefore no minmaxed builds), and less XP overall should be required (who's going to play 500 more hours to reach 34 ?). 2018 should be the year bannerlord finally releases (probably toward december or something), so there's no point in playing religiously again for the average joe, or even old players themselves.

Throwing lances would be flat out better if you plan on investing points in throwing. If it's just to throw without any investment, it'd be wiser to loom your armor first at all costs, since unlike the lance, it'll stick to you until you die or the round ends.

Empire for Byzantine armors and tactics, and so I can say "crush the rebels".


Will be sure to.

Please excuse Algarn. He's barely survived an exam marathon recently and it's most likely that his brain turned into mush.

That'd have required me to have a brain before that, jokes on ya.

Welp, this was not expected even in my wildest dreams.

Thanks a lot for this contest, those were some great stories there.

Edit : lmao

Suggestions Corner / Re: Current situation of One-Handed (Cut) Weapons.
« on: January 13, 2018, 11:02:23 pm »
So just add rapiers, that would give a weapon that looks like a sword but can be as viable as the blunt/pierce hammer things. visitors can't see pics , please register or login

If the scottish sword could only stab like the sai I would MW it. I think thats what makes the sai so good, not having to make a miss click and doing a swing when you want the stab/pierce damage because every swing is a stab regardless.

Won't solve the problem, adding pierce 1hs isn't going to buff the ones needing it. Lowering the gold income won't either, cos everyone has millions stored in cash already.

Sell/Trade / Re: uwuwu's den of iniquity
« on: January 13, 2018, 08:22:29 pm »
Sorry for the late reply, would you be interested by a grosses messer ?

General Discussion / Re: I am so alonely
« on: January 13, 2018, 07:37:58 pm »
I love that anime will soon spread into the forums.

Kill it with fire.

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