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Messages - Hoppster

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 19
Events & Tournaments / Re: Nationscup 5 vs 5 Rules
« on: April 06, 2015, 08:06:27 pm »
whats the time frame for this? when will it happen? how long will we have to have all of the heats? how are u going to check the nationality of the team members? how will u check people are using stf?

Events & Tournaments / Re: Nationscup 5 vs 5 Rules
« on: April 06, 2015, 07:51:08 pm »
i would like to make a uk team, but its basically impossible to get a whole team online at the right time. normally works for the first 2 matches then people loose interest

General Off Topic / Re: Latest TopGear UK Episode aired!
« on: April 06, 2015, 12:41:48 am »
i really like the show but given the circumstances i can see why he had to go. its a shame

also that video was great :D

General Off Topic / Re: Who is musician here ?!
« on: April 05, 2015, 12:14:27 am »
im ok at playing bass/piano. shit hot on the guitar

im currently saving up for a banjo, i wanna learn to bluegrass

General Off Topic / Re: German cars best quality
« on: March 27, 2015, 06:21:26 am »
depends of the brand. VW (means peopleĀ“s car haha) is expensive as hell but you get only cheap quality.

ive seen a VW passat with over 400,000 miles on the clock, the reliability and durability are unbeatable even for the japs. if u wanna save money buy a skoda equivilent there the exact same cars made in the same factorys.

Ive never really liked mercs but overall ze germans make dem good motors for sure

General Off Topic / Re: Do you wipe sitting down or standing up?
« on: March 26, 2015, 03:08:43 am »
But Leshma, think of the poor children who have no water before you flush the toilet twice during one shitting!

i never knew people stood up, that seems so fucking weird to me. this whole thread made my day though

Ras_Frenzyyy must be feeling lucky again  :D

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Suggestions Corner / Re: Adjust xp & gold gain
« on: March 18, 2015, 02:18:58 am »
battle/ siege xp has already been doubled once. they might as well remove the grind completely at this point. theres never anybody playing when i get home anymore, eu1 used to be populated 24/7 even just 1 year ago. now its a ghost town at 9pm. i think if this games gonna claw back any of the many people (like me) that have stopped playing they need to fix all the items revert some of the really bad changes and massivly boost the gold/xp

yea i noticed that horrible lag was gone. but its removal came with some unpleasent gameplay changes so i couldnt really give less of a shit

General Discussion / Re: [Poll] Feedback on 2h stab.
« on: February 25, 2015, 01:40:32 am »
the final nail for me im afraid, well it was, untill someone killed me with a sideswing from an english bill, now thats the final nail. GG cRPG see u around

General Discussion / Re: Thoughts and ideas on patch 4.1
« on: February 23, 2015, 04:44:45 am »
So dont QQ about your melee stuff, Melee is OP as fuck man, dont contest that.

get the fuck out

my 5 day routinte, takes me an hour and a half before work mon-fri including showering and changing

monday- chest: chestpress, incline chestpress, flys, incline flys, pec deck
tuesday- back: lat pull down 3sets front 3 sets back, bent rows, dead lifts
wednesday- arm/legs: squats, inclined leg press , calf extentions, some other silly leg machines they have. i do 9 sets on arms, the first 6 are a "super set" so after as soon as i finish the set i grab 2 10kg dumbells and do anoter 10/12 reps. the last 3 sets are with the "curl bar"
thursday- traps/triceps: shoulder shrugs 3 sets in front 3 sets behind, upright rows, dips, seated dip, cable tricep extentions, dumbel tricep extention
friday- shoulders: shoulder press, front dumbel raise, side dumbel raise, shouder press on the machine

its a good routine a different body part hurts every day, i try to mix it up and do differnt things every week, i rotate weekly between dumbells and bar on things like chest press, shoulder press and shrugs. any cardio i do is after work, but thats pretty rare atm. i do love lifting though

General / Re: Info for Kickstarter backers
« on: February 12, 2015, 04:29:39 am »
chadz it still punishing me for being broke a week after christmas 2 years ago...

Suggestions Corner / Re: Buff Shield bash
« on: February 12, 2015, 02:25:14 am »
they already suffer the worst block coverage and block speed.

cmon man, grow a brain will ya

Suggestions Corner / Re: February patch preview, input appreciated
« on: January 23, 2015, 05:55:03 am »
Minimum population for a multiplier reduced from 8 to 4

best change ever

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