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Messages - Hyroshi

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General Discussion / Re: Battle of the biggest nerd!
« on: May 27, 2011, 08:39:15 pm »

General Discussion / Re: Battle of the biggest nerd!
« on: May 27, 2011, 08:37:05 pm »
Nah its not a matter of not having a life, it's more of budgeting your time correctly
Setting certain times aside for free time aka cRPG

I'm sure theres many active players including myself who do engage in social activities such as
(click to show/hide)


You must AVERAGE 50 hours a week, that is not putting away time my friend. There are 24x7= 168 hours-50 = sleep(minimum) 8x7= 62 hours left -14 for showering/shaving shitting a week= 48 - 40 hour work week+ commute = 0 time left over.

So you sleep, eat, shit, work, and play warband with 0 life outside of it...

Damn that is something.

Or you live with mom and just sleep and play all day? Either way props for being the biggest loser lol.

General Discussion / Re: Of alts and Heirlooms
« on: May 27, 2011, 08:31:46 pm »

This is exactly the bad point of view most of the players here ARE NOT BEING PUNISHED, on the contrary, the guys that spent ALL THEIR TIME ON ONE CHAR gets rewarded...quite a difference we have, hm?

If you are bored by your char and you play alt, why should your alt get any benefits? Why is it that if i spent 300hours on SINGLE char i should not have any advantage? I call bullshit.

On the other hand, i would like to be able to send money to my alts, that is the only problem which i am facing on them.

And also: if you think heirlooms make you better player, i pity you, i mean, i am getting decent K/D and have fun on my alt which has not a single loom, it is perfectly doable and i am fine with the fact he is like that. If i wanted him to have looms, he would be my main, period.

Edit: if you want to add this possibility, just give back the XP bonuses from before, so we, the "lame grinders on one char" are not punished and can try new specs as well, sounds fair, doesnt it? /sarcasm off

Get a life.

General Discussion / Re: Battle of the biggest nerd!
« on: May 27, 2011, 08:28:15 pm »
Holy @#% you guys play a ton!!! I am put to shame with my life having ability...  :oops:

To the above post... 2500 in a year give or take? 104 days out of 365 you have spent in front of your computer in 1 year... You need an intervention bud.

General Discussion / Re: Battle of the biggest nerd!
« on: May 26, 2011, 08:02:09 am »
I'm confused is this who has wasted the most chunk of their life on this game?

There's already a post about that and if you are under 1000 you are out of your league

General Discussion / Battle of the biggest nerd!
« on: May 26, 2011, 07:54:39 am »
Mount & Blade: Warband
41.5 hrs / 228.8 hrs

Copy and paste from steam!  :oops:

General Discussion / Re: 250 man server
« on: May 26, 2011, 02:43:56 am »
I would play it, that would be pretty intense.


General Discussion / Re: thank you
« on: May 24, 2011, 07:15:20 pm »
Cheers! Screw the whiners keep up the good work.

General Discussion / Re: "skip the fun"
« on: May 15, 2011, 11:20:27 pm »
i accidently deleted my main because of this

How is that even possible? Lol no offense...

General Discussion / Re: This Steam sale has...
« on: May 03, 2011, 06:21:20 pm »
Lol dont know why you're making a big deal out of teenage gamers.  Teenage console players prob outnumber teenage computer gamers by 10 to 1.

Steam is the best non-gaming addon to date, if you dont recognize that, maybe you should hop in your Delorean and go back to the 80's.  The reasons you listed are complete non-issues.  Sounds like you've done little to no gaming thru Steam.  You sound just as bad as the ignorant annoying children you so hate gaming with.

Steam helps build communities not destroy them.

*axe chops Gorath thru his tinfoil hat*

LOL well put.

General Discussion / Re: This Steam sale has...
« on: May 03, 2011, 07:24:54 am »
What's not to like about steam?
1)  Steam has had, and still has a memory leak issue which comes with one update, fixed with the next, back for the next one and so on
2)  Steam is required for some games to run, or update.  If you have issues installing or patching games without steam doing it for you then you're just pretty fail at using a computer
3)  Steam doesn't make you a hardcore gamer, it's a mainstream gamer product.   :rolleyes:  That's a silly thing to try and say.
4)  Steam is one more program running in the background, which while not an issue overall for any decent rig, is still lame to have to deal with.
5)  Hyroshi, most games which "die" are because most mainstream gamers are FOTM jump-ship gamers.  Off to the next shiny thing that catches their eye.  I'll take the small tight knit community anyday.  For the record there's still a community that plays - Quakelive, Planetside, UO, AC, etc etc.  More players doesn't necessarily = better, and in fact usually means it's worse because the majority of those players are mainstream kids and halo-tard frat boys instead of die hard old gamers.  Yup, I'm elitist and not very friendly.  I miss the days of gamers being a small sub-culture instead of being infected by thousands of mainstream plebs.
6)  Mainstreaming of games decreases their quality.  Look at any MMO to show you what catering to large population of mainstreamers does to a game:  It makes it shit.

1.) Interesting, I have had steam since December of 2003 and have yet to have this "memory leak issue"... Then again 1500 hours of cs in my life, who knows maybe it is waiting for me next year! ^_-
3.) Hardcore and gamer... Lol?
5.) I come from competitive cs I know games can "survive" with a small base, but is it better? IMO no you need new blood, simply being an elitist prick because you are older is flat out stupidity at its finest. You should go play backgammon or some other game if you hate playing with young people so much.
6.) I can agree with you on this, UO is the best example. BUT this is NOT a mainstream MMO and probably never will be.

Last time I bought a cd was probably 6+ years ago, good riddance I say.

General Discussion / Re: This Steam sale has...
« on: May 03, 2011, 06:21:04 am »
Steam sale = Increase in teenage players, Increase in ranged players (somehow I feel they are related), Increase in trolling on the servers, Increase in whine, Loss of the tightnit community feeling, Loss of alot of the laughs that went along with playing the mod, Increase in "OMGSRSBZNSGRINDING" crap.

Just my view of it though.  I hate steam, always have.

Sorry but I would rather have a booming population with some "young ones" then 99% of multiplayer games... Aka grave yards 6 months after release. It is all fine* and dandy to desire a tight knit community, but I doubt you would be having much fun when it dies shortly thereafter down the road.

General Discussion / Re: Why is it always night time when I play?
« on: May 03, 2011, 02:05:59 am »
You guys have some weird issues... Try updating video drivers every now and again?  :idea:

General Discussion / Re: This Steam sale has...
« on: May 02, 2011, 09:55:19 pm »
mh shit. the link is down. but the ifgures said player numbers where more or less steady ove the last months

Hrmmm it really seems like there are a lot more players on during early afternoon... Six months ago we would have 50ish in a server(battle only) now both siege and battle have a healthy 60+ pop in mid day. I could be wrong, just observation from a ways back until today.

General Discussion / This Steam sale has...
« on: May 02, 2011, 09:34:34 pm »
Really helped the population so it seems... Over the past few months I would estimate the overrall population has at the very least doubled. Midway on a Monday and two servers are packed? Nice!

Keep up the good work on spreading the word everyone.  :D

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