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Messages - Patricia

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 46
General Discussion / Re: duble standards
« on: December 13, 2011, 01:42:24 pm »
I have never seen less white knighting in a community before.

c-RPG is like the anti-white knighting community. People would prefer to be assholes, lest they be accused of white knighting.

Not as much whiteknighting because the community is small, but if we look at the percentage this community is fucking filled with whiteknighting creeps.

Tears being the first, when I hopped on teamspeak he was being awkwardly creepy with you, not to mention 90% of Chaos talking about getting their dick wet in you or Vic at any given time when you or Vic aren't in the channel.

General Discussion / Re: duble standards
« on: December 12, 2011, 09:18:11 am »
Or perhaps an admin didnt see it or there were no admins on?

You know we admins cant see the WHOLE battlefield and EVERY SINGLE ACTION.  We react to anything we do see and catch.  If an admin was on report it to him, even if you have to spam i chat.  Most likely if an admin was on, since the admin did not see it he will watch, spectate or warn whoever you report.

As for claims of bias, between Rangerbob, Canary, and myself we have kicked/banned more Chaos for inappropriate action than the rest of the admins combined.  If you see Chaos acting inappropriately please report it to an admin that is on or take screenshots and post in the ban/unban section.

TK happening at the start of a round. "Admins can't see the whole battlefield and every single action loololloolololollo".

General Discussion / Re: duble standards
« on: December 12, 2011, 07:50:58 am »
After having played more than a year of cRPG I can honestly say that native is actually more balanced at this point.

General Discussion / Re: duble standards
« on: December 12, 2011, 07:02:53 am »
true but if enough people take action chadz will be forced to make a decision either have a mod with no / a lot less people or make changes.

I don't think he gives a fuck as he's not getting paid for anything he's doing and he himself said that he was doing the mod to his liking and ideas as opposed to the community's.

General Discussion / Re: Fucked by the marketplace
« on: December 12, 2011, 05:33:04 am »
Sorry, who made the Euro method the international standard?

The euromy old friends of course.

General Discussion / Re: Fucked by the marketplace
« on: December 12, 2011, 03:15:28 am »
People in America use Commas

Yeah but bro, Europeans use dots and only real men use dots.

Fuk 'Murika, the european way is the right way.

General Discussion / Re: Fucked by the marketplace
« on: December 12, 2011, 02:24:38 am »
Stop using comas to spilt thousands problem solved. Use dots like real ppl

"Real people" being Euroshitmy old friends in this particular case.

General Discussion / Re: duble standards
« on: December 12, 2011, 12:05:00 am »
then maybe they need some new admins and take away some of the powers of the curent ones if they are not doing anything.

Problem is they're not really entitled to be unbiased admin, it's not like they're on a payroll, the general lack of Igiveafuck from the devs doesn't really help that either.

If you're not a good friend with admins, honestly the best you can do is probably just let shit happen and say and do nothing about it.

General Discussion / Re: Mount and blade first short film ...
« on: December 11, 2011, 11:49:40 pm »
Fun fact: In the making of this movie Animals and NA'ers have been hurt, and then he got banned for it and is begging to get unbanned because, and I quote, "this game is my life".

General Discussion / Re: duble standards
« on: December 11, 2011, 11:42:19 pm »
(click to show/hide)

Figure it out for yourself.
Except Vic is ugly and has down syndrome face.

oh right , i dont got tits and a pussy, and even though i donate to servers and dont cheat(never got banned once in any of the mass bannings) i play fair , i should just shut my mouth and never mention anything thats unfair, you sure your fron reddit?

And yes, welcome to the game, admins are biased up the ass, it has more to do with how much of a friend you are with the admins than how much you actually follow the rules.

Vic hangs out with Chaos, almost everyone in Chaos is a NA admin that's e-crushing on her because tits, fill in the blanks.

General Discussion / Re: Raven_ Banning on NA_ duel server Need Admin
« on: December 11, 2011, 11:40:47 pm »
Suicide is the only option, get to it.

Closed Requests / Re: Pease read this. Very important
« on: December 11, 2011, 11:39:03 pm »

General Discussion / Re: All these players leaving...
« on: December 11, 2011, 04:52:38 am »
Moving your hand to the right and rightclicking when someone does a left attack slowly gets into your system, enabling you to do it without thinking at all, to the point that it becomes a reflex. That is muscle memory.

Moving your hand a little to the right requires muscles. It´s muscle memory on a small scale.

Your brain must be extremely slow if you need muscle-memory for cRPG.

General Discussion / Re: All these players leaving...
« on: December 10, 2011, 06:27:17 pm »
Leshma, I bet I can get you with a few feints, feints definitely haven't lost all fuctionality. If you think they have, you're doing it wrong.

Feints are still somewhat useful, they've lost alot of usefulness though, I remember back when only a few people knew how to block and that fights I fought were 5 seconds because I could block.

Nowadays, everyone is a master duelist that can block everything because the game is so slow and boring, feints are near useless and even chambers are easily executed and blocked nowadays.

The only decent way at killing good players in a decent amount of time (cRPG gave me ADD, like I said from my previous post so decent amount of time is 10 seconds or so for me) is to abuse broken game mechanics, something I refused to do.

General Discussion / Re: All these players leaving...
« on: December 10, 2011, 05:45:48 pm »
NA? What was your ingame name? How can you grow bored of this game if your the best, nothing better than hearing the fanboys cry your name after you defeat a 10 man gank squad.

I don't know for you, but my definition of fun isn't fanboys crying my name, it's not being utterly bored by the current extremely slow pace of the game and abuse of broken game mechancis making the game that much more fucking boring, cRPG gave me ADD, my attention span for the game in the past few months before I stopped playing was 10 seconds and I could only last a round or two before quitting.

As for ingame names, I went under a shitton of different ingame names.

Patricia being one of them, but that was long ago when the game was good, you probably won't recognize the names since I spent 90% of my time on duel and on battle I would quit after 2 rounds, specially not if you're EU since I'm NA.

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