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Messages - EgelanOLD

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Can i join to great Shogunate?
Ehm... I saw Shogun in european armor ^^

cRPG Technical problems / cant retire
« on: April 14, 2011, 01:15:26 pm »
I got 31 lvl and want to retire. Choused weapon and press to "Retire and let..." but it is dont work. What i doing wrong?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Cant retire
« on: April 14, 2011, 01:12:52 pm »
I got 31 lvl and want to retire. Choused weapon and press to "Retire and let..." but it is dont work. What i doing wrong?

Unban Essays / Re: [Unban essay] Egelan
« on: April 12, 2011, 05:37:25 pm »
Man, i just wrote some thing. 75% is false x) I just can say, what i will dont break rules again. But i cant write some thing normal, some thing real about how i got ban O_O and how i ask you too much to get unban O_O 500 words about game is some thing crazy. True here is what i was banned, kicked and ready to play as normal man. =)  (but trying is good then buy new key)

Unban Essays / [Unban essay] Egelan
« on: April 12, 2011, 02:36:32 pm »
Today I will tell you story about 2 people, who lost their honor and fall in shadow... (15)
All this begin at 23.05.2010 in Russia (in real world). It was hot spring with funny hot sunshine. I went to cinema to see movie about Middle Ages, then idea come to me: I need game about this and stop bloody playing SW. At evening I found this game with strange name “Mount and Blade: Warband”. I saw a lot of videos, I understood: that’s what I need. 4 hours of waiting – and I got it. After this time I became to change in real life... (85)
I was born on 22th siege server. First skills I got there. My master was also RUS, but he always talk about relation to Russian in games:  “never say what you are RUS and you will save your honor”. He trained me with two handed weapon. He also said to me ideal about Honor. But time must goo and I changed. I became better warrior. I got new friends and my apprentice. But I also changed in real life. Friends become think about me more good (not because I played – because I changed or they changed – I don’t know). Back to game: I got my clan, but it was fail. 1 month of a lot of work and I understand: I am not clan master. Clan died as apprentice betrayed me. It begun... (130)
I said to you all, who I am and I one moment lost all. Warrior without fear? Yes, I became one of best, but why? If I have no friends and honor, why I must play good... We all need these things. I substituted it by C-RPG. As peasant, I forgot all what was and became funny player. No bans – no kicks. I again got friends. I lied what I was from GB, because only this I could survive. At this moment I lost my skills. That’s dilemma for me. I couldn’t have already skills with friends. 4 months after I broke leg and begin play at much. I understand what I must use block too and begin to use it. Again – again I became warrior. I saw my friends as dogs and forget them. More kill, more gold, more xp. Bans, kicks and bloody names, which I got from players, this all killed me. I became name players as they named me. (130)
1 month more – I found tactic to get a lot of exp and money, for what I was banned 2 times. I stopped. Next ban I got for tk. One more about it: with old friends I played for fun. Like catch me – tk you – catch me – tk me – catch you... That was fun, but leech and we all got ban. Also were kicks: of course for tk; tk guy from team and run into group of team was funny, (all what I named funny, was just for time. Now I have another point of view about this) not funny were reports, which guys wrote to site. And when one of them saw me, all other reports worked too and I got ban. I had another game: crush team stuff. They became angry and tried to tk me... (120)
Then this deadly week come. I was banned, and had to write essay. And movie, which I saw 1.5 year ago. It all changed me back, to my first position. I didn’t lose skills, but I changed. I am ready to pay. I just ask you: believe me and give me a new chance.(__>20)

I cant write more! I cant just say sorry and may good luck to you and me. =((
Please unban me...

Closed Requests / Re: unban Egelan
« on: April 10, 2011, 08:23:06 pm »
Last my period of game was from 01.12.2010 till 08.04.2011. I got a lot of kicks and bans. About this I can say just one thing: I was bitch and idiot. I had funny thing on EU servers: tking people. That was funny... Just for some time. When I became normal, it was too late. But back to my past: 2 months I played as normal player – without tks and bad words. Third month changed me a lot: I got 7 kicks and 4 bans... 3 Kicks for hacking game(on siege server, at the end of round, get off my team to join it next round with x2-3-4-5 with the same team) and 1 ban for this too. Experience (from life, not from game) I got – I got first kicks and bans in my life. That was also funny. When I lost chance to get a lot of money and xp, I became to tk people. First I got friends, a lot of; all had good reputation and were good fighters. We allowed to tk – I tked them, they tked me; no kicks-bans and full fun. For this I got new kick. I was unbanned after some time, as I thougt... I found the guy, who reported about me and begin to tk him every round. He reported again, I was banned and unbanned as often it was. But I got warning: no tk him! So I didn’t tk him after that. 1 month more: tking ALL players became fun. No day without tking. No day without fun. More bans and kicks... My reputations become smallest. I begin to say words like: “WTF”, “my old friend”. Every death + one more “my old friend”. But on this week, I understood: all what I had – Honor – I lost. Now I am one of noobs, who doing rage polls and rage tk. And now, I am here, to restore my balance. To back my honor, to back my reputation. I am ready to pay; I am ready to promise no tk.
But I ask only about one thing: believe in this future, believe in me – give me on more chance!

