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Messages - Elmokki

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Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Game mechanic megathread!
« on: February 24, 2013, 10:15:25 pm »
Due to the huge expense of getting wpf to genuinely high numbers the optimization problem for damage is such that for any or almost any sane specialized build stacking strength and power strike should be better for pure damage per hit than weapon master.

That said 3 WM or something like that may be worth it for a build with tons of strength. I'm not sure since I haven't calculated it with the actual attainable wpf amounts, but maybe I'll make a spreadsheet once I'm bored enough.

Global / Unban (?) Centuria_Irsman
« on: February 16, 2013, 03:53:46 pm »
Yeah. This random guy tried to find help on IRC and didn't leave after first 30 seconds so I figured out I'd do what I can and help him by posting a thread on forums:

16:46 <MibbitUser5946> I played crpg 2 years ago and I want to start again
16:47 <MibbitUser5946> But I forgot my password
16:47 <MibbitUser5946> So I enter an EU server for get my password
16:47 <MibbitUser5946> but it keeps ban me
16:47 <Elmokki> did you use autoblocker
16:47 <MibbitUser5946> no
16:47 <MibbitUser5946> my charachter name is Centuria_Irsman

...and it does ban on NA too. So, he can't recover password to ask why he's banned on the forums. My beloved Meow has been absent for days too so a thread seemed like a winner choice especially since it's Saturnday afternoon.

General Discussion / Re: Remove the merc banner
« on: February 15, 2013, 02:55:12 pm »
Let me rephrase since some people misunderstood it:

1. The merc logo is a bit cheesy but (at least the current iteration) is pretty good.
2. In the full web page size it isn't horrible.
3. When rendered in considerably smaller size to both the circle above people's heads and on textures on 3D models it's ugly as hell.

For example the Nord banner looks a shitton better in game.

But as I said before, currently it's a great troll banner since unlike those actual troll banners it isn't threathened by removal.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Game mechanic megathread!
« on: February 14, 2013, 11:18:32 pm »
I updated it.

There was an another way to phrase the rule - I think. All shields that cost less than 4400 gold and all the bucklers are less than 2 slots (ie bucklers + all 7.5 or less weight + board shield)

General Discussion / Re: Remove the merc banner
« on: February 14, 2013, 11:03:29 pm »
I hereby declare anyone who thinks the merc banner looks good ingame an idiot.

Seriously, it could be good if it was made to look more two dimensional and probably a bit less detailed too. I'm not even saying this because I find it bothering my larping or anything - I totally endorse the tuxedo banner and I'd love to use my super awesome Finnish Prime Minister banner. The thing is, the Merc banner gives the feeling that some 12 year old pasted some "cool" 3d render because he can't make anything decent.

The logo is pretty cheesy, which is hopefully the point. It suits well for videos and whatnot, but as a cRPG banner it's ugly as fuck and a great way to troll since it isn't threathened by removal like most banners that try to troll and are actually pretty unimaginative attempts at that. Honestly though instead of crying about people having bad banners or banners that disturb your larping, I think it'd be more awesome for the game if any banner except the most blatant diarrhea people spew would be acceptable.

I'd be proud to whack shit with an internet weapon while wearing these pixels after all:
(click to show/hide)

It's a fucking awesome game if you have an attention span in general. The interface is pretty horrible though and the vanilla game balance too, but at least the latter can be fixed with various mods.

For the love of god, get the server ip address and use tracert when you a) don't have problems and b) have problems and compare them or take screenshots or whatever.

Though doesn't matter since chances are no-one here can help anyway.

WSE2 Beta / Re: Still can't run WSE2
« on: February 08, 2013, 04:43:24 pm »
Yeah. You, too, will have to put your hope on cmp since this error seems truly mystical.

WSE2 Beta / Re: Still can't run WSE2
« on: February 08, 2013, 02:06:49 pm »
It's a long shot, do try turning Windows Defender off too if it's on for some reason.

WSE2 Beta / Re: Still can't run WSE2
« on: February 08, 2013, 08:28:33 am »
What antivirus do you use and have you tried disabling it?

WSE2 Beta / Re: Number of alternatives exceeds 3 for shader def_shader
« on: February 07, 2013, 09:46:21 pm »
I have it in the mount and blade warband root folder, but for some reason its called crpg_beta_config_template.ini, the code is also in it but it just seems like its not loading the .ini. It only started doing it after my m&b crashed and completely froze my computer so I was forced to hard restart

Yes. Wrong place. Please read instructions next time ;(

2. Put it to C:\Users\Username\Documents\Mount&Blade Warband replacing the old one (assuming you use Windows 7 or Vista or possibly Windows 8)

Try again.

WSE2 Beta / Re: Number of alternatives exceeds 3 for shader def_shader
« on: February 07, 2013, 08:40:56 pm »
Yeaaah. Interestingly removing the settings won't make it crash with the same error now, but I found the .ini that does so let's give it a look.

EDIT: Yeah, no idea. Try removing the config file and launching without one.

WSE2 Beta / Re: Number of alternatives exceeds 3 for shader def_shader
« on: February 07, 2013, 08:13:03 pm »
Happens for me if I remove my crpg_beta_config.ini. I have no idea what causes it and can't be arsed to compare the config files to find out either.


1. Download (100% not a virus since it's a text file for the love of god!)
2. Put it to C:\Users\Username\Documents\Mount&Blade Warband replacing the old one (assuming you use Windows 7 or Vista or possibly Windows 8)
3. Hopefully launch the game!

WSE2 Beta / Re: Still can't run WSE2
« on: February 07, 2013, 06:09:20 pm »
No log file is weird. Try installing the game somewhere else than Program Files (or any other protected folder such as Windows directory, but I guess that's obvious). You can probably just drag and drop your Mount & Blade folder even if it's a Steam installation as long as you have the launcher in the same directory (this will break shortcuts, however). It could be some retarded antivirus being retarded too. If you aren't getting updated logs, anything causing that could be the reason you have problems in the first place. I'm not sure how that would happen, but seriously, getting no logs is fucked up.

I put all the settings to minimum / disabled all special features ingame and uploaded my .ini:

Remember, you don't replace the file in your Warband folder (it has different name anyway), the correct one is at C:\Users\Username\Documents\Mount&Blade Warband\ or whatever your equivalent is.

But seriously, if you aren't getting logs, try installing Warband to C: root or something and disabling all antivirus crap. If your last log is from when the game worked or something that sure is dodgy and also makes debugging any non-related error a ton harder. And seeing how neither one of you is getting new log files, I bet whatever causing that is the reason it doesn't work.

Also, Tigero, next time you visit IRC, you may want to just leave it on for more than 10 minutes. I sadly can't sit in front of computer all the time :(

WSE2 Beta / Re: Still can't run WSE2
« on: February 07, 2013, 04:09:34 pm »
Yeah. You still have post processing on according to those logs. What I pasted is the default code  that is in my .ini before the actual overwriting definitions (bad code, cmp!) and indeed apparently the overwriting code is with small x.

Also the log file does change on my computer. Just remove the old one and see if a new one is generated. If not, it's probably because Windows hates software trying to write in certain folders such as Program Files.

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