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Messages - Simon_Belmont

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General Discussion / Re: State of the game.
« on: March 25, 2015, 08:57:28 pm »
Ranged is slowly killing people off. Sure it's "part of the game" but when you close with an archer, they turn and run, get ahead, pew, run, pew. Or even worse they're on a horse. Or they're a thrower. It's just infuriating to get plinked at constantly.

You find someone, they'll run away until there's at least one more person in their group than your group.

Also agi is crazy op what the hell.

I personally always thought throwing was incredibly weak although a ton of fun (mind you, I joined cRPG in mid 2013). The reason why people started complaining about it in the first place was because of the introduction of throwing lances, which basically made a 1 hit kill shot against many opponents who were engaged in combat without having to worry about teamhitting or being accurate. But throwing weapons like axes were vastly underpowered. It felt amazing when I finally got my MW Throwing axes to spam people with only to realize I had trouble countering practically everything and eventually was appalled by the atrocious performance I was giving, which was even worse than before. I still enjoyed javelins and jarids, but I never touched axes again. And when I finally switched to Throwing lances they quickly implemented that "supossed" balance that made them even better just because of being able to weild 6 of them. The long windup for easy aiming, the HIGH damage, not having to worry about hit and run tactics... Absurd, if you ask me. Also, throwing is pretty much useless in DTV too, so there goes grinding.

However, yes, I've always thought HA and archers were ridiculous in cRPG. In native, at least, everyone seems to be agile enough to catch them so they can't just leave you behind only to find another spot to pick you off from. And HA and HX with heavy horses are simply no fun. Probably because being fast and annoying and uncounterable by most classes isn't fun.

As for the mod dying, I still think it's both age and boredom, not broken patches or unbalanced items/builds. For a newbie like myself, it's not exciting to grind for items and try to reach goals when everyone else around leaves, having met those goals ages ago, because I can't get to try them out. And really, how can you blame them? They've exhausted the "replay value" of the mod by trying basically everything. Plus, feeling a part of the community: It takes (or used to take) so long to start from scratch and get to know both players and items so that you don't die right away. It's nothing like Native. For the first few months I was completely lost, playing with stupid and broken builds, with no direction as to what I was supossed to learn. And then when you enter a clan to hopefully get more involved, its playerbase dies within the span of a month. So you end up joining a HUGE clan that has good intentions but 0 personality, playing with teammates that play individually and not as a "clan", until you jump onto another clan that dies in no time as well. Like an eternal and painful game of Frogger, except you level up in between. Yay?

 You could also play Strat, which was also about clan stacking but at least was fun. Or instead, you lurk the forums 24/7 complaining about how the mod was better in 20XX, and that it needs to be reverted for it to grow back. Or being a know-it-all despite not having played the mod in ages. And I mean no offense, but just let it go. It's a mod, not a lifestyle.

Sorry for this TL;DR speech. I completely understand if you don't feel like reading it, but I do this to avoid posting a lot because I know it'll bother people. Also 100% personal opinion and experience.

General Discussion / Re: poll: what country has the best c-rpg players?
« on: January 27, 2015, 06:43:44 pm »
How do we virgins get AIDS



Kinda sums up the mod right now (and is a cheerful song on its own right), so might as well throw it in here.

Not exploitable, it looks different for everyone else, only for you its kinda instant but others see the whole animation.

Not really, I've been able to do it at 60 fps and with a ping of 40-50 and those frames are skipped for everyone. It might only have to do with certain servers tho, but it affects everyone.

I dont undestand if this is lag:

If i Press R and L of mouse together my pg in a first time blocks and immediatly he attacks.
When i see the attack, the games uses half of animation (i dont see the preparation of the attack, but only yhe swing).
Is it lag?

You can do that without lag as well (it's exploitable), but yea, that's probably due to the lag because I've noticed it much more often as well.