Closed Requests / Egelans essay
« on: April 10, 2011, 06:16:31 pm »
Last my period of game was from 01.12.2010 till 08.04.2011. I got a lot of kicks and bans. About this I can say just one thing: I was bitch and idiot. I had funny thing on EU servers: tking people. That was funny... Just for some time. When I became normal, it was too late. But back to my past: 2 months I played as normal player – without tks and bad words. Third month changed me a lot: I got 7 kicks and 4 bans... 3 Kicks for hacking game(on siege server, at the end of round, get off my team to join it next round with x2-3-4-5 with the same team) and 1 ban for this too. Experience (from life, not from game) I got – I got first kicks and bans in my life. That was also funny. When I lost chance to get a lot of money and xp, I became to tk people. First I got friends, a lot of; all had good reputation and were good fighters. We allowed to tk – I tked them, they tked me; no kicks-bans and full fun. For this I got new kick. I was unbanned after some time, as I thougt... I found the guy, who reported about me and begin to tk him every round. He reported again, I was banned and unbanned as often it was. But I got warning: no tk him! So I didn’t tk him after that. 1 month more: tking ALL players became fun. No day without tking. No day without fun. More bans and kicks... My reputations become smallest. I begin to say words like: “WTF”, “my old friend”. Every death + one more “my old friend”. But on this week, I understood: all what I had – Honor – I lost. Now I am one of noobs, who doing rage polls and rage tk. And now, I am here, to restore my balance. To back my honor, to back my reputation. I am ready to pay; I am ready to promise no tk.
But I ask only about one thing: believe in this future, believe in me – give me on more chance!

Closed Requests / Re: unban Egelan
« on: April 10, 2011, 05:55:59 pm »
I am sorry... ENG is not my native language... I dont know what i must write... History, which i must create about my char? History of ban? Of real playing? I really dont know... I can just write, what you need, if you will explain and ask you to unban me. Promise what never will easily tk...
How much words do you need?

Added new. I hope you will accept this, becouse i cant write bigger =((  :cry:

Closed Requests / unban essay
« on: April 10, 2011, 04:38:05 pm »
Two weeks ago i was peasant - rename of char. I tked, because new lvls for temporary char i dont need... So i  tked and firstly get ban.
2011.04.03 i had come to EU servers and saw: I was unbanned! Was it just lucky or you really unbanned me - i dont know... Then i begun to play... It was really good day. Normal scores... After some time, i tked 1 guy from my team for fun, and tked 1 team from another team, becouse he was my friend... I didnt play this week after, because i thinked: i lost my honor... But after i understand: i can back it, no game with TK much - i promised to me...
Now i ready to play, as 1 year ago - i am ready to back my honor back. I ask you - give me chance.

Closed Requests / Re: unban Egelan
« on: April 10, 2011, 08:16:46 am »
You will be unbanned after you wrote your essay. What is your native language?
Russian =___=
I will write my essay... Just say - what it means? Try to explain me on ENG, please.
wtf? I cant create theme in essays!

I dont know what can i write at your essay(as i understand), but i can give some VERRRY little story:

Two weeks ago i was peasant - rename of char. I tked, because new lvls for temporary char i dont need... So i  tked and firstly get ban.
2011.04.03 i had come to EU servers and saw: I was unbanned! Was it just lucky or you really unbanned me - i dont know... Then i begun to play... It was really good day. Normal scores... After some time, i tked 1 guy from my team for fun, and tked 1 team from another team, becouse he was my friend... I didnt play this week after, because i thinked: i lost my honor... But after i understand: i can back it, no game with TK much - i promised to me...
Now i ready to play, as 1 year ago - i am ready to back my honor back. I ask you about unban me...

GuyZ, thats all what i can write =\

Closed Requests / Re: unban Egelan
« on: April 09, 2011, 09:08:05 pm »
Dont undestend...
When will i be unbanned?
*How much must i wait?

Closed Requests / Re: unban Egelan
« on: April 09, 2011, 08:56:00 pm »
ok - ok... Unban me please =\

Closed Requests / unban Egelan
« on: April 09, 2011, 05:22:47 pm »
WTF!? Why i am banned?!

Closed Requests / Unban Egelan
« on: March 29, 2011, 02:42:57 pm »
Mmm... I tested my new personage - tked - got BAN...
How much days or unban me now?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: New computer C-RPG game
« on: March 26, 2011, 12:54:34 pm »
Thxy guys.

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