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Messages - Zergmar

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 21
What is your thesis about, if we may know?

I would have to wait until the whole test is over, otherwise my supervising professor might want to kill me

wat u studying?1?1@!4?!"$?!

My major is in ethnolinguistics, but the thesis is kind of a big, messy mixture of things that go all over the place

I'll be a giant scumbag for spamming this here, but I'm running an online test/survey for my degree thesis, and I would be very thankful if you'd be willing to participate. The study in general is heavily dependent on linguistic diversity, so instead of just spamming my nearly monolingual group of IRL friends and family, it would be pretty great to also get results from people with different native languages.

Filling out the form shouldn't take more than 2-3 mins, there are no wrong answers, and no bs like having to give your email address or phone number.

Anyway, here's the link to the test:

Thanks in advance
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General Off Topic / Re: this forum
« on: March 04, 2017, 08:04:15 pm »
this forum will transcend humanity itself

General Discussion / Re: shit talk thread
« on: March 03, 2017, 12:27:56 am »
lov u all, no homosapiens

General Off Topic / Re: Me lazy, send help
« on: March 02, 2017, 10:54:27 pm »
I just watch trash on youtube/twitch or sleep all day.

I'm very guilty of doing this as well. Lately, I've even stopped playing games, since they're supposedly such a big time sink, but I can still end up wasting an entire day on doing absolutely nothing, with youtube/twitch playing in the background.

Spam / Boat
« on: February 12, 2017, 09:41:31 pm »

General / Re: Donkey team no longer developing M:BG / OKAM
« on: February 03, 2017, 07:19:58 pm »
Wow. At least we're all back to our filthy but loved c-rpg shack.

PS. I can finally delete my okam forum account

Ended up in Platinum with abysmal 5 wins, 3 lose, 2 draws. Gold medals left and right every match, it seems it doesn't matter shit. The biggest letdown was playing Zenyatta, gold in healing, silver in damage -- nothing worse than losing when you know your offensive buddies weren't doing jack shit and you're trying to juggle 3 jobs at once.

4th placement game and I've already got a Draw, so much for Blizzard calling them "Extremely Rare".

The "placement matches" system is utter shit. It was the same at the beginning of Season 1 where absolutely amazing players didn't get much more than ~60 from the 10 games, while half of the world's population ended up with ~55.

  • Hanzo's Arrow size has been reduced by 33%
  • Reverted a recent change that reduced the size of heroes' projectiles
  • Maximum projectile speed has been increased by 30%
  • Hanzo will now experience a 30% decrease in speed while aiming (formerly 40%)

In other words, Hanzo-main-no-brain actually got buffed a lot?

Developer Comments: Hanzo has the potential to deal a lot of damage, but he can feel really inconsistent, even at a medium distance. By increasing the projectile speed, we’re extending his reliable range, making it easier to land shots without having to perfectly predict enemy movement. To compensate for the increased projectile speed, we’ve decreased the size of his arrows, meaning his shots now require a bit more accuracy.

So they reduced the arrow size, while bringing back the giant arrow size from a patch prior? Is Blizzard's balancing team actually retarded?

General Discussion / Re: Zero Kono fōramu o koroshimasu
« on: August 31, 2016, 11:04:41 pm »

Spam / Re: hı
« on: August 31, 2016, 10:52:28 pm »
Nót ręąlly, nó.

What on earth is this "Accuracy" stat on Ana at Overbuff and Masterofoverwatch?
Every match I'm over 60% unscoped, and yet the website says I'm at 11%? Checked the #1 guy on EU, and his Ana's "Accuracy" is at 20%, which would be really hard to believe.

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