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Messages - ToxicKilla

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 47
General Discussion / Re: Panos permabanned again?
« on: June 30, 2013, 12:28:57 am »
(click to show/hide)

Benkei hit the nail on the head.

Announcements / Re:
« on: June 30, 2013, 12:21:28 am »
When WSE2 is forced on, I believe.
Oh fuck. Hopefully WSE2 will actually work for me when they force it. ;-;

Announcements / Re:
« on: June 29, 2013, 11:48:07 pm »
Any chance nudge will become re-bindable? I'd like mine as maybe F or middle mouse or something, V is very awkward to press in a hurry.

General Discussion / Re: Panos permabanned again?
« on: June 29, 2013, 08:52:12 pm »
You could tell he actually tried to be better this time around, and he was also doing quite a bit to help new guys and shiz, he's just a bit of a hot head. Kind of an undeserved ban.

General Discussion / Re: Greatest European Crybaby
« on: June 25, 2013, 11:30:16 pm »
I ain't been playing for a looong time, however every time I do pop on I'll see GTX raging on the duel server, not seen QQfio crying myself.

General Discussion / Re: WSE 2 only, the coming switch (poll)
« on: June 22, 2013, 08:09:04 pm »
WSE2 breaks my game, causes me to rubberband like shit. Plox don't force it.

WSE2 Beta / Strange lag problems...
« on: June 15, 2013, 02:33:18 pm »
I originally made a post in cRPG technical problems section, but now I've sussed that this problem only occurs with WSE2 enabled I figured I'd move it here, I'll just copy & paste it because I'm lazy:

After coming back to cRPG after a year or so long break I've been experiencing some very strange lag spikes. Every now and then I'll be fighting away minding my own business when suddenly I'll be unable to move for a brief moment, I'll then rocket around uncontrollably, after a moment returning to normal although I usually die because of it. I have WSE2 installed, everything is in order, native works fine and it's certainly nothing to do with my PC hardware as it's more than capable of running Warband.

Edit: Bit more info, sometimes they can be very very brief, where I'll be running, stop for half a second, shoot forward, carry on as normal. The lag spikes are also around 15 seconds between each other on average and my ping stays steady at 40 and doesn't budge, or at least it goes back to 40 so quickly that I can't catch it during a spike. (Although I used to get 15 ping back in the day, not sure why I get more now, could it be related to these problems I'm having?) It also tends to do it a LOT more after bumping into a wall on horseback or dismounting.

Lag appears to have gotten worse, would be nice if someone had any idea what could be causing this, it makes footwork impossible.

WSE2 Beta / Re: plume horse bugged like chinese armor
« on: June 14, 2013, 08:51:21 am »
Noticed this too.

Why thank ye very much.

Title says it all. ;)
Also feel free to offer in gold on my well bred war horse.

cRPG Technical problems / Strange lag problems...
« on: June 11, 2013, 04:50:24 pm »
After coming back to cRPG after a year or so long break I've been experiencing some very strange lag spikes. Every now and then I'll be fighting away minding my own business when suddenly I'll be unable to move for a brief moment, I'll then rocket around uncontrollably, after a moment returning to normal although I usually die because of it. I have WSE2 installed, everything is in order, native works fine and it's certainly nothing to do with my PC hardware as it's more than capable of running Warband.

Edit: Bit more info, sometimes they can be very very brief, where I'll be running, stop for half a second, shoot forward, carry on as normal. The lag spikes are also around 15 seconds between each other on average and my ping stays steady at 40 and doesn't budge, or at least it goes back to 40 so quickly that I can't catch it during a spike. (Although I used to get 15 ping back in the day, not sure why I get more now, could it be related to these problems I'm having?)

The problem appears only to happen when playing with both GPU enabled with SLI, running on one seems fine.

Disabling SLI has reduced the problem drastically however it is still present. At least I can play now though.

Lag appears to have gotten worse again, would be nice if someone had any idea what could be causing this, it makes footwork impossible.

Suggestions Corner / Re: New Heirloom Models (and web GUI)
« on: May 22, 2013, 10:03:47 pm »
Download link is borked. D:

WSE2 Beta / Re: Fixing horse glitches- Feasible?
« on: January 07, 2013, 07:47:31 pm »
It would indeed be very spiffing if this issue were to be resolved.

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