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Messages - Paprik

Pages: 1 [2]
Suggestions Corner / Re: Multiplier after a defeat
« on: January 13, 2011, 09:41:50 pm »
Jesus christ, why is everyone taking the numbers literally? He is not saying it HAS to be lowered by 1x with the exact same base of money/xp.

I'm all up for changing the multipliers somehow - for example making them 1x to 10x, lowering the base gold/xp gain to half, raising multiplier +2x for win, losing 4x for a loss, whatever. The numbers can be tweaked. The point is that the sudden drop for a single loss is gay, especially when you get autobalanced a lot.

General Discussion / Re: Xbows Idea
« on: January 12, 2011, 11:11:33 pm »
please add time based recoil to crossbows ...
not unlimited aim time w/o any recoil spread

that doesn't make any sense though... I know adding a Power skill for crossbows is probably not realistic but it's one of the few ways to make crossbows cool without everyone being able to use them.

General Discussion / Re: Reward if you win?
« on: January 12, 2011, 09:00:40 pm »
I'd rather get 50g reward for every kill, this will improve the current shitty state of upkeep

Don't implement this ever. It would just promote killstealing and more often than not - some players with less kills are actually a lot more important (shithead spammer who occasionally teamkills vs. clever ladder placer, distraction sacrificer etc.).

General Discussion / Re: Xbows Idea
« on: January 12, 2011, 04:06:21 pm »
wpf requirement probably wouldn't solve much. It would limit people who carry crossbow just for the lulz, but the wpf difference between dedicated xbowmen and xbow hybrid is very small because of the diminishing returns (112v130 maybe).

Seige crossbow is not weak now in general, but considering its price and slow reload speed, it's pathetic. Even the hunting crossbow is not that much weaker (not considering the shot speed and accuracy it's half the damage, twice the reload speed) and the $$ (upkeep) difference is just huge. I agree with Heroin, that it should be fixed. I don't see why most (all?) other classes are able to afford to bring their best weapon every round and xbowmen aren't.

The only solution I could think of to limit it as Heroin suggested would be to make it work more like archery and throwing (have a Power skill for it).

General Discussion / Re: Fix List v210
« on: January 11, 2011, 10:30:33 pm »
-archery should be nerfed a bit (+8 dmg on bodkin arrow lol)
-throwing shouldn't be so spammable and there should be a penalty for throwing with a shield equipped

But anyway great job, I am having a lot more fun now than pre-patch, the old version was so dull it made me quit cRPG for 2 months actually.
-too costly xbows or nerfed as hell
-reaching level 31 for the retirement is too difficult for medium players (30 is ok)
-autobalance - fix
Just a sum of what I completely agree with. Balancing all classes is tough as fuck, you're never gonna achieve total satisfaction from all sides, but some things are a bit more off. Autobalancing should not happen unless neccesary - a lot of switches happen even though the teams are balanced (say 30v32) - don't know if that was intended but once you learn to cooperate with your teammates, switching the next round and playing against them is disappointing. Not to mention this probably annoys friends/clans, who wanna play together, even more.

Also I think a nice idea might be to actually make some equipement useful. People usually go for the single best thing availible. It'd be nice to make some equipement vary a bit, not just increase its attributes and cost - crossbows work well for example - "you wanna do high dmg? that's cool and shit, but you're gonna reload way slower, ha!"

General Discussion / Re: Changelog 0.210 (Items) + screenshots
« on: January 11, 2011, 02:22:38 pm »
wait so am I paying twice as much for my crossbow (cost+upkeep) for basicaly the same damage and 1/3-1/4 speed compared to an archer? Jesus christ

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