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Messages - Sir_PedoBear

Pages: 1 [2]
Diplomacy / Re: Diplomat Registry
« on: June 10, 2011, 05:06:55 pm »
woops wrong thread sry

I imagine certain communist admins (not chadz derp) will come and cry hard about you using the word ''Rapist'' in your name as the person seems to have alot of female hormones though em are males lol.

And other people who finds profanitys and such words disgusting might do the same.

In any case i wish your clan good luck  :wink:

lol thanks and we picked this name cause i just thought of it on the fly and it painted a pretty whacky scene in my mind. Anyway my fellow barbershop rapists (now we're about six) liked the name too so we hope the admins dont throw a fit about it.

    This is the official thread for the Calradian Barbershop Rapists clan. We are small as of now but we will become bigger and better and will eventually bring calradia to its knees...then make it suck our dicks while we give it a nice shave.

Current member count: 7

If anyone wishes to join the Calradian Barbershop Rapists post here saying so and put CBR before your name and make your banner this (sorry we're still coming up with ideas for a banner).
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

 Right now being a new clan we are accepting all who wish to join.

Thanks to Rudy_Brah we have our own section on a vent server

hostname ip:
port #4320
password: tofuburger

we need everyone in the clan to watch this thread and post in it telling us your in as a headcount so we can actually start organizing as a clan.

Important Notifications:


  • We need someone to design a good banner for us to use since our current default one kinda sucks.

    Basic guidelines are:
    -should involve barbershop colors (red and white stripes)
    -preferably somewhat humorous (dark humor definitely encouraged i.e. rape)
    -obviously use the banner template from here:,2990.0.html

    Everyone is encouraged to design their own banner idea and submit it on this thread and later by either vote or just my personal choice we'll submit one of those to the clan banners pack thread.

  • Another important thing. Strategus game map is down but we should get involved in the Clan tournaments that are being held. I must look further in to how to participate in these but check back on this thread more often right now because as of now we basically are just a name and havent done any clan activity. THAT WILL CHANGE.

  • lastly when you play mount and blade just have ventrilo open in the background cause chances are alot of us are playing at the same time and we can do more together. If the hotkey bothers you (i forgot which one but it was one of the keys i used) i recommend making the push to talk hotkey ctrl since thats not used in warband.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: What is Strategus?
« on: June 09, 2011, 09:29:00 pm »,134869.0.html

Keep in mind that it's currently frozen and will be unfrozen when there's a serious update to it, which will change a lot of how things work, or so we're informed.

the page cant be found. I also am wondering what this is since everyone seems to be talking about it.

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