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Messages - kinngrimm

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 142
General / Re: Post kick starter
« on: February 06, 2015, 01:42:09 pm »
1 thing i dont really understand is why the game wasn't promoted before ks on any level. there was silence for 2 years and then i got an email in my inbox out of the clear sky in short telling me something like aren't you templar_beauchamp dude? if so this game needs you, pls fund us, tyvm, bye. there were no web pages for the game, there were no forum posts about the game from devs, no presentation, no screens, just nothing. i gave it those basic funding outta nostalgia, but if i wasn't really hooked to crpg long time ago, i just would not give a fuck really.
Also quite off puting it was to read that there was more money to be needed again.
At the time you got my bucks and collected more from others, it was quite an impressive sum and while i followed the development stages, from what i saw sofar there are 'at least 1-2 more years' you will need to finish at this pace. I guess you are aware of that, if not then it would be my opinion you would be overestimating your capablities. After the first financing round, there were vocies to be heared which said, that would be sufficient and so the impression which we backers got was it would be sufficient. I and many others did back not to have a product at a certain point in time, but to have a finished game at some point. The differenace is how then to use the money, if you only pressure for release, you will brun through the money rather fast, if you but know a certain amount will need to be sufficent till release, that would make you have jobs and the overall time would be then also increased. With that, i wouldn't have had any problems, but after 2 years coming and saying 'lads we need more', sorry but my gold shitting donkey is just now not available.

Also  from my point of view it can have 3 explanations - you don't care about kickstarter so nothing really changed, you don't care about possible fanbase or you don't even care about your game. i just hope its option nr. 1, but i'm not really sure about that.
It is definetly not about the game or the fanbase, for that i have seen them put too much effort in the cRPG mod aswell into their loveschild game. There had been serious efforts also been made to connect to the fanbase, from what i can remember(If done i cant say for that i was at least the past year not active enough).
I would also not quite say that it would have to do with not caring about kickstarter, but what hinted towards earlier by someone else. That a constant press/media coverage would need to be reached. A open website, not a forum, with constant updates to the game, with new videos, with desgin & screen art, with some quotes out of the community here in the forum and then conntacting the media outlets or having them in a subscriber email ... you know longterm planned marketing shit.
So that when at times there are financing issues accure, they don't need to make a big hustle to get something going, but build up on an existing perception which is regularly adjusted within the media.
That then has also nothing to do with that they are a new indie developer company, fuck such an excuse.
As long there is a will to get it done, there are ways to do it.

Another question which came to me with the kickstarter campange:
 :oops: The things which had been offered there to new backers, would those also be granted to those which have already been backing the project? Not sure what was the deal back then when we initially backed.

In any case, donkey crew i wish you all the best to get it done. Do it  :!:

Faction Halls / Re: [Fenris] Wolves of Fenris (EU & NA, invite only)
« on: June 13, 2014, 04:52:23 pm »
Kinngrimm I heard you retired. Is this true? And if so, are you gonna try a different build?
hi Miles :)

yes i retired. The question to the devs if cRPG/Strat would be further developed and fitted to M&B2 was not answered by them and hinted by others they would not do so as they would create a competitor to their own upcoming game. From waht i have seen now from the dev blog vids of that upcoming game, i estimate at least 1 year more development time. With Strategus not being balanced nore proper admin support, i havent had fun with strategus anymore and grinding cRPG to lvl 37 was at some point just mute.

I now play a few other games(SotS, Rise of Venize, Guild Renaissance, Ghost Recon, Godus, Banner Saga, Evolution RTS, ...) and get traction within Fenris and other cRPG clans for Star Citizen. All in all atm i got 15 former(or still) cRPG players signing up for Star Citizen. If you and others are intrested, you can write me pm on the crpg website which i still ocationally check.

I cant see what you write and i still dont care, so please leave the faction hall thread of Wolves of Fenris or i consider asking the forum admins to get rid of your spam.

Shanks welcome to Fenris, good to have you with us.

Woody is sponsoring a new ts for us

thanks Woody  :!:

for Sunday Funday use the new ts lads :wink:


I see throwers due to their smaller distance to enemy and higher melee capability, the perfect hybrid capabilities when you want some ranged introduced into your melee builds, therefor not making always only their throwing capabilites better but their melee capabilites.

still this is a good general rule i think.
"We should support the specific characteristics of each weapon"


Throwing lances look big, are called lances ^^ but are only 120 length, While i am ok with both suggestion of San the 2 slot 3 amo and the 1 slot 2 amo suggestions, the real individual thing about the throwing lance is their weapon length, which may allow it to be used with Hoplite builds. 10 to 15 more weapon length i would see as justified at least.

Javalins, still more amo, i dont mind them not having the biggest dmg potential, aslong the accuracy is good and i have enough amo(1 more then they got now), I want to throw them far of and not have to run after every one of those i threw so i got again something to throw  :rolleyes:

Jarrids, should be the real heavy hitters, they look heavy, they should make more dmg and but also should be a lot heavier then. Blunt/Knockdown for swings?

