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Messages - Thalamond

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Suggestions Corner / Re: add real war elephants!
« on: April 14, 2011, 12:33:08 pm »
Added a poll!

honestly a shield that covers you in 180 degree protection and masks your every movement does not also need to have great durability.

A shield that size should have serious draw backs as well as cookie points to balance it out rather than it's state now where it is among the
best all-around-shields

but the huscarl shield stays i say but there needs to be real motivation to use something other than that
This is exactly why it shouldn't have 180 degree protection. I think the forceshield should be minimal.
There are a few drawbacks to the current forceshield:
1. As an archer it is pretty lame to aim a perfect headshot with the shield a half meter away from the head, only to see the shield absorb it anyway.

2. i find it boring to defend against archers sometimes as a shielder, because its way too simple/easy, just hold the right mouse button and you suddenly have an impenetrable defence against ranged weapons even though your shield is the size of your head :rolleyes:

So to make more variety in the use of shields while still keeping them balanced, i think the Huge and heavy shields like the board shield should stay as they are. The Huscarls + whatever medium shield get nerfed on the forceshield part, but otherwise stay the same.
Heavy shields: Best ranged weapon protection (slow speed, large protection area, good hp, weak armor)

Medium shields/Huscarls: Best jack of all trades (medium speed, medium protection area, medium hp, medium armor)

Small (expensive) shields: Best melee protection (fast speed, small protection area, good hp, good armor)

yeah, make shields tougher against ranged, but remove most of the forceshield. By the way, i am looking at things in a broad perspective. I dont want to nerf ALL shields, only the ones who clearly do not cover the whole character but because of some magical force do that anyway. This would encourage use of the shields who actually are designed to counter ranged weapons

Actually I would imagine a forceshield against range weapons (to compensate what the character sees that the player cannot, e.g. the character cannot raise the shield when the player looks down) and remove it completely against melee weapons. To block an attack the shield should be blocking in the correct way.

While this would be nice, i dont know if it can be implemented (hardcoded perhapse??)

I still disagree that small shields should be able to compensate against ranged weapons with a large forceshield, cause right now, 2handers who dont have shields can dance around to avoid arrows, so why shouldnt the small shield users be able to do that too? They choose to use a small shield themselves so it seems reasonable.

i dont see why it seems fair, cant people just go play Wow if they want magic shields and fireballs  :mad:

When i said medium shields i included huscarl shields in that category  :wink:. But saying that the small/medium shields in general dont have a large forceshield is not true. The little bucklers can usually protect a player's front totally if he has enough shield skill.
Duelling shields such as bucklers dont make much sense at the moment because of that.

Suggestions Corner / Re: add real war elephants!
« on: April 12, 2011, 03:58:39 pm »
Exactly, and i dont see how it would be unbalanced honestly, a slow huge mount which can easily be swarmed if the opposing team arent noobs. On the other hand, if it received some support by its allied cav players it could prove to be quite dangerous.

Suggestions Corner / Re: add real war elephants!
« on: April 12, 2011, 03:48:15 pm »
Baah, i wouldnt make it as slow as infantry, i think it should be slightly faster than those agi people with light armor and 15 athletics. Of course it shouldnt be very manuverable though. Also, you are right about it being a primary target, but if we say that the hp could be even more than 200, perhapse 300-350, then it would be a waste of time to spend all your little pathetic arrows on it unless it really was the only exposed target.

To kill it/its rider, people would have to swarm it with pikes and use ranged weapons for killing the rider  :).

i'd say decrease the forceshield of the shield skill drastically, then a board shield would be ALOT more useful because of its model/size alone, and those medium shields would be medium shields, as they should be, and not psychic shields such as the ones Protoss have in starcraft.
And the medium shields would still be able to cover a skilled player against arrows, if he knew how to block properly with it. (putting some needed skill into shield using)

Suggestions Corner / Re: WPF Requirements for all weapons?
« on: April 12, 2011, 03:30:01 pm »
Please no. So boring with restrictions like these..

Suggestions Corner / add real war elephants!
« on: April 12, 2011, 03:18:03 pm »
You know you want them! A plated charger is a plated charger, an elephant is an elephant - NUFF SAID. (Ps. finally a reason for naming your char Hannibal)

Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan (recruiting cav)
« on: April 10, 2011, 11:04:43 pm »
Hey guys thanks for joining. Together we will win the whole of Calradia!  :wink: (Im GK_Tazok)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Objective based game modes?
« on: April 10, 2011, 05:29:26 pm »
This have to be implemented! Especially conquest mode!

Spam / Re: I Win, You Lose
« on: April 10, 2011, 01:10:39 am »

cRPG Technical problems / Re: WEBSITE GLITCHED
« on: April 10, 2011, 01:05:12 am »
many people on the servers are experiencing this atm, including myself :cry:

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