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Messages - Judgement

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Spam / Re: Who thinks the New Crpg mod here sucks..Ooohhh I do!
« on: March 16, 2011, 01:38:27 pm »
It's alright as it is. Obviously there's downsides as in every mod. At least we don't see Tincan Archers - they suck if they still play them - and other stupidness from a long time ago.

If you don't like it, don't play it :)

Benelux Forum / Re: Stel je zelf voor!
« on: March 13, 2011, 06:38:39 pm »
Beetje oude topic maar goed. Heb pas de benelux forums ontdekt dus waarom ook niet:

Ik ben Kevin, 21 jaar.
Woon in Tiel, Gelderland en ik speel het spel sinds 1.011 geloof ik. cRPG ook al erg vroeg mee begonnen.
M'n in-game namen staan links. Ik doe aan karate en ik hoop in September met lerarenopleiding BO of Engels te beginnen.

Benelux Forum / Re: Clan topic
« on: March 13, 2011, 06:35:39 pm »
Wtf! I just tried reading this and to my amazement, I COULD UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING!

I guess this is dutch right? Why can I understand you? Its like a mix of English and German, but with some Norwegian here and there!

Hehe you won't find real Dutch here. It's all with English in-game terms n stuff.

Maar goed. Hoewel ik de Roses ook erg vet vind - de eerste knight clan iirc - moet ik toch Shogunate zeggen. Hele toffe mensen, goed sfeertje op TS en wat OP zei klopt ook niet helemaal dat we in heavy plate rondlopen. Hier moet speciale toestemming voor worden gegeven en zover ik weet heeft alleen de beruchte Captain_Georges dat :)

De Templars zijn trouwens ook toffe gasten :)

I just wanted to note that this week I might be fairly inactive compared to the last week. I have a new job lined up, I am starting weekly sports and I also have to visit this company thingy. Add to that family visits so might not be online much :)

I'm sure you'll manage xD

Yesterday, 10+ templars playing on the same server.

We won the jousting tournament hosted by the fallen (tied 1st place with shogunate iirc) and you took about 1 day to come to the conclusion we're inactive.

Not knowing any of the newer members and feeling out of place because of that is a perfectly acceptable reason to look for a new place to stay, but a bit more patience and research into our activity would've been nice.

Anyway, I wish you all the luck with the shogunate, they're a happy bunch and even though I hate horsearchers, they're good players :)

Shogunate guys, I hope you will enjoy the company of judgement, he's a good guy :)

Thanks for the kinds words buddy, but it didn't take me just one day to come to this conclusion. I had been back for a week or so and felt out of place.

But yeah Spawny's right. I'm a good guy :P I kid, but I do still think highly of the Templars.

Judgement and Chasey thank your for your applications. We don't have any problems with either of you but as always, we would like to talk to each of you in TS ( 7500) to clear any questions.
I'll get it set up asap. I don't have a mic but my keyboard will be my voice. I shall probably be around wednesday early - late afternoon. Who am I kidding, I'll be online most of the day apart from the evening when I have Karate class :D

Ah yes I just changed my application message added a whole bit. :) I'm going to be out today by the way, will be back late tonight. In case you wonder my sudden silence on the forums :P

Incase you don't wanna read the whole thing again: I'd like to keep Judgement in Templars but he'll be inactive. If you don't allow dual clanning then I'll take him out of the Templars. I'm very active but the Templars seem to be quite inactive. Haven't seen much of them since I'm back to be fair.

This is what I've posted on the Templar forums.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to make this decision, but I think my time with the Templars might be done.
It's completely different from the clan I fell in love with. I don't really know any of you. I'm looking for an active clan which members I can find around a lot, and play with a lot. And participate in competitive play.
I can't say that I know how it's going since I've had an uber long break, but I can see the original members have gone mostly.

Growl, Daymun, Burlington, Tommy (I think he might b around tho), Tybox, Asdiman, etc.

I want to explore other clans a bit I think and find one that suits me more and is more active for the moment. Unless you allow dual clanning, then I'll leave Judgement here and play another in a different clan.

Edit: Reading this back almost looks like I'm trying to break up with someone lol.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to make this decision, but I think my time with the Templars might be done.
It's completely different from the clan I fell in love with. I don't really know any of you. I'm looking for an active clan which members I can find around a lot, and play with a lot. And participate in competitive play.
I can't say that I know how it's going since I've had an uber long break, but I can see the original members have gone mostly.

