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Messages - Brother_Morr

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Diplomacy / Re: The Unveiling of a New Movement - S.O.B.S
« on: February 15, 2012, 11:02:23 pm »
This thread has been totally derailed.  It's not supposed to be about who took what or fief bragging rights.  It's about how strat is stale and boring and we're sick of it, so maybe people will join the cause and get some more fighting going.   If we keep Kwynn or lose it is insignificant in my mind, although having it will certainly ensure some action in the near future  :wink:

Goddamn right MrShine. I'm so sorry i lost sight of what this post truly meant. LET'S GO MURDER SOME BITCHES!!!

Diplomacy / Re: The Unveiling of a New Movement - S.O.B.S
« on: February 15, 2012, 02:33:54 am »
Meh i can't help what i am. I'm a history major through and through

Diplomacy / Re: The Unveiling of a New Movement - S.O.B.S
« on: February 15, 2012, 01:57:25 am »
You guys really missed the point of the teachings of Ozlam.

Now then here is the point i think you are missing. The "teaching" you did at Ozlam taught us to fight hard, get stronger, and Become a power ready to take you on again. No matter how many times you try to Teach us. we'll always come back ready for a Fight.

Diplomacy / Re: The Unveiling of a New Movement - S.O.B.S
« on: February 14, 2012, 10:52:26 pm »
First and foremost this isn't an alliance. It's a Movement, To move away from the the care bear (LLJKA) mind set and go to playing a game and fighting. I don't much care for stock pilling. Yes you have protection sort of. But at that point it makes it so that people who have more members Can out produce smaller factions and eventully just over run them.

Let us say there is a Clan called Corgi. and another clan called Tiger. Corgi have 20 fairly active members and has two villages. they ally with Tiger who have 50 semi-active members and two villages. they both care bear But sense the 50 member state has over twice their members their members they can make twice as much equipment and goods compared to Corgi. even though they aren't as active.

Let's say these two factions go to war Corgi will have an army of 2,500 unit's Armed with Mail a few good shields and decent weapons. Where as Tiger will have 5,000 troops, armed with High Quality weapons( due to the extra gold and crafting from the extra Players.) and much better armor.

Thus Tiger Wipes the floor with Corgi even though they are more active usually then Tiger.

and Thus we see how Care Bears work for Big people Like LLJK, But not so much for little people like Hate.

Diplomacy / Re: Up to date list of wars
« on: February 14, 2012, 06:44:26 am »
Shows that when the Care bears are needed to deal with an EU threat they fold, Yet when Hate gets a Village they go marching off to burn it down. Good job Care Bear NA you make us so proud.

Diplomacy / Re: The Unveiling of a New Movement - S.O.B.S
« on: February 14, 2012, 06:21:26 am »
Hail to the King!!!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Finished armor ready for C-RPG
« on: February 08, 2012, 07:25:55 am »
I really don't know. Still looks cool like that though.

Suggestions Corner / Finished armor ready for C-RPG
« on: February 08, 2012, 04:12:32 am »
So a Pal of mine made this armor for C-RPG. It's finished and just needs a little touch up work. the Armor is as follows. So what do you guys think?

(click to show/hide)

If you have any other questions about the armor or the maker please post and i'll try to reply.

Good Luck Redditers! I hope you murder every one who gets in the way of your up votes.

General Discussion / Re: NA Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
« on: December 02, 2011, 01:55:49 am »
Iron Fox was one of my childhood hero. he should be... No... HE WILL BE THE ADMIN TO RULE THEM ALL!

General Discussion / Re: NA Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
« on: December 01, 2011, 03:32:01 am »
I Love BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i say bacon is good for the heart, as well as our siege server.

Faction Halls / Re: Invictus - (NA Clan)
« on: October 25, 2011, 08:36:39 pm »
Wait... I'm already a Member....

Dood, The best way to counter Auto Block is just Crush through Spam. I don't care if you put that sword or shield up, I'll just bash it aside! Long Maul Works great on Auto Blockers, JUST LIKE YOU!

Faction Halls / Re: Invictus - (NA Clan)
« on: September 12, 2011, 04:35:50 am »
We'll just have to wait to see if you can return the favor with the new update.

Fuck that. Post them in public. I wanna read all the rage :D (yes I get off to it :P)

Aye i agree with this man... Not the getting off part but still. where are these letter of Hate that you have received?

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