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Messages - Muki

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NA (Official) / Re: ban Legolan_the_farmer
« on: August 25, 2013, 08:32:46 am »
(You can copy paste the text below and fill out the form)
1. Name of your character involved
2. Name of offending character(s)
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.
6. Multiple Screenshots
7. Names of players that can witness what happened.

NA (Official) / Re: Unban Sparvico
« on: August 22, 2013, 11:09:17 pm »
Just came back from work.

Yes you may want to be careful on the taunts you give to your own team when you fail an assist.

You will be unban.

The reason for the 12hr ban is so it would actually effect your playtime due to this happening so early in the morning since most people who play around that time are about to leave for work or other places. An 2hr ban would had normally be given, but it doesn't really mean a lot if it doesn't effect the player.

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Sparvico
« on: August 22, 2013, 03:35:44 pm »
pretty blatant it was intentional ill be applying a 12hr ban

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Muki
« on: August 20, 2013, 04:06:29 am »
Well if Cyranule didn't approve of you impersonating him you would be the one requested to change your name
(probably would receive a ban too for griefing him if he that upset about it or the actions you did while impersonating him)

I handled that case here

And here a word from Kalam when I asked around the Admin forums
I believe as long as the first person with the name is okay with it, it's alright.

The player in question should know the risk what his doppelganger could/would do with his name.

Notice I didn't answer your last question I would recommend him to tell his "friend" to change name since we do know that he had that character name before his doppel did. If force is needed it there  always a option to post on the forums about the problem 

Problem in the lilly case is I noir do any of the other admin I believe; know who had the name lilly_lefluer first, they could always try adding numbers(aka apply a namechange to get those numbers) to their name to distinguish themselves. i.e Chinaserf (x,y,z...etc)

With the limitation of the game chat not being able to tell the difference between I and l  if the case of CyranuIe and Cyranule  both being in the server and an admin being present in the tking rampage would it be better to let the rampage continue or ban both so the other players can enjoy themselves.

Through you are quite right about waiting for the logs, but still I most likely follow my senior colleagues advice on how to handle strange/unique "events".

right well devs and testers have been informed probably will be fixed in some future patch

Seeing he still at least playing in the server (Killing the AI) and not causing any trouble

Locking thread

Start a new post in cRPG technical problems if you want to discuss more about this bug

Well this is very unique. I think I know how he pulling off the bug probably caused by the new quick dagger pull feature they applied into the mod

Strategus Issues / Re: fief owner away
« on: August 20, 2013, 12:58:12 am »
The owner if he in the fief can transfer the fief ownership to the person.

Don't remember if the person receiving the fief had to be in the faction or not

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Muki
« on: August 20, 2013, 12:42:00 am »
In the future instead of banning a bunch of people for having similar names, you can check the logs and do a ctrl+f search for the words you saw lilly say in the ban request's screenshots and find the key there.

Just saying, I would be mighty pissed if I was banned simply because my name was similar to someone else who did something banworthy.

I know from when I was an admin that its not even hard to check, like at all.
The logs were not uploaded when I made the ban they just got uploaded  30 mins ago

The problem with the lilly case is there is about 7 different keys/accounts with a alt named lilly_lefluer some are still in existent other are deleted. Not to mention if the lilly's were all on at the same time and this had to be handled in game it causes more problems

So I follow my colleague advice about how to handle this case if it did happen to appear
Also, in my experience, if they are doing it to get around bans (ie one person misbehaves and you dont know which one did it) ban them all :D

NA (Official) / Re: not sure why im banned here
« on: August 19, 2013, 11:54:15 pm »
Ill unban the "innocent" lilly's once I look through the logs, if you want this misunderstanding to not happen again I recommend a namechange since its a pain to go to the web logs and check every L or I to see if its the right lilly. Intill than wait for me to go testing the character name or intill the real one confesses.


Found the lilly_lefIuer  that did it Longbow_MB  you will remain banned the other lilly are free to go.

NA (Official) / Re: Ban-lilly_lefluer
« on: August 19, 2013, 07:49:18 pm »
Well I had this discussion before with the other NA admins and here was the general result
Also, in my experience, if they are doing it to get around bans (ie one person misbehaves and you dont know which one did it) ban them all :D

Right now There are still four active existing lilly_lefluer so they all receive a 25hr ban

NA (Official) / MOVED: NA Siege Server-Muted
« on: August 19, 2013, 04:17:23 am »

cRPG Technical problems / Re: NA Siege Server-Muted
« on: August 19, 2013, 04:17:08 am »
Well is there anything popping up in your logs? Hit L. Do you see other players chatting?

It's not a mute by an admin since rejoining the server would had removed the mute.

Also is the problem happening in any other crpg servers?

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Request - brokeback_mountaineer
« on: August 13, 2013, 05:53:30 am »
Since brokeback_mountaineer has no record of teamkilling/wounding I will place a warning.

Not everyone likes being nudged so keep you're hands/weapon to yourself and the enemy.

Unless Oohillac you can provide a screenshot that can match up with the logs you posted with your character health bar that clearly shows you have taken damage by him in it; I will only be issuing a warning (You will have 24hrs from my post to provide the evidence).

Time up Locking Thread

NA (Official) / Re: [Unban] Cad please
« on: August 11, 2013, 08:34:17 pm »
Player    Cad
Banned by    Shadowren
Ban Date    10.08.2013 21:03:44
Scheduled Unban    11.08.2013 21:03:00
Ban reason    teamkiller ; Tking at spawn

Ill contact shadowren

NA (Official) / Re: Unban bootie
« on: August 11, 2013, 08:32:12 pm »
So what ppl do that shit all the time should we ban them all?

I don't believe most people go to -40, ill contact Kelugarn to see what he thinks about this unban request

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