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Messages - Tomas_Miles_again

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 38
General Off Topic / Re: Best guitarists in the world!
« on: June 26, 2016, 01:42:20 pm »
John Williams?
Andres Segovia?
Julian Bream?

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 26, 2016, 01:37:35 pm »
what was worse?

The vile ranting about people who dared to vote Conservative in the last General Election (i seem to remember a lot of the same disgusting uneducated ruining the world type rants)
The vile ranting about people who dared to vote Leave in the referendum.

You have every right to be upset with the result of a vote but calling everyone who isn't the same as you as uneducated idiot bigots and trash sounds a hell of a lot like Far right extremist speech.
Seems to me those on the left share more in common with those on the right than they care to admit.

You have those who claim the young were crushed by the old vote (as if somehow all young people think like them)
The future of the young was not hijacked. The "young" just didn't care enough to vote.

image big so spoilerd it
(click to show/hide)

from sky

% who got through our final #EUref poll turnout filter by age group:

18-24: 36%
25-34: 58%
35-44: 72%
45-54: 75%
55-64: 81%
65+: 83%

36% of 18-24 voted, If the turnout was so low how could they blame the old? Blame our own age group for the result

I'm a bit worried about the reactions post-vote. Condescending elitist ranting and attempting the legitimate (but embarrassing) route of bringing a petition to parliament vs people harassing foreign-looking people in the streets, at work, etc etc as if the Leave vote meant it was totally cool to intimidate strangers, other kids at school, your work colleagues, etc etc

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 26, 2016, 12:25:01 am »
Just out of interest, how many of you non-brits have ever been to the UK?

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 24, 2016, 04:02:24 pm »
I bet staples will go up, perhaps imported goods like medicine will have a knock-on effect on the services/industries that rely on them, etc etc. Wonder if energy comes into the equation as we get a lot of power from France don't we? Will interesting to quantify the effects of the forex even before any actual regulation has changed.

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 24, 2016, 02:57:12 pm »
- a major referendum such as "indepence y/n?" is a once in a lifetime chance, Scotland chose, end of the story

The circumstances have changed enough for Scotland to be able to call another referendum, they are about to be taken out of the EU against their will.

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 24, 2016, 02:23:53 pm »
In another year we would have had Presidency of the Council of the European Union too...

Finally, I wonder what this means for our very own Belfast-based donkeycrew.
Inb4 Brexit kills Of Kings and Men

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 24, 2016, 02:18:35 pm »
We'll see. I'm not too optimistic about the prospects for housing, prices of staples, government for the next 4 years (at least) etc etc.

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 24, 2016, 01:58:23 pm »
Honestly, fuck Gibraltar. Let Spain blocus them into starvation or whatever.

As for the UK leaving, the only critical thing in the coming months will be to avoid a domino effect. The saboteurs are out, now is the time seriously reconsidering what the EU is for, for those of us who actually want it. Lately, it has mostly been an excellent tool for local politicians to shift blame for policies they voted themselves onto an imaginary class of "unelected EU officials".

Concerning the UK, you don't have any of the natural advantages of Norway or the historical ones of Switzerland. Both countries are practically forced to abide by EU regulations but also have no say in them. In that regard, the UK has a slightly better shot at developing extra-EU exports, but for that you'd need to produce something first.

Don't the UK export a non-trivial amount of cars and medicine?

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 24, 2016, 04:25:31 am »
Source, Falka?

Anders, votes are still being counted.

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 23, 2016, 11:49:02 pm »
None of my friends my age have said they are going to vote Leave (we're all Londoners or else former students). Only Leave I know is one of my bosses. Some at my workplace were undecided when it came up in conversation. I know there's a lot of apathy in the younger generations too though.

General Discussion / Re: Heskey go home
« on: June 19, 2016, 01:38:02 pm »

Minecraft / Re: cRPG Minecraft Server (Thx Switch!)
« on: June 18, 2016, 06:20:41 am »
Found that Nether Fortress Umbra went to, but died. Is it possible to get to that fortress, build another portal, and remove the old one?

Well it came out that he used a 1 shot gun. Possibly even a musket. So gun control has naught to do with it. You clearly haven't read back very far as I've already stated if he had access to more high powered weaponry it would probably have been worse for those trying to help her.

He had a political ideology, and that's likely the reason behind the attack. The MP had already been receiving alarming messages in relation to her stance on the EU ect and as a result they were already considering giving her extra security.

He was also supposedly mentally unstable as the Orlando shooter likely was as well. Anyone who can carry out these attacks has something wrong with them. Although there was only 1 victim with this one the attack was pretty damn brutal. He shot her in the head then grabbed her by the hair and repeatedly stabbed her.

As usual
 your trying to pull arguments out of thin air based on zilch.

A little more on the shooter Thomas Mair: chip cookies-group-claims

Minecraft / Re: cRPG Minecraft Server (Thx Switch!)
« on: June 18, 2016, 12:22:22 am »
Server said "You have exceeded the slot limit for this server. Server will restart in 5 minutes unless resolved."

I was the only person on...

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