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Messages - Fringe

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General Discussion / Re: Free Looms Lottery
« on: April 18, 2013, 11:30:55 pm »

...Really sad to see a good player of the community go. Hope you would get on time from time just to play around.

General Off Topic / Re: Chingis KHAN!!!
« on: April 18, 2013, 11:09:20 pm »
With 100 to 200 heavy cavalry units (swadian or sarranid is best), you can dispatch those 800 bandit armies very easily. Maybe not in floris mod though.

Also, bonus because with all those prisoners you can replace your losses without paying anything, and they make them move very slow, which means you can select your fights.

Yeah, I had just taken some heavy losses and was recruiting. Didn't have all my high tier soldiers. I had plenty of pikes, but they would have been injured and would die after 800 different troops...who happened to be mobile archers, something my pike men couldn't deal with.

Of course the reward was 1000 troops in the end. Even so, they would be of different nationality's and replacing them with native or preferred troops would be difficult.

(Ronin,) I totally agree with you. I never had the problem in Brytenwalda because once I finally secured my kingdom it was on a peninsula, far from any bandits. Also my 1000 man personal army would absolutely rape any bandit force if it were to engage in my territory. I'm used to Brytenwalda, so the time it takes to build an elite army is nothing to me. A couple of quick battles and the get around medium tier...or the lvl 3-4 stage. After that I would always just crutch masses of them into better lvls...survival of the fittest :D

General Discussion / Re: New NA Community Server
« on: April 18, 2013, 04:30:01 am »

That's what I'm saying. It's been like this for the past couple of weeks. Server needs updated.

General Off Topic / Re: Chingis KHAN!!!
« on: April 17, 2013, 11:09:58 pm »
This is Floris mod right?

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I liked how bandits were a proper organised force and was a real problem. Once, I even have to forget about capturing a rhodok castle in my siege campaign just because some bandit leader was blocking the passageway. I must say I was a Swadian Marshall and had 5-6 lords following me, and I was commanding more than 100 men as well. I tried battling with them and even beaten them, but in the end there wasn't enough men left to conquer a rhodok castle.

Yeah it was really cool. They came down in  force, the army of 300 was all alone, but just out of sight was the party led by Chingis. I've also come across the mountain bandit party before, but there were enough Rhodok lords around to help me deal with them.

Even so it was a cool occurrence, I'll return back to the Kingdom of Rhodoks depleted of money. Luckily I had some goods with me to sell in the Ichamur. I've also got some iron for my iron works in Jelkala. I went to find a companion, which led to the reason of my detour. I now have enough common sense the stay the fuck away from the Steppe, and possibly the desert too. :D

Even so, one day I'll return, with reason to conquer. There will be no such bandits in my territory...(also I really want to cash in on those 1000 troops.)

Diplomacy / Re: New Bulugur Declares War on Anders
« on: April 17, 2013, 11:00:27 pm »
Anders didn't even have to move a finger and his enemies fell before him. Note to self: do not cross Anders.

Still not getting mah weed havelle.

:o Needless to say Anders will win...and in the end you will be without weed. It's a lose lose situation for the Havelle's New Bulugur Free Trade Republic Country Club and Conga Line Also Daruvian is Gay faction. What a dark day.

Diplomacy / Re: New Bulugur Declares War on Anders
« on: April 17, 2013, 05:50:56 am »
At this point, Anders(The leader) has not responded  the diplomatic messages I have not sent. What kind of guy just ignores a new power on the strat board? Fuck him.

 :o Needless to say Anders will win...and in the end you will be without weed. It's a lose lose situation for the Havelle's New Bulugur Free Trade Republic Country Club and Conga Line Also Daruvian is Gay faction. What a dark day.

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EDIT: Woah, does Havelle have his own faction now? Or is it kinda like a Frisia faction thinga-mabob. I mean, if it is a new faction, wows.

Double EDIT: I realized how stupid previous edit was, I'm pretty tired.

