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Messages - KinkyCoward

Pages: 1 [2]
Mercenary Recruitment / NipsAndClits Needs You!
« on: June 01, 2012, 05:44:24 pm »
After defeating Ant_Larg by myself with no armour :D I get chased for ages by Nikodin_HRE, nearly get to Ismarella Castle and get ambushed by the FIDLGB clan. I am 1 girl on her own and seriously need some Merc help.
I am new to strat and Ant_Larg was my second win and now im geting bullied for my stuff :(
So Plz if u think ur good enough to take out 68 players when all i have is 6 tickets apply!

Time/Date: Sat 06:06
Server: Na_crpg_3

Pages: 1 [2]