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Messages - Garem

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Faction Halls / Re: Black Company - Recruiting NA
« on: March 11, 2014, 07:14:33 am »
Tears, less stalking pseudonyms, more playing and shooting us in the back of the head please and thank you.

Thanks I guess? Stabby and KingAlligator pitched in.

It doesn't make sense unless you read what PhantomDancer wrote first. Something about Stabby, as attacker, being teleported to EU. And some random hashtags I didn't understand, hence my own. And he forgot to mention that Teddy_Bear_Astralis also got TP'd to EU, so I didn't want anyone to forget poor Teddy.

Anyways, good fight tonight.

Diplomacy / Re: Calling in our Favours...
« on: March 11, 2014, 01:55:04 am »
meh, fcc fought the hosp longer than pretty much every one else combined and we do not dislike them. They were fun people to fight.

Truth. Since Strat 2 if I remember correctly, BRD being instrumental in the destruction of the Northern Alliance, funded by Loki and the Saudi Oil Money. RIP Ecko_ATS.

Tank, the title of this post sucks. Otherwise, spot on.

Grinding troops is a serious grind. It's just too high a bar.

Buying troops from the S&D pool might be a better way of going about things. Or create a new "recruit" pool like S&D but it can't be raised with PP.

Then again, overhauling the entire recruitment and gear-buying system is better in my book. Managing armies with spreadsheets has gone too damned far, when you have at least 200 item choices, multiplied by 8 for the range of -4 to +3. Jesus, what a nightmare.

Faction Halls / Re: Black Company - Recruiting NA
« on: March 08, 2014, 09:25:13 am »
Got a fresh wave of new players learning the game, both cRPG and Strategus.
In the middle of a war against an aggressor into our claims, won every battle so far.


If you're looking for an experienced Strategus group with more mature players, come hop by our TS (in the OP). See if you like our vibe. We're always happy to teach new players the ropes.

Strategus Issues / Re: Lost strat ticks?
« on: March 08, 2014, 04:23:25 am »
Regardless, 2 ticks per troop is terrible. Please for the love of God change it back to 1 per tick.

Strategus Issues / Re: Strat Tick Usage Speed
« on: March 06, 2014, 04:43:30 am »
It used to be 1 tick per hour. Was this a deliberate change? More importantly, why?

This makes Strategus much harder for casual players - especially since you don't get ticks by actually playing Strategus. If you're fighting in all a few battles per day, and with a smaller group playing the game that's becoming increasingly important, then playing cRPG to keep 48 ticks a day AND the Strat battles... dammit, that's a lot of time.

Trying to harass casual players - you know, the ones who are already busy with important things in life - into keeping efficient troop production should never be necessary. At 48 ticks a day, it definitely is.

Assuming each round lasts 5 minutes, and you have a constant x2 or x3, that's three hours of play a DAY. 48x5 minutes = 240 minutes. What the hell?

Strategus Issues / Re: Strat Tick Usage Speed
« on: March 05, 2014, 08:55:50 am »
That's not at all what I'm talking about at all, no idea how you got there. Not talking troop counts - tick counts.

Strategus Issues / Strat Tick Usage Speed
« on: March 05, 2014, 08:09:43 am »
At 18:00 I had 30 ticks. About eight hours later, I have 12.

Unless something changed without my knowledge, that's not right. I seem to be getting troops at the right speed nonetheless - 1 per hour.

Anyone else experiencing this?

Strategus Issues / Re: Crime killing troops faster than planned
« on: March 01, 2014, 05:06:53 pm »
With that amount of killing criminals, you don't need any troop to defend your village.
That's just insane. You cannot stay in a village anymore. You must rest few meters aside from this cut throats places.
I repeat : village are not safe places, stay in the forest, wolves are nice neirbourgh.


Holy fuck this is ridiculous how fast I lost troops - and I'm the goddamn fief owner. Since when do you get law and order by running away while sneaking in and buying shitty exotic teddy bears before the murderers kill you?

I get it, and I like the idea of crime. Push people out to the world and don't coddle folks sitting inside fiefs all Strat. That's a good thing, but this method is terrible*. But I have a fief to control and I can't hold troops anymore because of it. This is almost gamebreaking during early Strategus, and won't really do much in late strat except make people lose small pockets of troops. Any gold lost by over-buying will be made up making us rush towards plate armor now to protect the poor souls that survived the New Vayajeg Teddy Bear Black Friday Murder-Apocalypse.

*Worth a post brainstorming different ways of achieving the same thing, but I'll save my breath if there's no chance of real change.

Diplomacy / Re: Black Company Diplomacy
« on: February 14, 2014, 04:39:44 am »
as far as I know occitan has played every strat the exact same way. Make as many friends as humanly possible... Find a EU sugar daddy in case you get in trouble repeat.

So is Arrowaine the babe holding the Russian's remote or the tiny giraffe?

Diplomacy / Re: Black Company Diplomacy
« on: February 12, 2014, 08:26:00 am »
Claims are claims, nothing more. It's a public deceleration of your intention. It gives you no more rights to those fiefs than anyone else, but it is letting people know your intentions. It has literally no effect on you unless you also planned to claim that area, in which case it suggests a willingness to negotiate.

This poses the question, why do you care whether someone decides to post a claim?

Precisely. Claims are just claims!

Stabby is new to leading in Strat, and as he mentioned never a member of the Fallen.

Why is Arrowaine living in the distant past? And what business does an NA player have with the UIF anyways?

Sell/Trade / Re: Trading +1 Long Axe for +1 2H'ers or Boots (more within)
« on: September 26, 2013, 10:47:43 pm »
Opinion noted.

Sell/Trade / Trading +1 Long Axe for +1 2H'ers or Boots (more within)
« on: September 26, 2013, 08:54:04 pm »
I have a +1 Long Axe to trade. Pretty solid weapon with low repair costs.

Not interested in anything except for:
+1 2H'ers
+1 Foot Armors of Lameller or better (1.0 weight or heavier) - and must be European or Middle-Eastern style.
+1 Gotland Helmet.

Gold on top not to exceed 30k, only if the item being offered is popular or rare enough to merit it.

Don't waste my time on clearly ridiculous offers.


Alternatively, I'll trade the +1 Long Axe and 2 LPs for...

+3 Gotland Helmet
+3 Mail Chausses and 120k
+3 Normal Mail Chausses  and 50k
+3 Splinted Greaves  and 120k
+3 Rus Splinted Greaves  and 100k

If it's not on this list I don't want it.


PM with offers!

Diplomacy / Re: did you call off the war?
« on: September 22, 2013, 09:45:55 pm »
Doh, right! Tilbaut Castle, thanks.

Ismirala (the one we hold now) is good, but it's not as good as Tilbaut.

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