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Messages - GK_Leonidas

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Suggestions Corner / Re: Faster Game Speed
« on: July 30, 2011, 10:58:08 pm »
If we want this mod to grow, I suggest we keep the speed on medium. This game already has a steep learning curve as it is. New players have more of a chance of rage quitting permanently, if we speed up the game.  I think it is best to keep the speed where it is for the longevity and  "lastabilty"  of the mod. For those who think fights last to long, learn some more complex feinting.


Where is this video you speak of?

Building upon that, anyone got some links to some videos of epic duels in warband?


click on the links to go to videos.

All fights are first to 7 wins

Semi Finals vs Prt Beer

Comments = allowed to play my game

Finals vs Bks_Rhade

Comments = stifled by the ring kept getting wall pwned most of my quick deaths came by getting stuck or trying to escape the wall. He became smart and started to use the wall to come back.  Would have practiced for it if I had known the fight was going to be in there.  Sometimes things just don't go your way.

You guys be the judge and you decide I am moving on.

General Discussion / Re: Back From Koa Duel Tournament In Native.
« on: July 27, 2011, 06:23:06 pm »
Leo fought rhade in an open field and still lost. Even so, the reason he lost in the ring is because all he literally does is backpedal. The only time you will ever catch leo advancing is when he tries to advance with his "seizure feint". 'sides this is the dude who condescendingly preaches of "playing like a shark" and "adapting to any situation". I saw neither of them things in that video.

This is a known racist troll from native, who gets muted and banned on the TW forums on a consistent basis. He is also a chief hater of mine, probably because my skill level is so far beyond his at this point. He also happens to be apart of Rhade's Fan boys. Please leaving your trolling in the TW forums. Realize when I fought Rhade the first time I was transitioning to fastest from medium after  only about 30 minutes of practice, I was also under the impression the server was running in medium because it said so in the settings, I came to find out though it was running fastest because of a mod it had, that set it to fastest even though it said it was running medium (This is a well chronicled fact and it was settled months ago.) Please crawl back under your bridge, and realize that I have actually gained the respect of a lot of the NA Crpg community by the merits of my play. The community isn't as biased over here as it is in Native.

Can't wait till Friday, when I will be playing again.

General Discussion / Re: Back From Koa Duel Tournament In Native
« on: July 27, 2011, 04:31:57 pm »
Honestly I am tired both of native and crpg duels. I would like to see "faster" or at least ''fastest'' speed crpg duels, then it will be fun for me  :)

Both those duels were in fastest. Swings speeds are increased significantly.

General Discussion / Re: Best Players on NA cRPG
« on: July 27, 2011, 04:37:49 am »
huh? that's not hard to follow at all.

A tournament would be cool. People talked about restricting gear earlier in the thread, I argue that since a major component of C-RPG, and arguably the main draw of the mod, is player customization (i.e., buying and equipping equipment and leveling up) it doesn't make sense to restrict gear. As an example, if someone wants to fight Goretooth, noted for his use of heavy gear and an OP weapon, with peasant (i.e., very cheap) gear, he should be allowed to.

However, since heirlooms are only obtainable through large amounts of playtime, and the tournament would be a test of skill, not a test of poopsock capacity or inability to obtain and/or hold a job, they should be disallowed.

Honestly in my opinion  the only way to asses true skill in its purest form is everyone have the same stats and same weapon like in native, Everything else isn't balanced and different builds give advantages in melee. When I was NightWind, a fast assassin, I could hold my own against the best for a while, but I just didn't have the power to hurt them PS 5. I would have to hit them 4 times to their 1. With Gk_Leonidas power strike 8 I can inflict serious damage with  each blow. What do you guys think.

General Discussion / Re: Back From Koa Duel Tournament In Native.
« on: July 27, 2011, 04:15:09 am »
let's duel more leonidas.  I think we go even in crpg for win/loss currently in duel. I don't know if I was dueling you on a randomly named STF character or not, though.
I liked fighting you, you didn't take risks, you don't gamble much at all. It was nice, after about 30 seconds of block-strike-block I start gambling chambers & double swings, etc.
IDK, I dislike the 5 minute+ duels I participated in along time ago where you're just waiting for the other guy to make a wrong block. Gambling certain tricks spice it up even if they backfire on me.