Throwing Axes, as Fin said, they are for the Kamikaze throwers, who are good at melee and want to live the risky life in full :), not that high accuracy, but better secondary melee capabilities then the other throwing weapoons.


thats romans
I typed "Greek Orgy" into google  :D
the romans have to have learned it from someone  :mrgreen:

Diplomacy / Re: HRE Diplomacy - We're back in!
« on: April 18, 2014, 02:24:21 am »
"I did have sexual relations with that man"
i deny everything  :lol:

I would like to be able to play a Peltast like style with 1 throwing lance and Javalins and shield, Hybrid between Hoplite and thrower.

Needing but 21 str for the fucking throwing lance, does deny me athletics which i would need to play such a skirmisher effectivly -_-

Also i still would prefer Javalins with 4 isntead of 3 amo.

While i am ok with the accuracy increase, mostly because there is still no huge difference to before, the damage reduction is quite noticable and perhaps should be concidered to be taken partly or depending on item complettly back.

I don't say those things anymore because I try to act like more of a man now and try to represent the wholeness of the personage that is required of a man by acting on the internet as I do in real life, so that if someone knew what I did on my computer they wouldn't be disgusted with me. Those words may not mean anything to you but they mean the world to other people, and that is what matters. ...
I don't mind you trying to be a better man. I "try" myself the same again and again. One part of that is also not to impose your own morals onto others. That but still is what i do at times myself, then again, it is not me being here now being on the defense ^^. Tolarance is a strange thing, you need even to grant it to dicks at times, aslong no physical hurt is done by them. Then again mobing can be hurtfull too and lead to physical pain and forums are one of the best breeding grounds for those who try to mob people ... those are mostly then called trolls ^^ i guess.

Also telling people what language to use and which not is what George Carlin often tried to get peoples attention on. Only because PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrom sounds , softer, does not make it better then Shellshock

Fifty man clan Acre atks well known underdog clan gforce. How brave. Gallanct knights.. Yeah Right! U hjave lost every strat. U think its going to change this time ?
Just do it like all other UIF dogs, call the big moma bear for help ^^

YOUR Man provoked MY man. U STarted this. WE will finish this. Bring it. I will end you. This time GFORCE will be the reason acre is dead.
provoked? a 120ish troop sized provoked a 1300ish troop sized to attack him? like 'yo big fellow bite me' damn, imagine that, somewhere in the snowlands 2 armies meeting in the middle of nowhere and the underdog ^^ got called a pussy, so the underdog attacks a ten times smaller force ^^. Kind of reminds me when my member got attacked by Gforce.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Strat
« on: April 16, 2014, 02:43:42 am »
...And they can do it so easy because there simply is noone that can stand against them because some people who i wont mention decided to ignore them and they tihnk they will somehow win by doing that and hope that they will just die out by not getting attention by these specific people. I am mad. :( FGSDFSDFSDFHDTNBDHFDH

You know, they did that before the *shun* already, you know that right? While everything else you said is basicly as i also would expect it, them having a few fiefs specialised on gear with high discounts, while still having crap loads of fiefs with lots of propos and good prices, being therefor also able to outproduce anyone. Do you remember that one trade a month back of about 26000 goods?
That was one trade, a month ago and i guess not the only trade ^^. I havent yet myself within all of strategus, made that much trade, i guess Fenris and several clans together havent.

So when you aim your anger at someone, devs are good to start with, as they have never sofar introduced anything against huge clans or mega alliances or for the matter clans with huge amounts of fiefs ... basicly there is no balancing within Strategus whatsoever.

Secondly afterwards, you still can blame those fucks for grouping up liek that, while there is not even anyone yet able or willing to fight them. Now to the willing to fight them part, which you are complaining about. Grandmom talked to me about this, after him and me realising and admitting to ourselves, there is no way, there is no chance. We tried, we failed, we stated that publicly, now we dont give a fuck anymore about UIF, as there are still others we like to fight, where battles could actually be a lot more enjoyable.

You asked me yesterday to support your roster and again i told you as in the forums, when it comes to DRZ/GO/Kapis doing attacks onto anyone else, i will not sign up for or against them. I will not help them indulding their wet dreams. They can take everything for free from me, that way they dont get any XP, they can clear me out very fast and in the end only those 3 are left on the map. Then i still wont sign up for them when they would make fucked up XP battles as that shit is even worse. Instead i may just play a little more on the eu2 servers at times and find another better game, then this unbalanced bullshit.

Strategus Issues / Re: I can't change my troopcap
« on: April 15, 2014, 08:47:41 am »
While i like the new stuff, an anouncement may have been good for this or to wait till everything there is ready and only then make the changes available. Then again ... things are happening .. dont stop ... keep going .. dont mind us miserable people judging free content    :P

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Bad signs in strategus
« on: April 14, 2014, 05:47:03 pm »
cant see anything

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Bad signs in strategus
« on: April 14, 2014, 04:58:06 pm »

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Stupidity
« on: April 14, 2014, 03:25:55 pm »
..., but you want to force other clans to play as you want because you think that would be more fun....
but we dont force anyone to anything but ourselves.

How you act or react is upto you.

We just dont see you anymore as a thread and we wont defend against you. As we were asked not leave and quit, we will stay on the map till either you wipe us, which you would and could have anyways, but now you just can do it faster ...  without resistance. If you dont wipe us, we can have a few wars of our own, we are totally in your hands, you got all the cards.

We are not forcing you to do anything, you can keep holding hands with all your friends. We are not forcing you to go against them. We just wont fight you.

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