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Messages - Felix

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Interesting idea, it can be done, as there's a native server completely dedicated to it
I love RPing, but I would prefer it to be typed-based or Atleast one where I don't have to talk.

any way, I'd like to get some more information about it all, then ill say my opinion

Well, type-based events can't involve any fighting. And warband is, after all, a game about people pretending to be medieval warriors beating the shit out of each other  :mrgreen:

This is great!
I can actually remeber those RPs, they sometimes were a complete mess, but were always fun no matter what.
Btw for later RPs we even created a separate module to allow wearing different clothes. cRPG is perfect for this!

About broken english - it is never a problem, everyone can get a role: you can be a foreign trader or even some assasin who isn't good at local language. In one RP I've been an enemy scout group member and we were mostly speaking between each other.

Also, voice RP is great, for example one time we could spy an official meeting, it was rather hard to hear but that is just an addition to fun.

Another part of greatness in these RPs is that even though roles are predefined, only organiser knows all characters: you won't know if there is an enemy scout group, or how many guards are in a village.
Yeah, there are a lot of things laying on organisers, but even if plot isn't very great, people rule that event and it is still interesting.

This. I am glad someone from old time is still hanging around. There are actually lot of roles that are counted as extras - member of bandit gang, nameless soldiers etc, where you will be only speaking with each other (without RP style, in TS for example) or just listen to commands. We will try to balance it out so one one feels bored.

Buy / Re: [BUY] 2 Loompoints
« on: April 24, 2013, 09:18:24 pm »

Go to persistent world servers. C-rpg is for fighting.

Obviously you didn't get it, did you? Why bother commenting then?

P.S. PW is bullshit.

But the idea is good, I'm not dissing you at all. Perhaps it could work if <insert secret project> had in-game VoIP with 3D sound, that way more people could speak at the same time.

Well, here, i found a Mumble tutorial link. VoIP 3D sound in-game.,109998.0.html

But i have to agree with broken and butchered English issue, though it's not players' fault - few of us ever taken speaking skill lessons or taken part in theatre plays.

Do you people even remember everything else from early cRPG days ? You're like the 25th guy mentioning this during the last year.....while I could recall so many great things that people rarely mention.  :)

What someone said: maybe its too late for this mod due to its many limitations and maybe this is something better left for Battlegrounds or Bannerlords or any of its mods where you will simply have more options of making a good roleplaying video as well to go along the voice acting.

Well, i do, but the first guy to get black armor was the most memorable thing back then) And how we used to gang up you, because otherwise we wouldn't be able to do any damage with our scythes and hunting bows  :lol:

Nah, we could pull it with vanilla Warband Native, so i don't see why we can't do this on cRPG

10k says trolls will cock up the entire thing, this is cRPG after all.

True enough. But they won't be in roster for the next RP event for sure. Usually all trolls get kicked out after the first session.

Well, to make it short, i will try to get the first RP event up and we will see how it goes. It's kinda useless to blabber and talk about things that people never seen or tried - better show them  :mrgreen:

I think what you described is pretty much waiting for us in "Epic". Warband isn't comfortable for RP, though still it's possible... like RP-ing in Counter Stike)

WB indeed isn't really comfortable for RP. But we made it possible, i see no reason why it won't work this time.
I believe Epic is more like Strategus, which doesn't appeal to me that much. Or better. But still, Epic isn't coming very soon, is it? RP is something different entirely. It's about playing your role and sticking to your cause and the general plot.

I will participate if it's without TS. I hate listening to lonely nerds with no friends.
Typing-RP has proved to be one of the most uncomfortable way to RP in such a dynamic game as Warband. Voice RPing fits much better. Typing makes everything slow.
Well i am a nerd with a girlfriend, job and friends, will you listen to me RPing? BTW i can do both Russian and asian English accents   :lol:

I should also add that both TS and Mumble went through many updates since 2010, so i am pretty sure those programmes (especially Mumble with actual 3D sound positioning) will help with immersion into RP.

General Discussion / Re: Thoughts about RP (events) in cRPG
« on: April 23, 2013, 09:51:59 am »
Clans despise each other, I`ve been to several teamspeaks, and I`ve heard each clan dissing the other.

Do you think it was any different in 2010? That wasn't a problem back then and i don't think it would become a problem now. That's a good thing about RP - people can actually convey their feelings (even negative) into something artistic.

Voice rp...

* Tank Burner shudders.

I don't want to hear these nerds' voices. It's bad enough in strat battles, much less them "Roleplaying"

You would be surprised how motivated people can become. I assure you that players who participated in RP events were no different from cRPG nerds - given circumstances they CAN actually roleplay. I was a first hand witness. Surely, not everyone could speak (because of TS limitations - you can't have more than two people speaking at the same time in the same location) - there were extras and main characters, just like in a real theatre play

Give us a TL;DR for those who have time to only read real books.
We want to make real voice RP, with acting. With plot, characters and stuff. Via TS. Why should we do it? Cause fuck you that's why it's fun. Is it hard? Yes it's.

