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Messages - Kong Ming

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Beginner's Help and Guides / Archey Accuracy
« on: June 10, 2011, 11:13:26 am »
Ages ago, I wrote a long and extensive guide on Archery.  It described what was once a fairly straight-forward tradeoff of damage vs. accuracy.  Then chadz changed EVERYTHING about archery, and ever since I've been too lazy to experiment and try to figure it all out again.  I've seen plenty of discussions about the best bow or the best build, blah, blah, blah......I have one very simple question that I'm hoping someone can answer with actual proof instead of hearsay.  What is the best way to optimize accuracy as an archer as of the most recent updates; i.e. what is the MOST accurate archer build with respect to PD, WPF, and bow used?  And by this I mean reticule size.  I want a reticule that settles to a point.  Someone tell me how to do it.   :wink:

Announcements / Re: Hack abooze
« on: May 30, 2011, 12:27:55 am »
I used a blockhack on CRPG because everyone else uses it half the time.

I'm guessing you also intentionally TK people who accidentally TK you.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Top tier bow = 2nd teir xbow?
« on: May 30, 2011, 12:10:24 am »
It feels like somewhere among all the thousands of arguments, patches, nerfs, buffs, and tweaks that have revolved around archery and crossbows, the aspect that used to define and distinguish them has been lost.  Archery was about significantly less damage that rewarded you for excellent skill in aiming, timing, and leading a moving target.  Crossbows were about hard-hitting, high-projectile speed, make your single shot count strategies that rewarded you for judicious choosing of your shot.  Although I feel crossbow philosophy is still quite similar, people have gotten so absorbed on archery damage, that the whole point of archery has been lost.  It's much like arguing about whether a German Greatsword does 26 pierce instead of 28 rather than addressing the issue of the thrust animation.  If archery has an issue, address archery, not bows.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Top tier bow = 2nd teir xbow?
« on: May 29, 2011, 08:53:43 pm »
You raise an interesting point Kesh. 

Damage, damage, damage.  Why is everyone talking about increasing bow damage when the screens in the OP indicate an imbalance with respect to ACCURACY?  What I'd like to see is a further tweaking of how bow accuracy has been determined ever since they changed the way PD works two patches ago.  I've watched the "accuracy" rating of bows climb ever slightly higher to the point that my masterwork warbow now has 100.  However, this seems to be only one small variable in a large, mysterious equation. 

Before the major change to PD (back when you pretty much wanted as little PD as you could get away with), I was getting about 40% headshot kills with my khergit bow, 4 PD, and about 170 WPF, according to EU4 server stats.  My damage was lousy, but I relied on excellent accuracy to aim for heads or under-armored feet, even at longer ranges, and did quite well as an archer and had a LOT more fun doing it.  Ever since that patch, it has proved impossible to get a bow's reticule anywhere near as precise, even with a higher "accuracy" rating for the bow. 

At least throw us archers a bone Urist and give us some indication of how PD, WPF, and the bow's base accuracy rating come together to affect the reticule.  I feel like I don't know how to build my archer character to get what I want anymore.  (Oh, and thank you for your previous posts. Very helpful.)

Okay, been away from the forums for quite a while.  I'll try to address some questions in case people are still checking in.


Are you running Vista?  I know some other people have had troubles with saving maps on Vista.  If so, try running Warband as an admin when you edit and see if that helps.  Otherwise, I'm not sure how to help you, but check the Taleworlds forum.

I've noticed that ladders won't function properly until you exit edit mode, exit the map, and reload it from the multiplayer host menu.  Have you tried this?  This is generally a good thing to try anytime something you've just added isn't working but should be.

If you want friends to try your map, they basically need a copy of your "mod."  Archive your mod folder and send it to them.  When they run the mod they should be able to try the map in multiplayer by hosting a game for themselves.

I think you can just rename your mod "Native" and swap it in for the Native folder already on the server.  Back-up the old Native folder first to be safe.  Then people running native should in theory be able to join your server and play the custom map.  I'm not positive on this one though since I haven't managed a server in a while.  Find Airith on these forums, he can help you better than I.

If you want it on the cRPG server's, post it in the completed maps thread and they can tell you what to do next.  If you want to host it yourself in Native then you should basically follow my advice to Vagabond.

I'm glad the guide is proving helpful to people.  Hang in there and feel free to ask more questions (especially if my answers were too short, it's late).

I dunno if the situation has changed recently, but as far as I know, to have a fully functioning cRPG server means you have to have administrative access to the database, so chadz only gives it to people he trusts a great deal.

Scene Editing / Re: torch_night, light_night etc. may work next patch
« on: March 16, 2011, 03:14:32 pm »
Good to know man.  I try to keep specular objects to a minimum since everyone is always up at arms about performance, but a few of them always make things look a lot better.

Scene Editing / Re: Battle map - Arabian Town
« on: March 16, 2011, 03:07:42 pm »
get the direct URL to the image, then put the IMG tags on either side like this example but using brackets [] instead of curly brackets {}:

{IMG}url of the image{/IMG}

Scene Editing / Re: Clean & Simple Maps for cRPG
« on: March 05, 2011, 05:26:05 pm »
The complexity of the map doesn't affect the lag of online servers.  It can however decrease your framerate if you're using an older computer to play.  If this is the case, I recommend altering your graphics settings for the game.  M&B conveniently displays an estimated performance percentage based on the graphics options you select.  I tend to keep mine at about 150% or so.  The options I most recommend are turning off anti-aliasing and HDR lighting.  Also make tree detail low, and use fast reflections for water.  This will make a minimal impact on the appearance of the game and save your GPU a whole lot of trouble.

Scene Editing / Re: Creating armors and weapons
« on: March 04, 2011, 08:10:42 am »
This guide is an oldie but a goodie.  I'd use OpenBRF instead of Thor's BRF editor these days, but the idea is the same.,6146.0.html

This is also helpful:,11531.0.html

Weapons and helmets are pretty straight-forward.  Armor is harder because you have to "rig" it.  These should get you started, also, simply search around on the Forge section of the Taleworlds forums, and specifically the unofficial tutorials sub-board.,171.0.html

Good Luck!

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Generations
« on: March 01, 2011, 08:16:13 am »
Well the post they're talking about does a mathematical analysis of how to get a new character to level 35 the fastest.  It turns out the best route is to retire 5 times to gen 6, which will get you to 35 faster than just going straight for it on generation 1 and also faster than retiring a 6th time and going for it on generation 7.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Ironflesh
« on: March 01, 2011, 08:10:28 am »
I'd say if you're planning on having body armor at least in the mid 50's it's a skill you should strongly consider, below that, you could probably put those points somewhere better.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Ironflesh
« on: March 01, 2011, 08:08:00 am »
It's a skill to take when you are planning on using heavy armor.  Since the good armor will reduce your damage taken to smaller amounts, each extra HP means a lot more with respect to how many hits you can survive.   If you have poor armor, a few more HP isn't going to make a big difference.  So yeah, great skill for heavy armor tanks, unnecessary for everyone else.

Scene Editing / Re: Scene Editing: How To
« on: February 28, 2011, 11:10:11 am »
The game needs to completely reload the map before any entry point changes will work properly.

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