General Off Topic / Re: Most of the rest of the world every day
« on: April 17, 2013, 05:41:13 am »
whatever, we have a mass shooting like every other month these days.
this time it was a bomb, so people are looking to foreign terrorists.

Not really. I mean, whoever the terrorist was probably had it in his mind to just set an example. Personally I feel that if a true terrorist would make a move like this, then the scale of the catastrophe would be much larger. Not saying the Boston bombing was some small deal, but it could have been much larger. All kinds of shit have gone through on who it could be, white supremacy groups, foreign terrorist, somebody being a prick. Never know though.

General Off Topic / Chingis KHAN!!!
« on: April 17, 2013, 05:33:51 am »
Travelling through the step in small numbers is known to be dangerous. Even in large numbers you can easily get swarmed...

But the people of the steppe have yet to see what atrocity's roam the land. An army of brigands, if not rebels, stalk the grassland. At the head of the army stands the man known only by Chingis, and behind him stands an army, a swarm of hornets ready to sting.

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Chingis himself...
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After a hard chase (and several thousand denars later) I had finally made it to the nearest city, and situated myself safely inside it's walls.

The armies I had seen were hardly bandits. These were rebels, and their presence in the steppe either meant a revolt...or a revolution. Sanjar Khan had a new pretender practically on his doorstep, and as long as he allowed this to happen the longer the terror would ensue within the inner steppe.

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But really wtf  :| I've spent a lot of time in Brytenwalda...I've had my city attacked thousands of times by 2000 man armies just over religious disputes. I've dealt with large numbers of bandits grouped together, and even previously in Floris mod (I'm using: Floris Expanded Mod Pack 2.54,) but never have I ever come up on a force of bandits which exceeded 500 troops. There were  more here but they were out of sight by the time I took the pictures. Even so, there are 700-800 troops here, with over 1000 prisoners. I paid about 1000 denars to every party, leaving me broke.

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Sucked dick -.-

The steppe was a bitch to go through before, now I'm keeping my ass clear of it...for now. :twisted:

General Off Topic / Re: King of Spam
« on: April 17, 2013, 03:21:25 am »
So the king!

Spam / Re: Draw Adolphin Thread!
« on: April 17, 2013, 03:20:08 am »
Adaily Adolphin:

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This is fucking genius...

General Off Topic / Re: Most of the rest of the world every day
« on: April 17, 2013, 01:53:21 am »
Exactly, and just because Boston is in America does not make that event any more tragic or shocking than what happened in Alphen aan de Rijn, the difference lies in America-centrism.

The only people to be blamed for America-centrism would be people like you. It's not like we're the little kid crying for attention, and even if we are, you're the one giving it to us. (Have battle, will edit post later.)

Diplomacy / Re: A chaotic thing happened on the way to the castle
« on: April 16, 2013, 11:48:48 pm »
1. Tanken get rid of that avatar, I can't look at it anymore.


General Discussion / Re: Help cRPG and get masterworks.
« on: April 14, 2013, 07:29:07 am »
Adding things from other mods is forbidden in most cases. Also your suggestions don't fit requirements. You have not only to suggest what to do, but also how to do and in a detailed way. Suggestions like "fix the mod, add new features and make graphics better" don't count.

A lot of those items in Floris are from independent modders. As long as you give them credit, they'll let you use it for your own needs. I do believe that you'll have to get in contact with some of them though.

Also on other ideas; none of these are game-breaking and aren't intended for the prize, but they are little things that would be nice in cRPG.

    • Deployable Pavise shields
    • Adding older 9-10th century armors. It would really make an impact on the diversity of armor sets anyways.
    • (click to show/hide)

General Off Topic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: April 09, 2013, 11:09:35 pm »
Why did you down vote me Havelle D:

I spent a long time trying to get it to where I could show the youtube video on forum but I couldn't do just check this out lol

General Off Topic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: April 09, 2013, 01:58:30 pm »

D: What?!?

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