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Messages - lionair112

Pages: 1 [2]
General Off Topic / Uche Smif - Neo Now [Song]
« on: March 14, 2016, 05:00:05 am »
I rap and play video games alot, those are my two favorite things by far. I just released a song and would like to present it to the community for to listen to.
My music is mostly dark sounding with me rapping about my life or thoughts, this song in particular is a scenario I orchestrated. In the future I will be making songs about video games I play because...well their fkin great
I appreciate all feedback that I can receive as always try to improve on my pieces.
Theres no rules on off topic so i decided it wouldn't hurt to leave this here, hope some hip hop heads can appreciate.

Song :
Soundcloud :
Youtube :

NA (Official) / Ban Snicklez
« on: February 27, 2016, 06:22:23 am »
1. Char involved:Rectum Revolution
2. Char who assassinated me:KM_Snicklez
3. Time and Location of Crime:11:53 PM and NA_cRPG_1
4. How did this go down?:We were fighting in a group fight against the enemy(as we should be) and i ran away from the fight to go to the flag and said "dance like monkeys"(NA_cRPG_1). Then my teamate  came behind me and threw a projectile made of pure death and killed me. He then proceeded to proclaim "dance bitch"(NA_cRPG_1). The enemy was on the flag and i was about 15 feet away to show how not close the projectile was to the enemy.
5. Why did he do this? Are you two brocoding or beefing?:I dont know him from any other occasion but 10 minutes prior to this situation he also teamkilled Bishop_Theomere and showed no remorse. I don't know why he would do something so heinous.
7. Who was a witness?: Bishop_Theomere ,KM_Roktal, Cajun,YoshiTheSquid

that rank already puts pressure on me, i seriously don't want to play with people with too high rank as i feel responsible for the hypothetical defeat and derank; where u from anyways, NA EU RU?

back where i belong, MGE.
mge is one rank below me lol, we dont have to play super srs, im just looking for people to play with

add me my ign is Lionair (Ucci Mane La Flare) and im DMG looking for people to play wth

NA (Official) / Ban AFatMonsterNamedFat
« on: December 07, 2014, 06:29:48 pm »
1. Jedhigh_Vayze_Potlite
2. AFatMonsterNamedFat
3. 11;45 EST, NA_cRPG_1
4. He doubled spawned, and mocked his killer for it.
5. Trolololo?
7. Everyone in the screenshot...

So i'll assume this post doubles as a ban thread for this "Chinto" with sheer evidence.

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Rectum_Revolution
« on: February 03, 2014, 05:59:42 pm »
I dont ever post on forum but apparently someone is trying to besmirch my name. I was killed in the round, then i rage quitted(as i commonly do), then i realized i would rather procrastinate more, so i got back into the game. The people asked why i relogged, i told them the same reason, i also said i didnt know i would respawn. Yet... juicy mango proceeded to intentionally tk me at spawn the next round(which is why my text says vigilante justice), to which i proceeded to respawn again since he thought he had the power to take me out the game. I dont get how you can ban someone for not knowing the rules, i learned something new today, i dont get why i should be banned for such a thing. That is all, thank you for reading my paragraph.
P.S - i am rectum

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