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Messages - Adhonis

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General Discussion / Re: Like/Dislike new update?
« on: April 29, 2011, 04:17:53 pm »
Quite a good patch I'd say.
Slot system is awesome. I'm bringing new players, so making retirement and heirlooms a little less interesting is quite a good idea.

I actually hope yo see the new strange armors soon ! the new armors or skins are awesome by the way.
My two hander can still fight the way he used to.
My full strenght - polearm (pglb) character too.
My thrower has to make choices, and to fight close combat he has to bring less throwing weapons... Not really a problem, it's less a throwing fest but still make one or two kills/assists a round with 4 to 6 javelines or spears. Quite good.
My cav is dead, it's unplayable, and quite a pity.
Testing my archer right now. Seems more accurate, but can't bring as much arrows or close combat weapon.

Mostly positive about the patch, the cavalry nerf wasn't really necessary I'd say, regarding of the money it costs, new pikes... Seems like it's a little less a ranged fest, but they still are effective when making sacrifices in close combat, I'd say then we reach here a better balance.

But please, be indulgent with cav :/

Seriously you must be kidding

THrowers now can only have 6 jarids or spears or watever and have to PICK UP weapons from ground, thats idiot.

Retirement is useless, bonus are a joke.  This kills endgame action, its good to have high level players. It must not be easy, but now its impossible if you dont play 24/7

General Discussion / Re: Like/Dislike new update?
« on: April 29, 2011, 03:40:37 pm »
12 Diff. means 12 STR, doesn't it?

Well, I have 21 str and I cant use it, I cant heirloom it on the web page and I cant weild it on the crpg mod game.

So this patch may be bugged. Or I did something wrong.

Ok what really happends is that I lost my twice Heirloomed dadao, and it is removed so none can use it now. Strange bug.

General Discussion / Re: Like/Dislike new update?
« on: April 29, 2011, 03:19:33 pm »
12 Diff. means 12 STR.

Well, I have 21 str and I cant use it, I cant heirloom it on the web page and I cant weild it on the crpg mod game.

So this patch may be bugged. Or I did something wrong.

General Discussion / Re: Like/Dislike new update?
« on: April 29, 2011, 03:09:27 pm »
So they fucked up hybrids, we, men among all players, to turn cprg in a archery fest.

Without hybrid you are destroying a lot of this game, now options are highly reduced, and options are always a good thing. Balance is not about destroying spec, its about fixing them.

We 2h players are now fucked up against archers against not nerfed polearmers with agi spec. YOu are destroying the game.

You will say i will cry or something, i just choosed a spec that I like ,21 str 15 agi , 2h and thrower and now I'll just have to be a sad 2h with a shield to avoid archers. The sword i was using was Dadao, totally underpowered but I liked it, now I need much more STr to use it, wtf are you doing? So you just want polearm guys and archers in this game or what?

NOTE: And the good thing is that my retirement will be completly useless, cuz I cant heirloom my Dadao because it needs 12 PS ( 12 difficulty = 12 PS right?) when it is one of the worst top 2h weapons

Suggestions Corner / Re: Lower Weapon Switching Speed
« on: January 24, 2011, 07:10:05 pm »
Idk whats the problem about hybrid thrower/1h/2h... There is not that much time to switch and make a HS. And hell, a shield its almost a must if you are not a tinycan so you dont really have that much problems about throwers.

Im 2h/thrower and if you increase the time for switching I will be in dangerous all time. Im switching constantly to shield/throw to avoid being shot. So wats the point of increase switching time? Giving archers more time to shoot 2h?

Most of new throwers are almost pure throwers with 2h. Im on the opposite. If you dont wanna die vs a thrower get a shield. Its what i did

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