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Messages - Glyph

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General / Re: Black or White?
« on: November 25, 2014, 04:46:09 pm »
Start posting awesome stuff related to melee and get upvotes and you can be a knight!
Would starting a chadzanian crusade along with the rest of the Templars suffice if we convince all the heretics to donate all their money?  :mrgreen:

General / Re: Black or White?
« on: November 25, 2014, 04:28:40 pm »
Can i be a knight instead? I don't know what it means and am wary about what this little game of chess will have in store for us casual players...

General / Re: Black or White?
« on: November 24, 2014, 09:21:14 pm »

General / Spread the word through Youtube!
« on: November 23, 2014, 12:41:23 pm »
I think one of THE best ways to get more backers is through Youtube, how much are you exactly lobbying to get in all of their future vids? They will probably want gameplay on their hands before having something real to talk about in their vids so maybe giving them some would be a good idea? If any help is needed in contacting(or forcing) them I(and so many more people in here) would be happy to help, just give the command and a strategy!

General Discussion / Re: best Combo (OP, style or just fun)
« on: November 20, 2014, 08:03:36 pm »
Plated charger + gothic plate + big helmet and big bardiche :
I am amazed every single time no matter how good I land my blow, your swing will keep going and slice me+my horse up in one go.

General Discussion / Re: reforge?
« on: October 22, 2014, 12:03:10 pm »

General Discussion / reforge?
« on: October 22, 2014, 11:00:37 am »
Is the reforge mechanic the thing that lets you swap a single MW post-patch? Because only 2 LPs sucks.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Recommend a (heavier) whorse for 2h-cav.
« on: October 21, 2014, 06:13:05 pm »
Look for a small horse like indeed the cataphract for max range, maneuver is more important than speed because you hit like a truck with 2H from hb anyway. upkeep will get you eventually though, which sucks. I'd also suggest using a morningstar for the pierce damage and the amazing damage, try and love it.

General Discussion / Re: Horse archery is too strong
« on: July 22, 2014, 08:12:37 pm »
I just read this... and I had to lol. I'm not a britmy old friend, I don't consider any culture inherantly better than another either but: That's bullshit Smoothrich. Despite what hollywood or w/e has made you believe, the longbow used by the english that gained so much fame during the 100-years war period and continued to be used throughout Tudor times were:

NOT a selfbow: it is a natural laminate, so a compound bow, with sapwood resisting tension on the back and heartwood resisting compression in the belly. Yew was ideal for this, to the point where early conservationists complained about deforestation of yew trees.
NOT a flatbow: crosssection of a longbow/warbow will show it is a D shape.
NOT a straightbow: THIS is the biggest misconception you seem to be under, since many portrayals, especially in movies, show unstrung longbows to look a bit like a stave: Longbows were recurve bows. Very many manuscripts from medieval era show this. Unfortunatly, no medieval bows from england excist, of any shape, but hundreds of ones from the Mary Rose, flagship of Henry VIII, were recovered when the ship was raised, and they are ALL recurve bows.
Longbows, or warbows as they were also called, were primarily used on foot, of course, but when the english marched to france for war they took mounted archers with them. These guys would dismount and form up for pitched battles, because military archery is a question of volume of arrows, not the skirmish warfare of the steppe tribes, but there are times when they had to ride and shoot: There is nothing stopping the use of a longbow on horseback. When the English had to cross Somme, at the ford at Blangetac, the mounted archers went first, firing from horseback at the Picardy militiamen on the other side, to cover the foot archers and knights behind(This is documented, I forget the name of the manuscript but it is a French manuscript describing the events, not some britmy old friend propoganda, you could probably find it if you spoke french and check the National Library's website (w/e the French call their national Library)). This was 2 days before the battle of Crecy.

SO we have a reflex, compound bow, that CAN be used from horseback, can shoot between 15 and 20 arrows per minute, and draw weights between 90 pounds (women and children) to the 160-200 pound range.

SO tell me again how the Mongol and Turkish bows of the same design but lesser draw weight were shooting further with more force?

Because it doesn't make sense on any level, to me.
The warbow can indeed be used from horseback, but not with the same deadly power and speed as it would have on foot. The main advantage of using a really compact bow as the Tartars and Mongols did was that you could easily put your bow away to switch weapons, not only that but also would you be able to move your bow over the horse's neck whilst shooting, which means you have an extra edge over the use of a warbow from horseback because the turn radius of your bow is greater. Another thing which would in my oppinion is really weird about shooting a warbow from horseback is the following: When I shoot a longbow which is at the top end of the draw weight I can handle, yes I do this because I practice archery for the gigs,(and no not those 180lbs ones lol) all the muscle groups in my upper body are helping me to pull that string back, and to do that properly I have to stand very stable on the ground to shoot the thing, so how could one do that from the back of a horse? of course you could stand up in the stirups but I can't imagine being able to stand as steady in those. Anyhow, I guess we'll never really know, because we don't breed those darn gorillas anymore.
ow ow and you are completely right about the yew! it is THE best kind of wood to use for bowmaking, but not only the English had you available to them! Italian Yew is also very good for making bows, but the English were the only ones to see it's value and force every able boy from a young age to learn how to shoot it by law.

General Discussion / Re: Horse archery is too strong
« on: July 21, 2014, 01:14:24 pm »
I think HAs shouldn't be nerfed in a way that will give them less damage, or less choice in horses, but by giving them some kind of counter, as stated above, if it takes a HA 20 arrows to kill you, he will be just as annoying and get his points in a way just as unfair, people would indeed not play the class as much but the point of a Nerf should be to annihilate a class, but to put it in a fair position in the game. To do that a counter should be implemented, now the question is how...

General Discussion / Re: Horse archery is too strong
« on: July 16, 2014, 06:18:53 pm »
Let's all just go and play WotR, no HAs there and no nerfings done to any of our beloved classes!

(just trolling please don't teabag)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Saracen Turban Helm with Coif
« on: July 16, 2014, 06:09:20 pm »
One thing I never understood is why the fuck do the devs replace items with "new" ones, instead of just adding them.
probably because the quality of some of the textures and models was terrible

General Discussion / Re: heavy cav got herfed...
« on: July 16, 2014, 12:17:47 pm »
well its not my class that's allowing me to survive all that shit, its my build and high level.
In a way it is your class that let's you have that incredibly high amount of both IF and armor, a 2hander doesn't need to invest in that many different skills, so the skills you do invest in can, in general, be at the top level of what your AGI and STR allow you to have them at. For example, a 2hander doesn't need to invest in something equivalent to PD, PT or riding to be able to play as that class. Of course that is the way that class is designed to be and in that aspect, has an advantage.
Though you are right, your high level and gen makes your class OP lol

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Heavy Great Sword [Why is it so bad???]
« on: July 07, 2014, 12:26:58 pm »
Because it's cheaper. It's also the best sword for stunning that has four attacking directions.
Do you really think money is still an issue for 70% of the community?

I have a courser to offer for your destrier, so you can be speedy gonzalez :D

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