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Messages - MartinTheMarine

Pages: 1 [2]
General Off Topic / Re: TKOV's reason to ban someone
« on: December 04, 2012, 08:42:23 am »
So.. to get this straight...

You called me a n*gger,
there for I am a n*gger.

I make "you" look bad,
there for n*ggers make "you" look bad?

Think about it.
You're just a dumbass. Get over it, You got banned for shitty behavior and now you gotta try to get  back at us. Crymore.

NA (Community) / Unbann MartinTheMarinee
« on: December 04, 2012, 04:08:46 am »
Dropped the n bomb in a quote, was warned by one admin and then immediately banned by a different admin while in the middle of typing that I understood and wouldn't do it again. Would appreciate the lift. Thanks.

General Off Topic / Re: TKOV's reason to ban someone
« on: December 04, 2012, 12:40:34 am »
Your posts have ensured me that you're a sensitive liberal arts my old friend.

I'm a liberal arts my old friend  :twisted:

General Off Topic / Re: TKOV's reason to ban someone
« on: December 03, 2012, 09:43:03 pm »

No, you made yourself look bad by dropping the n-bomb.

From an objective viewpoint, someone acting like an ass-butt does not excuse you from shoving your foot up your own mouth in retaliation. Nobody would have cared besides him if you had typed "Annoying idiot" or tard-face" or "I like batman underwear."

Exactly what I am saying, I said it. Wasn't released as a condoned message by TKoV. I don't care if you hate me.

General Off Topic / Re: TKOV's reason to ban someone
« on: December 03, 2012, 09:13:04 pm »
You're being to critical and this has nothing to do with c-rpg and TKoV' relations with other clans. The clan as a majority decided we didn't want him. That was as far as the clan portion of this discussion goes and for any judgement past that should lie directly on me. You don't have to like me, the clan made a decision and I enforced it. My methods are my own and he should be happy I didn't bitch him out more. Hate me love me fuck me whatever, TKoV isn't a bunch of racist, Just me :)

General Off Topic / Re: TKOV's reason to ban someone
« on: December 03, 2012, 08:39:45 pm »

General Off Topic / Re: TKOV's reason to ban someone
« on: December 03, 2012, 08:39:11 pm »
Being the one that made the ban, THIS is exactly why you were banned. You make us look bad. Glad you're gone and if I could get away with it I'd drop the n bomb on you again. Hope you die in a fire - Martin

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