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Messages - Preacher

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Game Balance Discussion / Re: The Two Hander Problem and Crushthrough
« on: July 19, 2011, 04:20:25 am »
It's funny how I neither stated nor implied that all three of them were hammers yet that seems to be the assumption you all have taken. I don't make petty comments about single situations and I also don't rage about things irrationally. There is one fellow with a hammer and lets say a polearm and hell even a thrower coming at you, the two of them recognize that you have no defence against being sprawled on the ground so they greedily cling to him waiting to take advantage.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: The Two Hander Problem and Crushthrough
« on: July 19, 2011, 04:06:20 am »
Plus my initial suggestion wouldn't even be the only solution, how about you can block crushthrough if your shield is all the way up?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: The Two Hander Problem and Crushthrough
« on: July 19, 2011, 03:54:11 am »
actually almost every single 1h outreaches the long maul. Short maces are of equal length, like the war hammer.

Long Maul weapon length = 125

Long Espanada Eslanova weapon length = 103

Game Balance Discussion / Re: The Two Hander Problem and Crushthrough
« on: July 19, 2011, 02:08:06 am »
Come on, just try to adjust, you really only need to dodge first attack and then spam the shit out of him:)

Of course I know how to do this, but when that one hit connects AND knocks you down you are out, not to mention your strategy suggests I am dueling the hammer one on one, when in reality there are two other kill avarice people on either side of him waiting for the stun and knockdown so they can finish you off. There is no spamming in that situation.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: The Two Hander Problem and Crushthrough
« on: July 19, 2011, 01:52:48 am »
Wow you guys are totally right, it's completely balanced that you can crushthrough a block, knock the guy down, then hit him again, what was I thinking  :rolleyes: , ohh and it can be done with a weapon longer than any shielders.

-edit- The length issue refers to the long maul which is a polearm but still a hammer with crushthough and knockdown

Game Balance Discussion / The Two Hander Problem and Crushthrough
« on: July 18, 2011, 04:31:58 pm »
Ok so I certainly don't want to start a rage thread, however, it seems to me that every class is constantly getting messed with EXCEPT 2h. This isn't really all that bad since the obvious drawbacks are that 2h can conceivably get owned by missles unless they want to pay very high upkeep costs on good armor. Once you add in the fact that they can just tote a hammer around and blast through any shield or shield wall for that matter, the class gets OP for sure. If ,for instance, a 1h shield build wants to defend against this, he has to make a hybrid thrower build then he gets owned by 2h speed. Now I am not even suggesting they lose crushthrough with hammers entirely, just that it be modified in this manner, hammers get a bonus against shields and ONLY when they break the shield do they get crushthrough damage. I mean hell, the way it is now with some of the hammers, they can crushthrough the shield, knock you down, then finish you off with a second overhand before you even get to stand up.

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