General Discussion / Re: C-Rpg Classic
« on: January 07, 2015, 12:13:31 pm »
Actually, I can't stand shit that comes out of my keyboard these past few weeks. But current cRPG makes me so sad and I refuse to quit or take a break. Used to seeing this mod in much better shape with thousands of active players. This literally breaks my heart.

After today episode if I had shutdown cRPG button at my disposal, would certainly end its misery once for good.

Fair enough. But why are you so grumpy about it? You don't even play the mod anymore, do you? I think I see a pattern here. People leave, bash the mod and then hope they can forget about it before they miss it. If it dies, just let it die, but try to enjoy yourself while you can. Maybe it's because I am technically a newmy old friend that I can still enjoy cRPG, because I don't know any better. But has the mod really changed that much that you CAN'T enjoy yourself? I just can't wrap my head around that.

And to whoever compared cRPG's playerbase and Native's playerbase, that's not fair. Of course people will eventually go back to their roots. Native is easy to pick up and there are no significant updates or balance issues to fix. That's why mods take time and effort to polish, because they want to try something else. But, like everything, their novelty wears off eventually.

General Discussion / Re: C-Rpg Classic
« on: January 06, 2015, 11:15:08 pm »
Love when newmy old friends share their cRPG love stories :lol:

Funny coming from a edgy drama queen like yourself. Or did that hit too close to home, Leshma?

General Discussion / Re: C-Rpg Classic
« on: January 06, 2015, 07:32:55 pm »
Wow, I definately learned a couple things thanks to this thread.

I recently played Native again, after such a long time. After playing for a couple hours for 2 days I found out that even if I sometimes find cRPG broken and stupid (sometimes even rageinducing, why I trashtalk so much in cRPG) I just want to go back to it whenever I play any other Warband MP PvP mod. Like someone above me said I like recognizing players because of their equipment, I like seeing people try weapons that don't get much love and being successful with them, I like knowing what I can expect from a player I have in front of me and making the most out of the equipment and the build I have against his. In Native I get none of that.

In every single map I took a spear and a shield and hoplited my way through, because people there suck at downblocking. Every weapon basically feels the same, polestaggering is stupid, armor clutching renders some 1 handers completely useless (Swadians 1 handed swords vs high armor). And of course, if you can't get past the first line of archers in Siege you are dead. So I'm forced to change to archer or I roll with tons of javelins and end up in close combat with a 2 hander that kills my soft body in 1 swipe (arrow rain support). And of course, the scoreboard looks no different from the cRPG one, but at least in cRPG the 2 handing hero that topscores can manually block, unlike in Native. And cRPG has no teamwork? lol Have you played Native? There's 0 teamwork, let alone melee support. Players just watch you die overpowered by numbers. And yet, I had fun. Yes, I was sick and tired of all the above but I found myself enjoying certain weapon types as I had never enjoyed them before in cRPG. Lifes are shorter but I usually kill more people in them.

I also tried Rome at War. I have to say, I had tons of fun. The Dev. team and clan members were really nice to a newcomer like me, gave me directions, weapons (really, my shield bugged and didn't spawn and a clanmember of Athenai gave me his inmediately) and told me when they events took place. The combat in that mod is also pretty fun, if you enjoy shield battles. Loads of pokey spears that can hit you from miles away and really short swords for very personal fights. Cav is almost non existant but can still wreck through formations if players are not aware and skirmishers (throwers) feel really satisfying due to the long wind-up animations which mean you can't just spam them with a guy chasing you. Archers are not so efficient but it is to be expected. The maps are nothing spectacular but it was enjoyable. 

tl:dr = I still think cRPG gives me the experience of what Warband was meant to be like, without the ugly cloth armor everywhere, the clumsy and unsuccessful teammates never letting off their RMB when playing 1h. + shield etc. and with tons of customization, skillful players (debatable for some), nice maps... But I was still able to enjoy Native and other MP mods regardless because the combat in Warband is just too fun. So I don't understand why all the hate against Native or cRPG come from. Each recreate their own thing = Peasant Wars (Native) vs Hero Wars. I enjoy cRPG more because I get used to my range and damage but Native is just as fun in another way. It's like comparing Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy Battle.

