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Messages - Loki

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Strategus General Discussion / Re: Suggestion: permanent gear
« on: December 14, 2012, 03:36:28 am »
I like the Dota 2 system:
After each battle you could randomly get an permanent item. Some items are common, some rare(lite crossbow, arbalest).
You could also trade items that you don't use.

Using this system on Strat:
Ppl will play a lot more battles(if every 100vs100 could give you your precious mw cudgel). No more roster problems.
Even fighting for the peasant army won't be so boring & spawnrapy as it is now when you will have your favorite turban great long axe.
Did you get cudgel? Get\trade second one & make Commoner's cudgel! Collect 4 for Elder's cudgel!

Also % of drop could be slightly based upon you performance

This system won't hurt current Stat economics since items would be rare & won't make huge impact to the battle results, but will bring more interest to the Strategus.

My problem with this system is that it turns strategus into a grind for your favorite gear.  Imho this game is already far too much of a grind and this would make it even worse.

The FUN part about games is that you can win or lose.  Winning and losing should have consequences.  The more losing hurts the sweeter victory is.  Which is why games like World of Warcraft have no appeal to the thinking man.  Don't turn strategus into a kill 10 wolves quest.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Cheating or No?
« on: December 06, 2012, 10:14:00 pm »
I trust software made by kinngrim as much as I trust kinngrim. Smells like an unfair advantage. Looks like cheating.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Grey Order Strat Announcement
« on: December 06, 2012, 10:05:42 pm »
I can only speak to when I was leader of the fallen brigade. Anybody I suspected of cheating or racism was removed or not allowed to join. We certainly didn't use third party software to move people around. I still have access to the fallen leadership forums and nothing of this sort has ever been discussed. I want a cheat free game above all else.

Somebody wanna explain to me what the fuck they're doing in the Netherlands?

Mercenary Recruitment / Fight for the Manly Man named Loki
« on: December 02, 2012, 02:52:39 am »
These Hospitaller scum come to take me fairly earned booty.  But they can't have it.

You see this fucking mustache?  Do you see this fucking hair on my chest?

Watch the video, then join me! Destroy! Rape! Pillage with the best pillage of all time!


My favorite color cats:

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Diplomacy / Re: The Coalition (NA)
« on: November 28, 2012, 09:30:24 am »
planetside 2

Suggestions Corner / Re: Weekly Top Valour Winners
« on: November 22, 2012, 02:15:11 am »
It's funny watching warcat top the scoreboard with his 13 shield skill char that just stands next to people. Whereas even if I headshot 20 people I'd only get 40 pts. Fucking garbage.

Diplomacy / Re: The KUTT Will Rise Again
« on: November 21, 2012, 11:01:27 pm »
I suggest disbanding and invite you to join the fallen brigade.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Weekly Top Valour Winners
« on: November 21, 2012, 10:47:15 pm »
I'd rather see kill death ratios. Valor just means you wield a 2her at the moment.

Suggestions Corner / Re: String your bow
« on: November 21, 2012, 10:44:24 pm »
Instead of more nerfs to archery how about increasing the accuracy so archers can afford to put wpf into a melee weapon. Kiting. Isn't even a problem as far as I'm concerned.

A lot of fallen will be playing on a east coast server. Contact garem via steam or our ts for more info.

Nighttime is necessary BUT can we please SEE what other people's nighttime is set to before we attack? I don't think that is much to ask for.

Due to the music used in the video it cant be watched in Germany-.-

No iron maiden allowed in Germany?! Fucking chocolate chip cookies.

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