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Messages - Xol!

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WSE2 Beta / Re: Cavalry rubberbanding with WSE2
« on: January 30, 2014, 04:41:34 pm »
so we activate vsync in graphics options and cross fingers?

Yeah.  This seems similar framerate compensation rubberbanding bug that happened way back when WSE2 was first released.  Really variable framerate is what caused the bug the first time around, though I had a locked and stable 50 FPS, so I'm not sure what was triggering it now.  Vsync fixed it for me.  One of my friends (who didn't have the bug) turned vsync on and had the problem start happening to him, so he switched back.

I'd try it and see if it helps.

WSE2 Beta / Re: Cavalry rubberbanding with WSE2
« on: January 29, 2014, 07:53:39 pm »
So came back to testing again today.  Came into the server, got the bug, flipped on vsync, bug remained, disconnected, tried to rejoin, got an application crash, relaunched, verified vsync was still on, joined the server, and I've been fine ever since.


WSE2 Beta / Re: Cavalry rubberbanding with WSE2
« on: January 27, 2014, 06:17:43 pm »
Yeah I noticed collision seems to trigger it.  I haven't been able to pin down exactly how, but it seems different from the native horse collision bug.  It also seems to (occasionally) happen with regular terrain and just general changes in horse speed, too.

WSE2 Beta / Re: Cavalry rubberbanding with WSE2
« on: January 27, 2014, 05:15:35 pm »
Well, that was enlightening.  I tried to FRAPS the problem, and just couldn't do it.  It wouldn't happen even though up to this point it has occurred every time I've been on a horse with WSE2 enabled.

I noticed something, though.  My look sensitivity is much, much lower when running FRAPS.  My framerate drops from 50 to 30.  That leads me to believe that the game logic loop and render loop in the engine aren't separate.

So... I turned off FRAPS.  The bug appeared within maybe five seconds.  I turned on FRAPS hoping that it would stick around but once my framerate dropped from recording it went away again.  I did catch a single teleport at the beginning of the video, though:

WSE2 Beta / Cavalry rubberbanding with WSE2
« on: January 27, 2014, 04:46:15 am »
I've been having a really severe rubberbanding problem when playing cavalry with WSE2 beta enabled, ever since reinstalling cRPG around the end of December.  I've had the warband cav desync bug before, where you warp around the map until you let go of all your keys, but this is different.

Basically, once the problem starts, my character (this starts on horseback but if I get dismounted will continue on foot) will cease moving client-side and just perform the run (or horse rear, or whatever) animation in-place.  When I push down a new key, I teleport to wherever I'm actually supposed to be on the server.  This affects basically everything my character does, including typing.  I can type out a message, but if I don't tap a movement key, it won't appear server-side (at least as far as I can tell).  Also, when typing, whenever I hit the 'n' key, I get the 'too off balance to quick draw' message.  Once I'm dead, I can move my camera and spectate as normal.  The only caveat is that if I died while stuck, everything I type while dead won't show up until the round ends, even if I move the camera around.

I have never had this problem without getting on a horse.  Once I get on and it starts, however, I have to disconnect from the server to get it to stop entirely.  It will go away if I run into an object and wait a little bit, but it inevitably comes back once I start moving around again, regardless of whether I'm on foot or on a horse.  This includes (at least last time I checked) round changes.   I should note that this problem isn't intermittent.  It happens every time I get on a horse and have WSE2 enabled.

I've uninstalled, reinstalled, changed ports, forwarded ports, changed firewall settings, done packet loss tests to my router to Google, and to, and haven't found a problem.  I also ran the game without WSE2 and didn't have an issue.   As I thought this was a network issue originally, I took some network graph screencaps while I was playing with nothing network heavy in the background:

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I went ahead and screwed around with the iUdpReceiveBufferSize and iUdpSendBufferSize parameters in the config file, lowering them to 32768 from 262144.  I didn't take a network graph, but it seemed to smooth out the network performance a little bit.  It unfortunately didn't help with the rubberbanding thing.

The only other potentially relevant thing I can think of is that I know I'm not the only one to get this, I believe Brontosaurus_FIDLGB mentioned having the same issue.

I'm also attaching the IRC log between me, Tydeus, and a couple other people as we tried to figure this out just in case I forgot any details.

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Buy / Re: Looking for +3 Destrier
« on: December 20, 2013, 04:02:41 am »
Just an FYI you can get one for 2 loom points + 40k by doing these two trades:

Aaaand they're gone.

