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Messages - Barbas

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Suggestions Corner / Re: Failed Poll = Loss of Multiplier
« on: August 08, 2011, 05:00:10 pm »
Like I said, I don't pay attention to the polls either - but that's because there's a bloody poll every 60 seconds.  If people didn't carelessly spam them out of anger - because there was some cost if the poll failed - there would be less of them, and I'd be far more likely to pay attention.

Besides:  If I QML a naked leecher who is hiding off in the corner of a map, I still lose my multiplier if they notice and press 'M' despite the obvious legitimacy of my leecher report.

General Discussion / Re: Intentional tk and trolls
« on: August 08, 2011, 04:45:17 pm »
Ruthless and immediate kicks, I have nothing against that. But banning without a kick warning before is just plain too much. As long as the punished player doesn't retaliate, the admin job is done. So a kick is enough in 99% of the time.

Why?  Is 'You can't play on this particular server for one hour' some extreme measure?  (Frankly, a player who feels that way could probably use the hour break.)

The first goal of admins  to protect the rule-abiding players from bad apples, not to gently coax each hot-headed individual player to follow the rules in the most gentle possible way.

Anyway, what's more likely to dissuade a player from intentional team-attacking:  'Oh no, I might have to reconnect if an admin catches and kicks me!' or 'I might be banned for an hour'?  It's like drunk driving.  When someone gets caught, it's quite unlikely it was their first time doing it.  If you punish on the assumption that the only time they've ever done it just happens to be this time they've been caught, the consequences aren't strong enough to serve as a deterrent.  "Oh dear, about one out of ten times that I intentionally team-attack, an admin will see me and I'll get kicked??  Lol whatever."

But maybe more importantly, like I said before:  If the admin just immediately bans a player they see intentionally team-attacking, then they can get right back to watching everyone else.  If they take the time to listen to a bunch of whine stories about 'who started it', they're probably going to miss the next person doing it.

Suggestions Corner / Failed Poll = Loss of Multiplier
« on: August 08, 2011, 03:47:39 pm »
Given that the devs think it appropriate that a failed leecher report should result in a multiplier loss to dissuade people from rampant, illegitimate leecher-reporting, I think it reasonable that the same should apply to failed kick/ban polls.

Polling doesn't really work right now.  Perhaps in them most egregious cases, as if someone just goes on a TK rampage, there tends to be a successful ban.  But in general, polling is often so ridiculously frequent that players simply have no time to seriously evaluate the legitimacy of a poll.  Many ignore it, or automatically vote '2', or just vote randomly.  No doubt this is exasperated by the fact that many pollers don't explain the reason for their poll - or at least not until well after it has been submitted.  And in any case, how am I to know if the poller is correct in calling a tk intentional, or that they themselves did not first attack a teammate?

A penalty for failed polls should 1) reduce the number of polls, and 2) encourage poll-submitters to state their reasons before submitting the poll, so the poll is more likely to be successful.  With fewer polls and better polling etiquette, more players would take voting seriously and polling could become a more useful tool rather than the annoyance it is now.

General Discussion / Re: Intentional tk and trolls
« on: August 08, 2011, 03:28:14 pm »
An admin should take many things in consideration when banning someone:

I disagree; I think admins (moreso on the EU servers) are far too lenient, and this is why there's such a tremendous problem with intentional team-attacking - on siege at least, which I most always play.

No one seems to be afraid of being banned or even kicked for it, as this happens so very rarely despite the prevalence of intentional TAing.  There are of course kick/ban polls almost every minute, but most of them fail.  Probably in large part because there are so very many - I admit I almost automatically hit '2' just to get the stupid things off of my screen.  Really can't play the game and also listen to all the arguing about who did or did not do what.

I realize we can't always have an admin on.  And that is all the more reason for admins to be thoroughly ruthless in enforcing the rules.  If they can see that a player is intentionally attacking a teammate, it should be an immediate ban - even if only for a few hours.  Doesn't matter if someone else attacked them first or whatever else.  An admin can only punish those rulebreakers he sees.  If he lets himself get caught up in the whining and arguing, he will just miss the next five TAers and send the message that you can whine your way out of punishment. 

We don't need this compassionate, understanding justice for each and every case.  That's not going to make people in general behave.  We need the kind of swift, decisive enforcement that will actually make people afraid to break the rules.

Still going at it  :lol:

If it were my mod, I'd permaban him, forum ban him, delete all his characters, take away his computer, and smack him for good measure  :lol:

It is fair because you were team-wounding. Let that sink into your thick skull before posting again.


If he's still arguing at this point.. maybe he needs a forum ban.  People like this waste the admins' time. 

General Discussion / Re: NA_cRPG_2 (na siege)
« on: August 07, 2011, 01:26:39 pm »
yeah, I mean it's annoying that people leech like this, but for me the real issue is why is the server so dead??
I mean, do people not like the map rotation? or is everyone just more used to the community server and prefer it?

I mostly always play on the ATS siege server, even though I don't like all of the maps, primarily because of the good admining.  There are rules, and admins who pretty strictly enforce them.  Most people playing there know this, and know they can't get away with BS - intentional team-attacking, extreme trolling, etc.  Kick/ban polling is most always turned off, so none of the pollspam I often see on the official EU siege server.  I also very much like that construction sites aren't tolerated.

So all in all.. it's been a pretty consistently pleasant playing atmosphere on the ATS siege, so I simply don't have any reason to switch to some alternative server.  Is there something better about it?  I'd need some inventive to change when what I already have is working just fine for me.

