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Messages - SG_Anani

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EU (Official) / Re: Strategus SG Faction BAN!
« on: January 22, 2016, 12:00:02 am »
The members actual name is SGuard_Transilsaka

1. We were planning to raid the village, that is why we didn't have any armor. You might think that is stupid but the raiding idea really sounded clever at that time, until we realised you couldnt switch to ''raid'' from settings.

2. The reason transilsaka joined the enemy side was not to drop village weapons, he joined them because he was trying to take revenge on something happened on a persistent world server. He knew this was not going to be a huge blow to us so he just joined to slaughter the naked people.

3. He joined the battle really late anyway, and forgot to change his banner.

4. The moment they saw the SGuard banner they automatically assume he was there to help us. (Which is normal, I would have the same assuption.)

Yet if I judge this ruleset-wise:

I do not It is forbidden to join against your clan, if that is the case. Plus, In your screenshots there are no proof he was doing what you accuse him of, he only gave 2 kills to us where your side also has people with 7 or 6 deaths.

Thanks for reading, I wil have Transilsaka say sorry for the confusion he created.

Strategus Issues / Re: Strategus Radar
« on: October 26, 2015, 03:52:36 pm »
it wouldnt really work since there are rivers and mountains, though you can detect where he is from that line you make when you move to somewhere.

Uh, everyone has been saying that EU strategus was fixed, and battles were going to start happening.

Does anyone have some kind of a link where this(or anything else) is announced by some dev etc?

*Because it has been like 6 days my battle(along with all other people) gets postphoned every day just when it is about to happen.

So if anyone is wondering or having doubts rather the EU strategus is fixed or not, let me tell you that it is totally not fixed nor close to getting fixed. It is still bugged. Except the battles do get scheduled, but they never happen due to those postphonings. (NOTHİNG İS FİXED)

Edit: I also just checked the logs, last battle on EU was 4 months ago. Who started the rumour ''oh battles are getting scheduled again so strat is fixed lel'' anyway?

cRPG Technical problems / Re: error on creating shaders. out of memory!
« on: October 21, 2015, 04:17:04 pm »
same, please halp. someone

Diplomacy / Re: Sultans Guard
« on: October 19, 2015, 08:05:12 pm »
tourkos kalos mono nekros

Realism Discussion / Re: Katana deserve better
« on: June 08, 2015, 12:21:14 pm »
Alright... Look. The katana was a weapon of eastern origin that was super duper op. You could literally cleave through full plate with a katana like it was paper. To this day, we don't fully understand how the ancient Japanese made such badass weapons. The katana was EASILY the most powerful type of sword.

However, I think this is one of those situations where it would be better to NOT be super realistic. The 2h spam is already bad enough.

If you wanted to make the katana "realistic" it would have to IGNORE armor, be able to chop peoples weapons in half on parry, and do at LEAST 60-70 damage. Yeah lets not do that. Downvote for you, sorry  :|

Can you tell me on which world the actual plate armor used by europeans was cleaved by a katana? What is your reference when saying that katana could cleave trough plate armor like paper? I am seriously curious.

Realism Discussion / Re: Katana deserve better
« on: June 05, 2015, 08:03:36 pm »
Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction.

Is this a joke? Medieval Europe never bothered conquering japan?

Medieval europe was nowhere near japan plus the two never probably knew eachother existed when it was actually the ''medieval'' times.

Anyways I personally know a bit but I honestly don't really care what used to happen on that cute island of yours. Just be grateful that there are these samurai armors that break the immersion 99%(along with some other armors).

General Discussion / Re: Logic
« on: June 01, 2015, 03:20:48 pm »
Before anyone gets so defensive why doesn't someone admit this is NOT normal and say ''okay, will be/should be fixed''.


EU (Official) / Re: Ban Sguard_Sultan Emirso2
« on: May 21, 2015, 03:33:57 pm »
the coalition was supposed to be created on a whole new laddet but then their original leader refused and told us we had to move to their ladder and he would change name and give us all rank 10.

I was also a representative of a group of players with rank 10 and I also see what emirso did as justice. From the moment they gave emirso AND 5-6 people rank 10 means they aclnowledged them as the supreme power and as equals, there was no ORİGİNAL CLAN anymore.

But I also wonder which exact official rule he broke? İs it the one says: "you can't kick people off the faction as a leader"? Why are admins trying to act as a high moral judge for players' actions in a game?

EU (Official) / Re: Ban Sguard_Sultan Emirso2
« on: May 20, 2015, 10:19:28 pm »

If we were considered equals at the start, we disband as equals in the end. That's all I have to say.

Emirso said all that has to be said about this, if you only wanted him to join your clan with his members, why not give him rank 8? or rank 9? You gave him the permission to EDİT CLAN DATA and now you are trying to involve admins in this.

Leave it be, this is over and nothing but your fault.

EU (Official) / Re: Ban Sguard_Sultan Emirso2
« on: May 20, 2015, 07:21:08 pm »
If we are talking in a *legal* way;

You yourself made him rank 10 which means he is considered to be equal with anyone who is also rank 10 on that clan.

From the moment one of your other leaders made him a rank 10 means they acknowledged the fact that he(Emirso) is in fact considered to be totally equal with any other rank 10 and from that moment.

That ''clan'' is his clan as much as your clan.

You are not to treat him as an outsider who happened to join your clan and surprisingly managed his way up to rank 10 and kicked everyone.

Now if we skip to the drama-part where a lot of you guys are focused on: It's sad. The drama between clan members is not anyones business.

bir yardırmışım

EU (Official) / Re: Bedo, Dovahkiin, Okata - EU3 Ban polls
« on: March 27, 2015, 07:38:32 pm »
aaaaaaaaaaaaand we missed the battle just now

EU (Official) / Bedo, Dovahkiin, Okata - EU3 Ban polls
« on: March 27, 2015, 07:17:36 pm »
1. Name of your character involved: SGuard_Anani
2. Name of offending character(s): Dovahkiin, Bedo, Okata
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: around 19:55
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after: Bedo and Dovahkiin joins the server, starts ban polls on every 3 members of SGuard right after one another, here are the people that were hatepolled from server:
5. Why you think the offender did what he did: Hatepolls, since we are at war with them on strat and we just happened to win a strat battle against them.
6. Multiple Screenshots:

SGuard_Tonyukuk and SGuard_Anani will be posted in a sec. These would be enough tho :D

7. Names of players who witnessed what happened: SGuard_Taalan, SGuard_Anani, EcStAzy_the_Crow(yet I don't think he was there, probably afk.), SGuard_Fateeh_qq.

**They were banned with majority, because:

-They first started poll on SGuard_Fateeh_qq when he was alone.
-Then when 2 of our members joined, they also start poll on SGuards_Tonyukuk first(I think)
-And then after he gets banned because probably the other guy in the server said 1. (5 people on the server at that moment if I am not wrong.)
-''Okata'' start a poll on SGuard_Anani.
-SGuard_Anani gets banned and when they start poll on SGuard_Taalan.

**Looks like they planned the whole thing.
**They did this just before our next battle, now we won't be able to join roster.

A clever way to win against superior enemy rosters = Gather in groups and ban them when they are dueling in eu3

Well, thing is they have pure hate against us and it is becoming mutual, the difference is that we fight them with strategus but they fight us with ban polls and teamkills.

Strategus Issues / Re: Cancel battle
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:58:35 pm »
where is harald?

link to profile?

Strategus Issues / Re: Cancel battle
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:44:51 pm »
no, the battle never happened at all. It was supposed to happen tomorrow at a nice hour.

I attacked on strat map, and battle cancelled itself after like 30-45 min.

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