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Messages - ArchonAlarion

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 41
Realism Discussion / Re: Long Sword vs another sword
« on: May 20, 2012, 09:15:44 pm »
Blind guy wins, but Khorin survives a shamefur defeat by referencing Real Ultimate Power.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Regarding "Bastard" 2-Handers
« on: May 20, 2012, 09:09:35 pm »
Make them 1 slot. These weapons are not supposed to work well 1 handed on foot (because of their length), they are for cavalry (because of their length).

Lance + shield + Bastard sword = Mounted knight. Realistic, not op. They can't switch to the sword without losing the lance.

Suggestions Corner / Re: One nerf and one buff
« on: May 20, 2012, 09:02:55 pm »
there is a limit for turn speed in the game when running or swinging, it is just set very low and not considering weapon and armor weights and lenghts.

Oh okay. It would be cool if item stats factored into increasing the limit.

General Discussion / Re: Iron Flesh needs some love!
« on: May 19, 2012, 04:53:29 am »
What if IF was an armor modifier.  Like a natural armor + bonus count instead of hit points.  I know it's left field but it makes sense to me.  That way a high level in IF would actually see a naked peasant having natural armor resistance.  Not really a relative referance but for example.

yeah that's what IF really should be. STR increases your body mass, IF would be the toughness of your skin and general resistance to pain.

Announcements / Re: cRPG Ingame Feature - what is it you want?
« on: May 19, 2012, 04:51:20 am »
Battles aren't long enough to exhaust a trained soldiers, so stamina is un realistic at such small scales.

Except perhaps for sprinting.

Edit: Just did more scientific tests with my sword, 1h, swung it 12 times in a row then called it a quit, I could have went on and on, but you suggested 4-8 times before being tired.

Now keep in mind: 1) I am a lazy fuckhead in terrible physical shape and 2) Soldiers and Knights back then were trained and in good shape, as such they could swing their swords for far longer than me.

Yeah I think it would make more sense for heavy weapons like mauls, poleaxes, etc. Sprinting would really be where stamina or something akin to it would be necessary.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Chamber block projectiles
« on: May 19, 2012, 04:12:36 am »
I was being ironic, we didn't add it yet. I can say it's on our priority list right after adding elves and magic.

I'm so glad you develop this game instead of somebody else.

Announcements / Re: cRPG Ingame Feature - what is it you want?
« on: May 19, 2012, 04:08:49 am »
Adding more depth to combat. I play primarily because this game has an awesome combat system. Adding and improving the combat system is what I would like to see.

Suggestions Corner / Re: One nerf and one buff
« on: May 19, 2012, 04:00:57 am »
Reducing turning speed would really only affect those who have sensitivity on maximum, and that's unfair because things outside of the game (like how good your mouse is) contribute to that. Everyone else would just up sensitivity...

It would be cool though if movement speed (especially backpeddling) was reduced, and then a "run" mechanic was added where you double tap W to sprint for a certain amount of time based on your athletics. Then you could also "lunge" in combat if you could control your tapping sufficiently. Beyond that, "dodging" by double tapping A and D would also be cool.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Sidearms
« on: May 15, 2012, 05:37:26 am »
I think if hit distances and angles were fixed, sidearms would already be a lot more viable. Currently, all you have to do in a tight situation is bend over and slash your opponent's feet and you have a high chance of a successful hit, even when he's right in your face. Imagine polearms for which only the head does damage, and the shaft just bounces when you are too close to the enemy.

Yes, although the hafts of polearms are useful in checking opponents, tripping them, and knocking them down.

Realism Discussion / Re: Lances should break when damaged
« on: May 13, 2012, 09:54:23 am »
Make the breaking chance based on a certain threshold of damage that the lance deals, preferably something high, like a couch. This kind of thing has been done in other mods.

Even better would be if the chance of breaking was based on something the player has done "wrong", like hitting a shield, not getting a head-shot, not couching, etc. That way the breaking is penalizing poor lance use.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Siege: spawn waves
« on: May 13, 2012, 09:48:17 am »
I would like to see this. The best part about siege is attacking up the walls in big wave or defending passes with your teammates.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: 2 Handers
« on: May 13, 2012, 09:38:52 am »
Duel Server.

So long as battles consist of a series of 1v1 encounters, 2h weapons will dominate.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Sidearms
« on: May 13, 2012, 09:34:38 am »
Sidearms would be more effective if most other, larger items had longer sheath and unsheath times.

Suggestions Corner / Re: FIX THE POLEWEPS
« on: May 13, 2012, 09:29:02 am »
Is there some way to give Knockdown to poles to get rid of the polestagger, but without actually giving them knockdown? Like, do cut and pierce attacks kd, or can only blunt attacks kd?

General Off Topic / Re: Why americans hate Obama?
« on: May 10, 2012, 11:16:34 pm »
Countries are gay. The internet will gradually abolish them anyhow, once people around the world gravitate to a central cultural mindset and begin to request/demand the same freedoms that their geographically separate friends have.


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