Sell/Trade / [Done]
« on: December 20, 2013, 03:44:10 am »
I'm happy to just blow them on a pair of mail gauntlets but figured I'd give people the chance to trade in their gloves for loom points if they wanted.

PM me with offers. 

Thanks Halfdan!

My apologies for the post molestation. 

I will have a new one delivered...

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I'm surprised you mentioned me as being a nasty forum poster; I thought I was considered pretty reasonable, I even get +s from arowaine and smoothy-kun on occasion D:
as for muzzling Kesh, I used to do that in strat 2 and a bit in 3 and I think it helped since we were pretty popular back then I guess; but I haven't really tried to do it in 4 cause I was inactive for so long and Kesh and the others have been fantastic in building FCC into the power it is this strat so I didn't think it made sense for me to go yelling at Kesh to change anything; we have never been wanting for enemies and I'll take struggling against hordes of enemies over sitting around waiting for something to happen.

I plus one you on occasion, too.  I didn't mean my comment about you in a negative way.  Every clan needs a few members who are willing to stand up for their clan no matter what, otherwise diplomacy would be really boring.  Jingoism and propaganda definitely have their place in strat.  You're really nice about it, usually, which is great.  I may not agree with your posts all that often, but they're not nasty or insulting.  Just wanted to clear that up.

FCC definitely deserves credit for the faction they've built, and I don't want my suggestion about toning down Kesh to take away from that.  It just seems that FCC tends to get a bad rap because one member does things that reflect poorly on the clan as a whole.  With a successful empire you're never going to be short of people looking to knock you down a peg, but that doesn't mean they have to actually dislike you.

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This is exactly what I'm talking about.  I'm not even going to argue the point.  Have a good evening, Kesh.

also Kesh does not run FCC. Pretty sure I have said it plenty. We are a council who decide on things. Sure he has a lot of input but he also puts in the most time organizing things. Have to say I put in way to much time as well, but that is the benefit of working with internet access available from my phone.

I actually like FCC quite a bit.  The problem is that you also have one of the most vocal, vitriolic people in the NA community handling a lot of your interaction with other clans.  To put it nicely, Kesh is kind of intense.  If you guys could manage to muzzle him and keep him off the forums, I think public opinion would sway considerably.  Hospitaller had the same issue at the beginning of this strat.  They put one of their nicer, more genial members in charge of diplomacy and it worked wonders.  You can say Kesh isn't the leader, and I believe you entirely, but like it or not he's the public face of the clan, and it really doesn't do FCC any favors.

That's not to say I haven't had any positive experiences dealing with Kesh.  I had a good time mercing for FCC at least once when he asked me to, I had a ton of fun cheering him on in another battle where he was the only one left on one team running around picking up arrows to try and kill the two players left alive on the other team.  The problem is that he gets really defensive and nasty at the drop of a hat.  He's come into our teamspeak server on multiple occasions just to yell at people signed up against FCC before or after a battle.  He seems to have some self-fulfilling paranoia about a big bad secret alliance out to get him and FCC.  That didn't used to be true, but he's made it happen with his unpleasant behavior.  No one wants to be around or support that kind of attitude, so you end up with all these people, through no explicit organization, taking the opposite side because they just don't like the guy.

Granted, there's other reasons to dislike FCC.  Mega-alliance-carebear-steamroll-etc., but VE is the same and no one really dislikes them the same way people dislike FCC because of Kesh.  Hell, Matey is as bad or worse than everyone else on diplomacy in terms of jingoism and propaganda, but our poor pirate buddy doesn't hold a candle to Kesh.  He's not the only one, by far, but he's one of the most vocal, especially now that Smoothrich is more or less gone.

Back on topic, while I don't like the wording of the thread I can understand HoC wanting to save face.  There's really no shame in not taking a well supplied castle or city, at least in this strat round, though.  You've probably contributed a few billion xp to the cRPG community in this war alone, so that has to count for something.  I know you guys get a lot of shit for having bad KDs, but as someone said previously you're basically the entire VE shield wall, so it's kind of expected you're going to take heavy losses.  Good luck on your new faction.  Oh, and hats off to Occitan for maintaining the willpower to keep their fiefs garrisoned and armed. 

With out any means to travel past rivers...

They really ought to talk to TurmoilTom about that.

Sell/Trade / Re: Xol's Loom Station
« on: April 15, 2013, 03:44:51 pm »
Shop is now closed

You know I don't think I've merced for FCC yet this strat.  That would be a nice change of pace, I applied for vick.

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