Growl, Daymun, Burlington, Tommy (I think he might b around tho), Tybox, Asdiman, etc.

I want to explore other clans a bit I think and find one that suits me more and is more active for the moment. Unless you allow dual clanning, then I'll leave Judgement here and another in a different clan.

Greetings Shogunate,

My name is Goto Shojiro. I am a former soldier of a minor clan. My Daimyo has sacrificed honour for selfish goals - he played his own ruler, secretly defying the will of the Shogun - and therefore I've had to deny his leadership (this is all RP'ish, Templars were fine :P). I find myself to be without clan, and I'm hunted by the agents of my former.
I've come to respect the rule of the Shogunate a lot since then.

Of course I didn't send this message simply to notify you of these events. I would like to offer my loyalty to join the Shogunate's army. I hope you will consider my offer.
Goto Shojiro

Bit of RP always good :)
Basically, I'd like to join your clan. I've played on alot of characters as a loner but would like to take this to the next level. Haven't played for a while so am a bit rusty, but will be back on track soon enough I expect.
I just made a new character in the hope you will accept him. My skill at manual block is okay. About 6 months ago I was a dedicated 2h after that a polearmer.
Eagerly awaiting your decision :)

Bit about myself.
I'm 21 years old, living in the Netherlands. I've played warband for quite a long time - can't remember how long exactly - and cRPG since it's public release. Since that I've been on and off really. I've just returned from a long break.
I am willing to use any kind of Voice Chat but I currently don't have a functioning microphone so my voice shall not be heard until I purchase one. As I said my character is new, I'm playing it now but I'm dead so might as well write this lol. He's gonna b dedicated 2h, or 2h/pole. In-game name is Goto_Shojiro.

I've played a lot with the Templars back in the good old days, and though I still love them, I'm looking for a more active clan. Since I've had a long break I don't really know anyone from there anymore therefore I've had to make the decision that my place wasn't with them. Unless both you and they allow dual clanning. I'd like to leave Judgement in the Templars for now but not play him much. I'm a very active player and like some competition, but the Templars seem too inactive at the moment. Hardly see any online and haven't really heard of any recent games/matches/events.

Sorry for the essay.

Kind Regards, Judgement.

Yeah I figured Board isn't that great especially in 1vs1 but it's functionality just makes it worth it. I might buy a board and another high tier shield. The board solely for situational adaptation like shieldwalls and clusterfuck defense (enemies mash my shield in while my friends mash their heads in).
Obviously I'd only spawn with one at a time otherwise you'd get silly upkeep.

I'm just trying to find the border of when I make profit and when I have loss, upkeep wise.

Yeah if you could that would be awesome! Especially the Strategus part! My common sense usually gets me thru building a spec just fine but yeah any advice I'm open to :)

As for the shield. I used to pick board shield, for the looks, for the funcionality. I'm a fan of Italy en Venice so I love Board Shield, just thought I'd try something different but board shield's cool I'll take that :)

But yeah any advice is welcome :)

Thanks Poop:) Had a good few rounds today hehe :)

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Strategus History
« on: March 06, 2011, 09:14:55 pm »
Would definitely like to see the history regarding Templars when Strategus was first playable! Though I can't be bothered to write it myself, (and to be honest it would probably involve my opinion too strongly xD) and I have missed a big part of the finale where we were defeated.

At the start of Strategus, the Knights Templar were arguably the strongest clan (shared 1st place with Mercs imo), so this shouldn't be left out of the history :)

*feels like rolling an archer alt* :P

EDIT (to prevent double post :P) On my main I've scraped a few pieces of equipment together now. Got a red gambeson in case I get poor, to use with a cheapo shield and mail coif, and poor boots + italian sword.
I've also got a Haubergeon if I'm not totally poor. With more gold comes my Heraldic which I bought a while ago, and the templarish Kite Shield. Think I'm saving for Huscarl now and a better helm or some heavier armour.

All in all good progress over a couple of days :)

Edit2: Is there an updated version of the bannerpack? I'm still using the one from a year ago, which has our old banner in the one with the black, and the diagonal red stripe. Or do we simply replace a file in our banner folder in directory ourselves?

Welcome back Judgement.

I didn't know you were dutch though :P
Hehe thanks bud.

And you bet I'm Dutch! And though I've been dumpified I'm still very alive and kickin' A! ;D

Congrats on the jousting event, job well done. I'm noob at cavalry so good thing I didn't join ey :)

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