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Messages - El_Infante

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Game Balance Discussion / Re: Xbow with 1 hand is OP
« on: February 04, 2014, 06:26:35 pm »
This thread should be in chamber of tears. For one simple reason. 1h + xbow is the same as ever. The only difference is the amount of people playing it. To discuss about 1h mechanics there are several posts. Xbow fever nowadays? Yes. And the same 2h lobbyism everytime ranged population increase. Just assume it like the counter-part of 2h-polearm metagame mechanics abuse.

- Hiltslashing.
- Pikeman jumpers.
- Str crutchers.
- 1h&shield with indestructible one.
- Insane amount of cavalry.

WSE2 Beta / Missing mouse pointer
« on: January 10, 2014, 08:18:24 pm »
It's a known issue that if you increase windows elements size through screen menu at 150% (in my case) you lose the mouse pointer on the game. It still show you on the screen but it's locked and you have no idea where is the real position of the pointer that is invisible. You can test around and sometimes it highlights the options of the menu but... is unplayable.

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So I guess. Is there a way to fix it? Is related to WSE2? If I want to play crpg I have to down the scale of the elements windows show and on big screens is a ... disturbing issue. Thanks in advance.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Nerf Ranged 2014
« on: January 09, 2014, 07:43:13 pm »
I can always stay near the flag and block with my pickaxe or whatever :D

Problem with ranged is mentality issue. I've never seen it on NA1, every time I was pleasantly surprised with your archers (except Fallen archers who have same style both on NA and EU servers). But on EU we have cowardly archers like Shokoshugi, Timour and others who will never come close to help their teammates.

I'm siege archer, with 2 ATH, 24 kg of gear on my back and just 1 PS. But I'm often near the flag, helping teammates to either conquer it or defend it. Have 2/18 scores every round. But I'm more useful than any of those sharpshooters with 20/2 scores. How is that possible? That's because they are pussies as I said, they will never come close to the flag. They also will back off if you shoot them unless they are Druzhina (they never play alone, always come in archer packs). Means that just one hit in the body of very accurate EU archer is enough to scare him and force him to change his position, while my team defended/capped the flag and won the round.

You can try to fix this by forcing certain playstyle but you'll never truly fix it. Most long-term archers on EU come from a far and have high ping. They will never play melee with less than 70 body armor and 10 PS. That is why they are shooting.

What you are suggesting is similar to siege on open plains, most people dislike it.

What do you expect? To enter in a fight with a pickaxe? Do you know why archers wear light equipment? Maybe for insane arrow weight? Ranged adapt as melee do. Pure ranged builds avoid melee because it are not their strenght. I don't see a full tincan shooting with a bow and 0 pd, so don't expect a 0ps ranged to come into a melee. I see it reasonable. You can like it or not but it's a natural behaviour.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Nerf Ranged 2014
« on: January 07, 2014, 02:44:50 pm »

2h my old friend lobbyist since crpg alpha. Devs have the stadistics or they have the way to show us the real percentage of xbow users. I am used to your whinings and nowadays everyone know who is who in QQ nerf that item because it kill me.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Nerf Ranged 2014
« on: January 07, 2014, 02:40:00 pm »
Another nerf ranged post?

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I have a pure xbow build. 170 + 110 in one handed. (13/27)

- It's expensive.
- I am the king of glances.
- I wear light armor.
- Rain fuck me everyday.
- In a melee cluster you are cannon fodder.
- I can't oneshot archers with a full set of heavy xbow (+3) and (+3) steel bolts. Sometimes, even peasants survive to a chest shot.
- Reload time is so slow.
- Being xbowman don't magically converts you in DaveUKR, as being a 2hander do not convert you magically into a Phyrex.
- Xbow population is minimal. For each 4/5 archers you see one xbowman, at least in EU.

Do you want to nerf hybrids? I agree. Nerf unskilled (wpf) players using xbow with accuracy? Of course. But don't fuck us more than we are because the last thing that unbalance this game are the fewer xbowers remaining in servers.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Polearm
« on: September 29, 2013, 12:08:53 am »
Choose what you like and play with it. Polearm is versatility and you have a lot of options to choose.

The Chamber of Tears / Re: spathion kinda sucks now...
« on: September 19, 2013, 10:00:48 pm »
I don't think spathion sucks. It's a balanced weapon. I agree that weapon deserve +1 speed buff. After all 10k item need some love.

Suggestions Corner / Re: [discussion] long polearm changes?
« on: August 21, 2013, 08:41:50 pm »
The reason to turn before weapon hit is very simple. It's just for avoiding glances because it allow you to hit on non-early stab animation. If devs nerfed turn rotation on horizontal axis they also should nerf rotation on vertical axis. But they didn't so polearm stab abusers (very popular nowadays) just turn on the vertical axis to give a full damage hit even when facehugging with a long spear.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: 1h Stab animation change... ?
« on: August 18, 2013, 12:21:21 pm »
I didn't try the new stab animation, but reading Tydeus and as far as I can understand, if you get full damage in the early animation of the stab, that is a very abusable thing. Left-swing or upswing and after just spam the stab and you have the new lolstab animation. So I agree, there is no way to make it balanced. You have to choose to have a monster or not to have it. The old animation was the king of warband glances; a very situational attack.

So my suggestion is just increasing the stun time after getting a stab blocked to avoid 24/7 stab abusers, either for 2h/polearm and 1h.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: The (not so) Great Long Axe
« on: August 12, 2013, 12:43:52 am »
I have a mighty long bardiche and I can say that +2 speed is very noticeable even more if you are a tincan, so better than asking for a nerf to the bardiche, ask for a buff for the great long axe. A thing to remember; after polestun nerf we had nothing in exchange. One of the mayors nerfs of crpg to polearm user without getting anything at all after it.

Strategus / Selling 35k strat gold.
« on: July 09, 2013, 02:04:45 pm »
Cheap cheap. MP interested.I deliver the gold.

Lol, you can get +10 body, +10 leg and +5 body armour from looming and all of that without any disadvantages whatsoever. Even for the lower tier armours the weight less armour increases allow you to be extremely fast while being quite well protected.

Horrible grind2win system if you ask me. Whether it's worth the time is a question only you can answer, but you are going to be at a considerable disadvantage forever if you are not willing to put hundreds of hours into retiring and grinding. Shit system is shit.

Heavy Aketon  30 -> 34 = 13,3% increase
Milanese Plate 59 -> 64 = 8,5% increase

With 34 body armor you are butter. With 75 body armor you are a rock. That 8.5% matters, trust me.

Looming armor is critical if you have enough IF to support it. Full tincan plate and 8 IF make the difference.

General Discussion / Re: Panos permabanned again?
« on: July 01, 2013, 04:16:28 pm »
Banning panos for that only show that there are a lot of butthurts inside developers/admins team. :D

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Suggestions Corner / Re: A buff for agility
« on: June 26, 2013, 11:05:45 pm »
Understanding that agi buff would affect agi-builds more than str-builds isn't that hard either.

Understanding that if people is constantly whining about STR stack, give STR builds another advantage and prepare yourself for the whining forum shitstorm. The buff that agi need, as we said around 1k times on forums is giving no WPF free points when leveling up.

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