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Messages - buba

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Diplomacy / Re: Libere Equites
« on: April 08, 2014, 05:10:52 pm »
Guess why we couldn't concentrate on trade in the last weeks. WE WERE BUSY FIGHTING DRZ. So we allowed Bubastan to use our s&d, as well as other traders that came around.

The alliance with Bubastan is long over. All that EVER happened between the two of us was them giving us 20k in the beginning to kickstart our trade and we gave them a thousand troops. Since then there was absolutely no exchange of troops or goods whatsoever.

And guess what, from what i know, Bubastan are free to attack whoever. So, naturally, they try to disrupt the ones they don't like/hate the most. So congratulations, they hate you more than drz and grey order.

We (most of us) dont hate Kingrimm and his puppets, their just the weakest on the map and the easiest to pick on atm.

Strategus General Discussion / mouse over terrain
« on: April 06, 2014, 03:32:26 pm »
Not sure if there is a topic about it, but it would be a simple yet useful feature if there was a mouse over pop up of sorts that shows you what terrain you are mousing over plus details about speed reduction.

Just a idea that popped in my mind.

Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: April 06, 2014, 02:59:18 pm »

From the Great Khans that till this day our clan is based on, good series too.

Bump, fully support something like this.

Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: March 26, 2014, 06:41:40 pm »
new banner is up, b1-7 or whatever.
Its the Bubastan banner.

Wear it with pride!
Wasnt to expensive tbh, 130k.
Any donation to the clan's bank would be welcome however since I forked up the gold on my lonesome...

cRPG Technical problems / Re: New banner upload.
« on: March 26, 2014, 06:28:43 pm »
Its uploaded now, took a little while and I did restart CRPG.
But its up now :).

cRPG Technical problems / Re: New banner upload.
« on: March 26, 2014, 05:13:42 pm »
Ok thank you Chris, ill check.

cRPG Technical problems / New banner upload.
« on: March 26, 2014, 04:45:03 pm »
Hey all,

So I just won the auction for a new banner.
I  was wondering how long it will take for it to upload in CPRG?
Its already showing in the CRPG website, but not ingame yet?


Diplomacy / Re: Bubastan a new faction
« on: March 21, 2014, 04:52:20 pm »
Also meanwhile in Bubastan:

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Epic fail to small clans
« on: March 16, 2014, 07:46:41 pm »
Fine, but do not forget about the context of the whole story too. Which was not the show of utmost objectivity and transparency.

What annoys me is not the fact that someone brings this well exploited topic again, but that I really wish to encourage newcomers and powers-to-be to fight for it, to work on it  because it pays off. And I do not want to let one dickhead to drag the folks attention from that.

I was a newcomer in strat 4, i worked hard, I fought for it, and then found out that a lot of people cheated to get an advantage, and  of those people that got hit by the ban wave a fair amount where GO. Call it old hurt but to see a GO telling others to play hard and fair rubbed me the wrong way.
I mean no clan can claim they never did something wrong,  but multi accounting on that scale?
Smaller clans need to fight for it? I completely agree with harpag and Erasmas.
And from what I can see they are, I hope GO did learned their lesson and will not control god knows how many caravans and armies by one player while gold still matters this early in strat.

Ps: I never said all UIF are evil, actually I respect UIF for playing strat to win and enjoyed the challenge to face them in the last strat.


Strategus General Discussion / Re: Epic fail to small clans
« on: March 14, 2014, 07:27:24 pm »
Grey Order was started by one guy. It took some time and effort to make it visible on the map - to get first village. It took a lot more time and effort to make it a clan that holds a castle. Holding a city was a dream for a long time, and seemed impossible in the world full of Templars, Mercs and other big clans. And there was far less incentives in first iterations of Strat.

It turned out it that things are difficult, but not impossible. Nothing changed in that respect in Strat 5.
Just get your shit together guys.

Oh fucking lol, so your telling us how to play strat are you? GO got caught cheating with the whole CD key thing not once.... but twice.
It nearly wiped you off the map last strat round.
And that was when you got caught, god knows how long you manage to fuck a game like this up and cheat cheat cheat to get what you wanted.
Get our shit together? you mean buy tons of CD keys and win? haha!

You know I have been in coalition last round, and I dont hate anyone of the UIF, except GO.
For ruining the game for every one because GO thinks their entitled to cheat in such a small community based game.

"Grey Order was started by one guy"  one guy with many many CD keys for all we know.

I really really do not understand why you would cheat in a modded game like CPRG/strat, whats the enjoyment then? and don't go everyone does, because most do not.

Honestly, its a question i would like to see an answer too.
Is it because exploiting stuff and / or cheating is part of the game for you guys? 


Diplomacy / Re: Corsair's response to Kalmarunion invasion
« on: March 08, 2014, 04:17:17 pm »
Oh come on guys, we all know that your already or about to receive support form GO.
Its no big secret. Its okay.

Shu Han where best buddies with UIF last strat, and your buddies now.
Its really alright, your simply siding with the strongest block on the map.
Who can blame you?

Just dont go around saying you aint friendly/ally's with em. And not receiving aid...

General Discussion / Re: sometimes they come back
« on: February 28, 2014, 07:26:50 pm »
Defently a guy i remember.

Even with his pilgrim outfit he was awsome.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: About Horse Archers
« on: February 26, 2014, 09:18:01 pm »

Great argument, well put. Amazingly insightful.

To be completely honest, I do not give a damn about this anymore.
Ive nearly stopped playing CRPG after two years of having fun with it.

I am still surprised however people seem to think HA/HX have no counter what so ever and can roam the map always kitting poor melee around.
Our mobility does certainly have advantages, but the sacrifices made especially for HA is quite big.
No PS, No playing city maps, no seige, no DTV (well you can but your not going to contribute to the team much) and on foot your shit.
And, very high upkeep cost.

Ah but why do i try, you guys just want to bitch and moan on a class that shot you in the face once, completely by luck i might add, since our aim is not that good from horse back.
And then gallops around the map in semi freedom until the rounds end, or a ground ranged shoots him down.



Game Balance Discussion / Re: About Horse Archers
« on: February 26, 2014, 03:01:38 pm »
Well, 5 infantry has a hard time countering 5 ranged, and an impossible job against 5 HA.

Thats a good point, then again 5 HA cant counter 5 archers, nor 5 melee in a city map. hmm,

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