I hope you get team-killed often,

I do.

Don't most of us?

But I don't team-attack in revenge.  There's no purpose.  Most tks are accidental, and even when not it's often not clear that they were intentional - maybe they clicked by accident, or didn't see my banner, or whatever.  And even if it is intentional.. what good does attacking back do? 

Team-attacking trolls usually want you to attack them back.  You're just taking the bait.  I don't think any intentional TWers out there think "Oh goodness, people are fighting back?  I'd better stop, lest I be hurt!"

When I'm pretty sure it's intentional, I use 'i' to report it to admins.  If none seem to be on, I note it in general chat - 'So-and-so, stop teamwounding'.  If someone is intentionally TWing, usually I'm not the only victim; so when you call them out on it, other people realize it's intentional as well and you can usually get a successful kick/ban poll going if they continue.

Hey, look.. all smuggery aside, I understand how frustrating it can be.  It's possible that on occasion, in the heat of the moment, I may have whacked back at someone who TWed me.   But it's against the rules.  And it should be.  You need to accept that; if revenge-attacking were allowed, there would just be an insane amount of team-attacking, and it's already bad enough.  One guy would truly accidentally hit another, who would mistakenly think it intentional and attack back - and then the first person would feel entitled to (this time intentionally) attack again in response.  Admins simply wouldn't be able to sort out who actually started it, which means they wouldn't be able to stop it.  As is, the rule is no intentional TWing at all; and that's the way it has to be if the rule is to be enforceable. 

Someone should permamute this moron.

He admits to intentional teamwounding - so the ban was valid.  Reason for his TWing is irrelevant.

Too many rejects think they can ignore the rules and then bitch their way out of the consequences when they get caught.  Let this be a lesson to them.

General Discussion / Re: New Clan (Recruiting) AUS/NZ/PNG
« on: August 07, 2011, 02:14:07 am »
the whole idea of KoH is to get away from all the noobs and be part of the in-crowd.

Isn't there already a clan for people aspiring to be pretentious morons?

Or rather.. isn't this the purpose of most clans that already exist?

Maybe you should just join one of those :p

Strategus / Re: 300+ Troops / 17k+ Gold at Dhirim
« on: August 05, 2011, 09:03:39 pm »
still available

Suggestions Corner / Re: End Round Highest Team Damage Display
« on: August 05, 2011, 07:51:07 pm »
As I recall, the Warband mod system doesn't allow access to information regarding actual damage done - so this wouldn't be possible.

Anyway.. people sometimes whine too much about team damage.  In siege especially, there are numerous things that may take priority over avoiding team damage - and in particular for attackers, given the quick respawn time.  When the team is trying to break down an entry door, or push their way through the horde at the top of a ladder.. it's significantly more important to accomplish that goal than it is to 'play it safe' with team damage and waste precious time.

Let's not forget that a fair amount of team damage is caused by noobs with bad habits.  Those moronic peasants who jump between two heavily armored lvl 30 combatants, for example - your enemy is free to swing away, but you have to choose whether to hold back (and more likely lose) or just take your swings and risk killing the rude little peasant.  And so on. 

Suggestions Corner / Re: MVP option?
« on: August 05, 2011, 03:26:45 pm »
Eh, removing KDR would be stupid.  People generally enjoy having some kind of scoreboard for a game, and part of the fun is trying to rank on it.

Obsessing over your KDR isn't really any worse than obsessing over your team winning because you need that multiplier so you can get the xp to retire for the 17th time ;)

Game Balance Discussion / Re: 2h/pole is too easy at the moment
« on: August 05, 2011, 02:57:30 pm »
Until your face is turned into a pancake from a great maul.

But the point of jumping into the horde of enemies from a siege ladder and trying to turtle your way off into a corner isn't to live forever - it's to draw a bunch of enemies away from the top of the ladder long enough for the teammates behind you to break through.  Doesn't always work, but it works a heck of a lot more than doing it without a shield - even in lordly plate armor, that doesn't usually turn out well. 

Anyway, the point is that 'doing well' as a shielder doesn't necessarily mean getting the most kills; it's suited for supportive roles, and when used well can be tremendously helpful.  But it definitely is not easy to be a shielder in any sense, and particularly when people mean it is easy to achieve a good kdr with it.

Sell/Trade / Re: [SELL/TRADE] +3 Steel pick (1100k GOLD)
« on: August 05, 2011, 02:20:25 pm »
you do realise these have been selling for arounr the 800-900k mark not 1.1mil....

Don't be a dick. 

Heirloom trade volume is very low given the relatively small size of the market community and relatively high cost of heirlooms.  How many +3 Steel Picks have been sold or traded in the last week?  Surely not enough to make pompous declarations about 'What these sell for'. 

The best one really can do here is note that the average selling price of an heirloom point seems to be 400k-450k (still not a huge volume of trading with these, but much better than for any single item), which would mean that a person could +3 heirloom an item themselves for 1.2m to 1.35m plus the base cost of the item - so it is not especially likely someone would pay more than that price for a +3 heirloom.  Though convenience also factors in, so there may well be some people who would pay a bit more for an item they were looking for to save the trouble of finding loom points for sale. 

Otherwise, it really just depends on whether there is a person with enough gold who happens to be looking for the item in question.  If not, you either have to wait or deal with the wannabe-stockbrokers who will try to get it cheap so they can resell it for more.  (Nothing against such people - I do that sometimes.)  But there's nothing unreasonable about 1.1m for a +3 item when that's the lowest available price.

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