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Messages - Elmuri

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 99
Spam / Re: Free Kratos !
« on: March 06, 2015, 04:16:30 pm »
Probably those posts are deleted?

General Off Topic / Re: Your favorite video game music
« on: March 06, 2015, 04:14:22 pm »

No well really, Zelda's have some nice music

EU (Official) / Re: [Ban]Fuma_Kotaro_the_Duck leeching,another one.
« on: March 02, 2015, 08:54:20 am »
Krex, that's the only way to get server populated - stay there until at least 6 ppl will show up.

Pretty much this, but just being afk is still not allowed. How would you even notice then when the players arrive? So: stay semi-active or in spectator while waiting.

I don't think much time passes in the screenshots, just the time it took to walk to him and score a goal. No actions taken this time. But in overall Fuma, you're on thin ice with your constant jerking.


Some manners, please.


I guess its easier to make opinions if you know the song :P


Sorry, no idea anymore :p

Anyway, Europa league is cool  8-)

I hate Europa League, good riddance. Need to focus on top 4 anyway.


Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: DTVillage
« on: February 26, 2015, 10:27:18 pm »
Admin saying he was going to teamkill someone on purpose is like police officer who tells about his bank robbery failure.

Seeing time as a linear continuity and avoiding anachronisms is the key. If i had the power back then, I wouldn't have had to try something so brutal.

E.Anyway, I was too bad to achieve my goal and they ended up being the murderers (for self-defense). I wonder what year it was, 2011 probably. Which leads us to question: are you sure it was that great a game mode? High chances for just nostalgia bonus.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: DTVillage
« on: February 26, 2015, 04:43:24 pm »
I remember playing DTVillage, there were members of CamelScreamers clan, who were forming a shieldwall to farm high multiplier. Luckily I found a spot to swing the bots before one of their members did. But no, he came kicked me away from the spot and typed: "noobs stay back". That made me really furious and I raised my axe, my intention was to teamkill him. I failed, his friends got me before I could finish him. I cursed their names.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Fuck everkistus.
« on: February 25, 2015, 08:54:42 am »
I wonder how many players of the current dtv even know where do these names come from :P I remember some who had even taken their names from those bosses (Mylet_ etc.)

General Off Topic / Re: TV Shows you're currently watching
« on: February 20, 2015, 11:04:02 pm »
Meh, most TV shows are mediocre pieces of crap, filled with advertisement breaks.

Why don't you just watch the good ones then  :|

Vikings has somewhat interesting atmosphere, but the plot isn't catchy at all. Just back and forth between England and Denmark, new challenger appears, Ragnar wins. Also watching Danish 1864 about Danish-Prussian war, which is decent.

Apart from those, nothing great going on atm, just waiting for the next seasons of GoT, Silicon Valley and hoping that True Detective can maintain it's high level. Had been watching Broadwalk Empire and True Blood for years, but they had their last seasons. (Which was good for True Blood, it just started to suck more and more) Also re-watched Sopranos and The Wire last year, and those are still the best series made.

E. want to say more about True Blood, oh boy how the last season sucked when I think about it again. In last three or four  episodes, absolutely nothing happened. It was just waiting for that shit to end, and all the chars only cried or were stupid, Sookie most of all. I guess they just run out of money or something, but they could have just skipped the whole season, it was rather pointless. Ugh.

General Off Topic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: February 19, 2015, 07:54:33 pm »
[Gentle Giant]

This was pretty nice! Thanks!

Have been about to listen to this, but that had been only intention until now. Any idea what album would be a good one to begin with?

General Off Topic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: February 18, 2015, 04:24:13 pm »

Faction Halls / Re: [Guard] The Caravan Guild (Recruiting Worldwide!)
« on: February 17, 2015, 11:08:46 pm »
Hello fellow guardsmen! how's you lads doing?


You're entire family has just been killed/imprisoned/exiled whatever, do you expect them to be smiling all the time? They may be grumpy bastards but they have a reason to be :P

Well, it isn't limited just to the family members.

But in overall, main chars could have been something else than a literally noble family. There are many kinds of people and groups in the world of GoT (and SoIaF), but their choice was powerless wannabe-Starks. Protagonists with different kind of morale and background would make the situations where you have to choose something more interesting.

EU (Official) / Re: Why do I get a Kick?
« on: February 06, 2015, 01:57:52 pm »
The question is simple:

Did you use some kind of autoblocker hack to block automatically, or not?

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