What is your main character, I know those who can go even with me by name.

Cyranule(1 hander), Galgorath(Steel Pick), Dan_ATS(longsword or maybe it was Danish) Allers(Longsword) ,(Sorry if I left someone out these are people I  used to fight on the duel server) this was before I left, after  playing in fastest for so many weeks. When you come back to medium, people seem to be swinging in slow motion or noticeably slower, only lasts for about a day, till your body acclimates back to  medium.

General Discussion / Re: Back From Koa Duel Tournament In Native.
« on: July 27, 2011, 03:45:59 am »
Native duels at their finest. Wear a rag, take the longest shaft possible, backpedal the hell out of your opponent.
Seeing those made me glad I pretty much stopped playing Native more than a year ago.Sorry, but where is the fight? I see running competition, not a fight here.Same running competition, yet limited by the ring barriers.

You play a little different when every potential blow of your opponent can kill you. The margin of error is very small. One mistake and your dead. Native and crpg have their pros and cons, I like them both and appreciate them for their differences. Although in both native and crpg, I am more of a defensive player who has outbursts of aggression.

General Discussion / Re: Back From Koa Duel Tournament In Native.
« on: July 27, 2011, 03:09:56 am »

All fights are first to 7 wins

Semi Finals vs Prt Beer

Comments = allowed to play my game

Finals vs Bks_Rhade

Comments = stifled by the ring kept getting wall pwned most of my quick deaths came by getting stuck or trying to escape the wall. He became smart and started to use the wall to come back.  Would have practiced for it if I had known the fight was going to be in there.  Sometimes things just don't go your way.

You guys be the judge and you decide I am moving on.

General Discussion / Re: Back From Koa Duel Tournament In Native.
« on: July 27, 2011, 02:59:05 am »
It did occur to me actually. Furthermore if my opinion was skewed in any direction it would be against Rhade (lecherous, perverted, asshole that he is). I simple stand by my point that if you can only fight in an open field then your really have no room to talk about being better than anyone. Anyway, I don't come to the forums to fight, well usually I do, but this leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I'm glad there will be another skilled player to fight and I'll leave it at that.

I didn't say I could only fight in the open coy, I was up 3 - 0, what I said was that I didn't get a chance practicing in the ring, I am used to using more space. I had to adapt on the fly.  I am quite capable in a closed area, the problem is that I am not used to it and I didn't practice for it. At the last moment the tournament manager called it to be in the ring, when 99% of my practice battles and 100% of my tourney battles had been on the outside of the ring. Like I said lets just drop it.

General Discussion / Re: Back From Koa Duel Tournament In Native.
« on: July 27, 2011, 01:58:50 am »
I would have done it, if Rhade agreed to it, but like I said its over. I have a few vocal haters in Native. You see I don't belong to the old Beta club. I started playing a year ago, and learned from the best and progressed a bit to quickly for most peoples liking. There apparently is a established hierarchy or Old boys club in Native, I have kind of upset that balance. I am what I am, but anyway time to have some fun in crpg land and forget all my native troubles if Coy with allow me.

General Discussion / Re: Back From Koa Duel Tournament In Native.
« on: July 27, 2011, 01:39:48 am »

I've already made my statement on your "last minute rule change screwed me over" excuse.
And you made quite a fool of yourself on TW forums complaining about it.

Welcome back regardless, the more the merrier I say.  :?

Has it ever occurred to you that I have bested him in open field conditions plenty of times in the run up to the final and I might know what I am talking about . I am sorry that your opinions might have been skewed by his many lap dogs and slaves he has in native and on the TW forums, but since you have never fought me before you have no concept of how good I am or what I am capable of . Please lets just leave this alone and move on.

General Discussion / Re: Back From Koa Duel Tournament In Native.
« on: July 27, 2011, 01:27:15 am »
Welcome back Leo, sad that you did not win

To be honest a  last minute rule change did me in more than anything else, but like I said Its over, I'm moving on.

General Discussion / Re: Newest Players in NA cRPG
« on: July 27, 2011, 12:45:43 am »
Me...1 month

Coming back to guard you.

General Discussion / Re: Back From Koa Duel Tournament In Native.
« on: July 27, 2011, 12:43:41 am »
I will do my best to redeem my name.

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