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Messages - Count_RisArch

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I also nominate Koldborn, keeper of the most sexy weapons (seriously a +3 SoW AND a +3 Long Dagger, man I'm green, green, green with jealousy) as Admin. As an almost exclusive siege player I thank you for bringing to light the various issues that plague my favorite gamemode on an almost daily basis in a concise and intelligent manner.

+1 to you.

Faction Halls / Re: Merciless, Capitis Damnātus.
« on: March 15, 2012, 01:59:33 am »
Hello my fellow clansmen,

I'm fucking bored out of my skull in the hotel i'm staying in for work. I take bets off morons valued customers at the (horse) races. Yes i'm a scumbag bookie (well bookie in training) If any of you have an interest in Horse Racing (and why should you, its fucking boring, unless you're a compulsive gambler I guess) I'm at Cheltenham and yes, the house (us) is winning. Send more money...fools!

As my boss has the belief that installing steam on his shitty notebook he very reluctantly lent me for the evening will cause the end of western civilization, I'm limited to communicating via our clan thread.

Just wanted to say i'm away till friday. I think I told Jarlek, but I was probably stoned at the time so maybe not and his internet appears to be broken so here it is! Also how did the HRE battle go? I know we won, lost hardly any men and must have taken they're spawn flags (unless I very much misread the battle result just now) but numbers hardly convey the savage joy of battle, eh?

Also I am aware that I am now apart of Jarleks rainbow guard of the fabulous as Merciless_RisArch_the_White and havn't yet updated my very black mail with surcoat avatar. I will change this when I return and can take screens again.

Have fun.


Sell/Trade / Re: [Trade] MW Danish Greatsword for MW Sword of War
« on: February 23, 2012, 01:48:41 pm »
Commercial bump.

Sell/Trade / [Trade] MW Danish Greatsword for MW Sword of War
« on: February 22, 2012, 04:54:08 pm »
As the title suggests I'm looking for the above trade. I am ideally looking for a straight trade but I am willing to negotiate on a modest cash incentive.

Blade has seen extensive use but is fortunately in good condition, blessed by the almighty donkey it is guaranteed not to break (or your money back*) The Weapon has fended off the blades of many Clans in the fearful pre-strat Tourney days and served well. It is my hope it finds a good home...preferably in the skull of the lucky, new owners foe!

So send me a Message, reply on this board or simply make the trade on the marketplace now and enjoy a fine new Greatsword for all your battle needs.


-More information about the history of the blade will be delivered on request-

*Offer is exempt on any future introduction of possible "weapon breaking" patches, donkey forbid

Faction Halls / Re: The Risen
« on: October 07, 2011, 09:18:48 pm »
Let the spam commence!

is this just the wallpaper or skin for cRPG?

At the moment its just wallpaper for your desktop, albeit very, very sexy wallpaper. I like the brooding "blue" colour scheme best but the lighter, "yellow" scheme is also very nice if you prefer a slightly brighter theme.

But hurry up and make it official chadz, its clear we have a winner!

two things:

first, you get your wallpapers for the shieldwall-pic.
I have a yellowish canvas-like color version and a colder blueish original color version, then I made ones with and without the logo and three different sizes each (1920x1440 5:4, 1920x1200 16:10, 1920x1080 16:9)
dear downloader, who can't wait: have fun, but notice: I'm doing more pictures, so there will be more wallpapers, this could even get an extra thread if I have the time for that.
so this is version 0.1, ok? :D
download here:

Thank you! These really are top-notch images!

Seeing as its 15k off a cool 1 Million and the work done so far has been outstanding I will gladly donate the remaining sum.

Inform me in how you would like the funds transfered!


Post high resolution pic without the text, I want a wallpaper.

Agreed, i've had the native load screen as my wallpaper for nearly a year now! This would be an epic change!

Also, great work. These images ooze with atmosphere and capture that c-rpg feeling. Keep it up!

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Spear not rearing horses, Bug or intentional?
« on: September 23, 2011, 07:54:21 pm »
ALL SPEARS should rear horses, together with those who already can. That Glaives/Hafted Blades/axes can't is ok, though.


Faction Halls / Re: The Risen - Recruiting EU & NA - Looking for Clan Wars!
« on: September 22, 2011, 02:24:24 pm »
Hey guys, writing from work at the mo. Very dull here currently. Just wanted to thank all those who were on last night for there warm welcome into the clan. I'm away till saturday evening with business and i'm sadly away from my precious desktop and this crappy lap-top can't even handle M&B!

I'll try and get steam installed later tonight so I can at least talk to y'all, anything to break the boredom of 2 nights in a lonely hotel in the arse end of no-where!

Got most of next week off though so I look forward to playing with you all again soon!


Yo yo! Just freelancing for a bit, gona wait till the flat season is over and I have some more time before I think about joining another clan. Sadly my polearm skills are cack so I doubt I'd make a very good hoplite!

If you want old Ris to swing a sword in someones face, well...I'd be more than happy to oblige!  :)

Hail Griff, you bloody legend! Good luck with your new clan!

Faction Halls / Re: [SoA] Aegis Sovereignty (Recruitment:On)
« on: August 16, 2011, 01:07:09 am »
Hail SoA,

It is with a heavy heart that I write this but due to various reasons discussed with Micah and others I have left SoA. I'm sure you're all aware of these issues but I wish to thank you all for the amount of fun I've had over the past 6 months or so. The scrims, server raids and camaraderie I've shared with this clan has been amoung the most memorable in my entire gaming life and I hope, at least, the feeling has been mutual.

I would also like to say a special thanks to Shanks, Micah and Tetris you guys have made the clan what it is and serving under and alongside you has been an honour. Well done and know that, come what may, you shall always be a considered a friend.

So heres to all the gallant victories and heroic last stands. Heres to firm friends and worthy opponents. Heres to the Americans, Canadians and Europeans. Heres to SoA.


Count Ris'Arch

Faction Halls / Re: [SoA] Aegis Sovereignty (Recruitment:On)
« on: August 11, 2011, 05:18:19 pm »
Hail SoA,

I apologise for missing the training yesterday, with nary 10 mins to go till the session started my internet got cut off! This was despite paying the bill the other day. So fuck you o2! I've since called them and shouted a bit and i've been given a discount or some deal or something and there grovelling apology (well as grovelly as a disinterested call centre worker can sound)

Should be back up tomorrow, although there is a slim chance it will be up tonight. I'm writing from work atm.

See ya soon (hopefully)


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