Faction Halls / Re: The Norsemen Recruiting NEW NA BRANCH
« on: December 08, 2014, 05:25:14 pm »
Hey, nice screenshots. I honestly forgot to take a few myself because I thought everyone else would handle that. Great fun I had with you guys, thanks for having me!


General Off Topic / Re: English proficiency index
« on: October 18, 2014, 02:49:31 pm »
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English proficiency index - it's supposed to be the world's largest ranking of English skills. And has some weird numbers, Poland better than Belgium and Germany, RUssia better than Italy. Ruskies speak english?

I'd say the average japanese's english is really choppy, not sure how it's just in the mediocre list. But if the charts say so, I guess I'll trust them.

Faction Halls / Re: The Norsemen
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:40:21 am »
Hello, fellas! Since I was bored and I wanted to test the quality of the pics in my new pc I decided to do this:


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Me (right next to Richy):

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Charon (battling the evil Barabe :D ):

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General Discussion / Re: Team wounding and ctrl + M
« on: September 18, 2014, 01:56:29 pm »
I've been reported many times in my short experience as a cavalryman, specially due to bumps. The most annoying reports I've received were due to me keeping my finger on the w key while spawning and slightly bumping archers (with no damage, mind you, since I didn't have the speed to hurt). It happened to me twice in the same map with 2 different archers.

But by far the dumbest reason for a report I've received was by a certain someone named Moncho (funny he downvoted the OP's post) in DTV. He was afk in spawn and some other player and I nudged him around (never hurting him nor moving him close to the bots) while one wave ended. After about 30 secs of nudging him, he came back and reported us both. When I asked what that was about he claimed "the noise annoyed him". I didn't know whether to laugh or cry to such an absolute petty complain. Looking back it was a very humorous moment.

PS: No harm meant, Moncho. I just found it funny.

Spam / Re: Who would you like to kill?
« on: September 12, 2014, 11:23:38 pm »
That goes for everyone else. And I'm civilized, just not in this community. Why should I be, this is community where everything is permitted.

a) Everyone else where? In your mind?
b) If you are civilized why would you want to provoke people in the first place? Isn't that like saying you don't understand why a dog bit you when you pulled his tail?

Spam / Re: Who would you like to kill?
« on: September 12, 2014, 10:35:29 pm »
When you look in the mirror, you see an image of yourself. But people aren't mirrors. Modern way of life (living in big cities) allows you to pick who you socialize with and completely ignore all other human beings. Some find that disturbing, but that's how it is. Living in a big city made me that way. I equally don't give a fuck what people think irl just like I'm not caring on the internet. But I don't provoke irl people because dealing with them can be much harder than it is on internet.

Internet is the perfect medium for intelligent people to went out their frustration with actions of those less intelligent by toying with them online, without possible physical repercussions. And seeing how world gets dumber with every passing minute and how every newborn is somehow being shaped into obedient sheep that follows certain trend without using his own brain to analyze his doings, I must say that we'll see more "fucked up" and "disturbing" stuff on the internet which will mainly come from frustrated intelligent folks who must went their steam somewhere. Of cours, part of disturbing stuff is actually coming from psychos.

Perfect example of what I'm talking about are pictures that Armpit is linking, someone find that fucked up and work of disturbed mind, but some see it as a portrait of increasingly brainless society we're living in.

You think highly of yourself. If it bothers you so much try to ask for advice or confront people in a more civilized manner instead of pointlessly rambling about it in a thread called "Who would you like to kill?". Priorities.

Spam / Re: Who would you like to kill?
« on: September 10, 2014, 08:49:09 am »
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I'd love to punch the shit out of the creators of K-On and Lucky Star for making 2 of the unfunniest animes ever to become popular.

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