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Messages - Panoply

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In some way, the degree to which a fief's needs are met by trade goods could influence the recruit and crafting rate. That is, if a village's food demand is not being met, maybe it could be penalized by a lower recruitment rate, whereas if it has its demand met, then it has a higher recruitment rate. Similarly for tools, except with respect to crafting efficiency.

Not sure how luxuries might factor in, perhaps it could be related to prosperity, or just remain a generally high profit margin good.

Faction Halls / Re: CHAOS - War is Hell (NA Faction)
« on: October 19, 2011, 02:10:02 am »

I like the idea, and have been thinking along similar lines. The current economy works in a really wonky way.

I feel that the core of the problem is that there is no demand for the generic goods, but that this could be solved by inducing demand in fiefs, as you've suggested with your tools/food/luxury system. The basic idea is that each village has a determined demand function of various goods and this determines the sell value that you get for those goods. I previously mentioned that to make this idea workable, you'd have to reduce the variety of different kinds of goods, because if each fief produces a unique good, it might be difficult to implement a plausible demand function for each village.

Your tools/food/luxury system is not a bad way to deal with this issue. You could still have unique goods, as long as they fall into more manageable categories.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Suggested New Feature: Hiding
« on: October 17, 2011, 07:09:37 pm »
This is a good idea. I'm more a fan of continuous functions though, so rather than a hard cap at 50 people, you set it so that the more troops you have, the less benefit you get from hiding in terms of how close someone has to be to discover you. This can easily be set as a discount on your look_in vs their look_out. I'm sure chadz can come up with a fun pow() function.

As well, I've been thinking that it would be cool for armies to have some kind of sneak function. It would be similar to this idea, except that you can move, just a lot slower than normal and you can be discovered from a greater distance. This might help bandits set up position, or afford an attacking armor some element of surprise.

I do think prosperity should be affected by player actions, but I think you've got it backward.

You're creating a positive feedback loop here, when a real market normally operates on negative feedback loops. Selling should not increase prosperity. Production/crafting should increase prosperity, not decrease it. For me one of the more obvious ways to decrease prosperity is if the fief were attacked or raided.

However I agree with Dehitay, in that it would be better if good prices weren't so heavily linked to prosperity. As it is, low fief prosperity is actually a good thing... I would rather see fief prosperity linked to improvements that can be built by fief owners as well as a general function of player activity. You'd have a trade off between higher taxes to fund such public works projects, or lower taxes to attract more players to your fief. I'd rather see goods prices affected more by some kind of demand function, you could artificially induce one in each fief if need be (you'd likely have to cut down on the number of different kinds of goods).

You can make far more gold than that per hour if you know which fiefs are low prosperity and which ones are high.

Even so, that's not really how a market works. You could be right, but if you are, then you have the opportunity to make large profits by being a middleman in the market. You could prove yourself right by making lots of money off your 1 troop / 13g assessment. For example, you could recruit troops and sell them for c-rpg gold and use that gold to buy strat gold if you think you can get a better ratio than 1/13, and you'd make more strat gold than you would crafting.

Thanks for the bumps.

It always bothered me that the bar mace was unbalanced because it doesn't at all look like its weight is terribly skewed toward the end of the weapon. I mean, the thing even has a pommel, which presumably would act to counterweight it as well.

I'd even be ok with reducing the weight or the damage if it meant that the item was unbalanced.

:P i dont want buy
but i think price will be like 1 troops = 25 gold  :mrgreen:

Nah, look at the buy section. If Troyicide is buying troops at 400 c-rpg gold and buying strat gold at 5 c-rpg gold, then by that index, a troop is worth 400/5 = 80 strat gold. Tydeus used to have his index at 75 gold, but it's dropped to 50 gold per troop now.

I'm not in any particular hurry to sell these troops, and I believe that troops will get more valuable in the future, so I can wait if need be.

ill buy your troops with crpg gold?

Nope. I don't want to then have to buy strat gold with c-rpg gold. But you can always buy my troops with strat gold, and with the c-rpg gold you would have used to buy my troops, buy more strat gold. :P

Strategus Issues / Re: First impressions about Village defense
« on: October 17, 2011, 01:51:36 am »
The armor doesn't seem that bad considering their peasants. I would like to see better 1h weapons though, at least hatchets.

Also, I'm surprised more factions haven't started attacking villages yet. Just me personally, I've been able to amass 80 troops with relative ease, and I think if I had a gold/craft farming partner (or two), I could equip them well enough. Factions, get on your shit!

General Discussion / Re: 500K Halloween tourney October 29th
« on: October 17, 2011, 01:39:59 am »
Bad timing. I'm sure I'm not alone in saying I will be either hungover, getting ready to drink, or drunk. Halloween is one of the best holidays.

General Discussion / Re: Blocks not working?
« on: October 17, 2011, 01:36:37 am »
Latency and packet loss. What you see on your screen is not always what the server registers as actually happening.

I don't really find that this happens to me much. I don't know if there's really anything that can be done about it, except improve your connection?

As the topic says, I'm looking to sell troops for strategus gold. I've got just over 70 troops and I'm in the Curaw area. Depending on where you are and how many troops you want to buy, I can come to you.

Price is negotiable, but the market indices tell me that strat troops are worth at least 75-80 strat gold. I am a patient man, and I believe that the price of troops will only increase as people start to generate more and more gold, so yeah, the price is currently set at 100SGold/Troop.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Cavalry armies
« on: October 14, 2011, 04:54:27 pm »
Unless they bring scythes...

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Strategus patch - changelog
« on: October 14, 2011, 02:16:13 am »
Great work! There desperately needs to be some mechanism to view the gold and goods (maybe equipment as well?) that another person is carrying. Whether this is free or not, or exact or not, is up in the air, but at least some way to ballpark estimate would be great.

EDIT: Also, the amount of stuff you're carrying should also slow you down. I say this because if you want there to be any sort of banditry, you have to have some way for a group with more troops to catch up with a group with less troops. Ambushes don't seem very practical. Some sort of raid option for attacking a larger group with a smaller group for profit might also help.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Better valor system?
« on: October 13, 2011, 07:54:35 am »
I don't think there's any issue with the experience progression as is.

The valor system, however, is fucked. In my experience, it clearly rewards delaying and hiding, which is ironic given that the bonus is supposed to reward the valiant. I've noticed plenty of people who specifically game this system. I would rather the whole valor system removed if it can't be improved.

When the feature first came out and people were speculating about its mechanics... I specifically said that I didn't think it would encourage behaviour like peasant hunting or delaying, because I thought chadz was making deliberate efforts to avoid such game-y behaviour. I guess I was wrong... or this valor system didn't work out as intended. The concept makes some sense to me, but its flawed in that it seems to quite clearly reward cowardly conduct.

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