What we need to get this running technically are: TS server, cRPG server and a map maker. For the first session we could even use one of the old maps - cause cRPG has bunch of rural and city maps. So basically we pretty much have everything we need.

Count me in if it ever becomes reality!

It's YOU and every single player who make this real.

General Discussion / Re: Thoughts about RP in cRPG
« on: April 23, 2013, 02:07:27 am »
i like the idea, but it indeed seems a massive bunch of work

Nothing comes easy. Though it won't a pioneer work.

Events & Tournaments / delete
« on: April 23, 2013, 01:56:43 am »

General Discussion / Thoughts about live (voice) RP (events) in cRPG
« on: April 23, 2013, 01:47:18 am »
Thoughts about RP in cRPG. Sharing Russian Warband community experience.

Hey everyone. I was staying late tonight, when i suddendly stumbled on some old pals from ol' good times when cRPG was still a small rpg mode with html website and black armor ever ugly Gnjus running around and killing people ... but that's not the point. It has nothing to do with cRPG - what i am suggesting is to conduct an live voice RP event.

As a matter of fact the Russian Warband community back in 2010 had already succeeded in running several RP events with a small group of players (~15-20). As time was passing we developed a loyal player base and were able to enjoy ourselves for two months. Two months of scrutinizing, hard work and efforts to adjust somewhat limited Warband engine to our RP needs. Unfortunately the progression stopped and no additional attempts were made.

So how did we do that? First, we put up a theme recruiting players willing to roleplay and strictly abide by rules. Then we start distributing roles and giving out the plot. After that we made sure the TS server is up. After all preparations were done, we actually roleplayed for 2-3 hours. All narration and dialogues were actually live read - everyone sticked to their role (peasant, lord, for example - i was a blacksmith) and did what their characters would have done in real life situation. It was a huge fan. The feeling of contribution and taking part in such a nice and creative thing was quite rewarding.

Not to mention that the outcome of the game was literally unpredictable - we once had four sides fighting for their own cause: bandits who tried to kidnap a lady, guards and man at arms trying to deliver her to castle safely, a town that didn't want to get between them, but were forced to take part anyway, because the shortest road to the castle went through the city and finally couple of assassins, who had a task of killing the lady (which made them enemies of both guards and bandits, as they wanted her alive). And do you know what happened?

After some struggling guards got access to the town, but were immediately attacked by bandits. Couple of citizens were in league with brigands, so guards decided to sack the whole city. Assassins ended up killing all witnesses but couldn't accomplish their task. And in midst of all the fighting guard crossbowman accidently killed the lady. The end. City is burned, citizens are killed, bandits flee, guards fail, assassins are happy. And everything was live. Isn't that awesome? Now imagine that with cRPG players running wild, shouting, insulting each other, betraying, plotting, hiding, surviving, killing and fighting.

During the course of organizing we faced lot of problems. The main one was how to make it organized and disciplined. The next was concerning TS and speaking matters - we had to divide locations into rooms in TS (it was 2010 year TS) and admin had to manually switch players when they move somewhere else. Later we kinda made a progress implementing Mumble with it's positional audio, so one couldn't actually hear you whisper in the bushes while drinking his beer in tavern. The volume also changed as the character moved away from/to the source of sound.

So why should we do this? Because it's very fun. Trust it me it is. I am sure lot of players are quite tired of endless battle hacking with no real purpose besides accumulating looms and gold, so i suggest we do this. AFAIK TS now supports positional audio so it wouldn't a problem. cRPG has a huge diversity of armor and weapons, so that won't be a problem as well. What we need is support from admins and big clans, that can provide both server and disciplined players. As for my part, i am ready to share with cRPG community my quite unique experience in organizing live RP Warband events.

Buy / [BUY] 2 Loompoints
« on: April 23, 2013, 12:42:29 am »
Buying. PM me.

Events & Tournaments / Re: cRPG Clan League
« on: April 22, 2013, 10:58:55 pm »
Not playing the matches is your own fault, really.

Well, that i do understand. Still we have a reason to be unhappy. At least i am.

Events & Tournaments / Re: cRPG Clan League
« on: April 22, 2013, 10:36:25 pm »
That's bullshit. 3 clans made it happen to play all the matches within the timeframe (quite easily) and you get to get points for being unable to do so as well? Unfair.

As it's now, the system rewards not for having good results, but just for the fact that you indeed showed up and played your game (even if you did so-so), isn't it? Surely, you got your third place - good for you and etc, but it's kinda depressing for our team to have second best results and getting fourth place just because we couldn't play all games. Not to mention the fact that clans on second and third places have ~ 1.5 win to lose ratio.

In short, it sucks. I really thought that the matches were just postponed - i never knew that this was coming. It's kinda clear that Deserters deserve second or third place skillwise.

But the league was really good, i enjoyed it wholeheartedly. A big thank you to everyone who made this happen. Though i'd be more happy, if there was a deadline prolongation.

Faction Halls / Re: [Deserter]Deserters (Invite Only)[NEW POLL]
« on: April 22, 2013, 04:09:22 pm »
When is the next match?

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