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Messages - Lt_Anders

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General Off Topic / Re: France under attack....
« on: July 15, 2016, 03:04:28 pm »
:shock: :shock: :shock:           

PS. 70 people dies killed by muslim terrorist and we've got barely a dozen of posts... How more dead this forum could be?

I've read it's 80 now.

I didn't play either for the writing though. It's mostly in its RPG mechanics that Skyrim is inferior to Oblivion.

Skyrim is far more casual in terms of Magic, leveling, and even equipment.

(Can't make spells, Equipment all has same durability, you only 'level' 3 stats)

Oblivion had a lot of Morrowind hold overs before Casualization.

General Off Topic / Re: The Trumphog has seen its shadow
« on: July 07, 2016, 05:32:56 pm »
0 attacks of any and all other religions/islamophobes in 2016 in the world? Everybody agrees that Islam today is the most fucked up religious group, but thereligionofpeace really need to check its facts if it doesnt want to be ignored as a fact bending kind of islamophobe website.

They even say in the p.s. that attacks against muslims occured, noone was killed, but no islamophobe attacks, ok.


General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: July 07, 2016, 05:09:23 pm »
Bullshit does have economical value.


General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: July 06, 2016, 07:12:20 pm »

Other witty EU stuff here?!

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: July 05, 2016, 06:56:49 pm »
George Osbourne vows to cut corporate tax from 20% to 15% in order to soften Brexit blow.

Businesses cheer, but Shadow chancellor John McDonnell warns this will hit low and middle income taxpayers and render the coming EU negotiations even more difficult.


The move was also criticized by Pascal Lemy, former director general of the World Trade Organization; sends the message that UK is becoming a tax haven.


The share of businesses that reported feeling pessimistic about the UK economy doubled in the week after the Brexit vote.

The figure jumped from 25% the week before the referendum to 49%, according to YouGov and the Centre for Economics and Business Research.


“That country now has collapsed -- politically, economically, monetarily and constitutionally,” The Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said, speaking of the June 23 referendum to the European Parliament.
“You will have years of work ahead of you to get out of this mess,” he added to the British members present.


The Bank of England has warned there is evidence that risks it identified with Brexit are beginning to emerge.

Responding to Brexit, it has lowered the capital safety buffers of banks, potentially freeing up to £150bn for lending.

"This is a major change," said Bank of England governor Mark Carney.

The FPC also has concerns over "the high level of UK household indebtedness [and] the vulnerability to higher unemployment and borrowing costs" for some households.

House prices could also come under pressure, particularly if buy-to-let investors abandon the market, it said.


Is this game good? Everyone says it sucks cause it's unstable.

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Turkey
« on: July 03, 2016, 12:17:40 am »
If only I had the magical power to make you have to live in this hellhole like a regular citizen. You just don't seem to get it.


Go look at hundreds of other things out there. Like their attempt to block twitter(is that still a thing?). Turkey used to be a democracy, now it's a lot like Russia, except without all the wealth and a shittier religion bordering it.

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: July 01, 2016, 02:42:41 am »
Shut up bitch, you're nuttin but a gay fish. You too Oberyn, if you're reading which I know you are.

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Nerds. I'm out.

Gets shown economics 101. leaves when it doesn't suit narrative.

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: July 01, 2016, 01:59:53 am »
Put that economics handbook in todays perspective, will ya? We live in a globalized world where majority of things we buy is produced in one country (China). Because how capitalism works and because of complexity of processes used in pretty much every industry today, it is not possible to start producing goods in our native countries. We don't have the tech, we don't have enough personnel, we don't have resources and even if we do, we aren't keen on extracting them on our soil. Lastly, we want to be paid well for our job and them Chinese still do it for less money. Actually people in Serbia can compete with them when it comes to salaries, but we don't have anything else to offer.

Due to strained relationship between government of your country and China you're actively seeking someone to replace them. Your best bet is India, but they are too far from being able to compete with Chinese on many fronts. Maybe in few decades, but short and medium term we all are stuck with Chinese being our only manufacturer.

What do you suggest British to produce, now they are free? Which goods? You're advocating same communists did for decades, rely on our own food, our own industry, buy home made products say no to imported goods. Well, it just doesn't work that well.

You are totally incorrect. In fact, even if "everything" is made in China(which it isn't, but that's not suiting your narrative), China has to compete with local markets even in a "Global" world. If the local markets do not want (or cannot afford, which is also the case) the "cheap" Chinese goods, then China looses out. In fact, it's only cheap if they produce large quantities of it. China cannot make specialty (small scale) cheaper than elsewhere.

Also, China isn't the only "cheap" place. There's many countries that can do that (India, for example), that even amongst them, there is competition. China doesn't produce many "finished" products,either, merely the parts that go into them. Course, this doesn't fit your narrative, so you'll find some way to discredit it anyways.

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: July 01, 2016, 01:13:17 am »
However, instead of being very condescending; i'll tell you that the worth of the pound has dropped and you should be able to work out why people are effectively receiving a pay cut.

A Weakened monetary currency is great for a country getting ready to hustle into economic expansion. This creates an massive increase in likely exports while greatly decreasing imports(This is very very bad for Germany which relies heavily on it's exports). This means that local buisness within the coutry will be able to profit more from a free, global market.

From some basic economics handbooks on depreciation:

Tends to increase rate of economic growth and reduce unemployment.
Tends to benefit exporters, but makes imports more expensive.
Tends to cause inflation. This is because:

    imports more expensive
    higher domestic demand
    firms have less incentive to cut costs

Tends to improve the current account deficit

In all honesty, England is way better off losing it's pound exchange rate long term. Course non of you "remain" people care to look at economics because it won't fit the narrative you wish.

Anyways, I honestly recommed doing at least one playthrough of Morrowind blind, without looking at the internet for help or tricks or exploits or etc.

That's hard. Course I think I beat it back on xbox, long ago like that. UESP is, and always will be, my ES friend. They have a HUGE morrowind map.

Obviously the best way would be teleporting you to the objective. Or better, complete the quest for you and give you the reward.

While signing Kumbaya.

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: June 29, 2016, 01:51:52 pm »
I think the lack of a plan has been my biggest beef with it all. The snowball effect is all ifs so we don't really know how things will go but the government having no plans in place is just terrible. Sure it was never looking likely until it happened but they have to prepare for the worst in these situations...

When you have a government that hoped and expected a Remain vote, and then decides to basically punt the issue to someone else(Classic Politics, btw), how can you actually do something to get ready for it?

Politicans will sit there, play politics until someone finally gets enough gumption to go through with it or to say "Fuck it, no". Oh, btw, they'll all make lots of money during this whole process.

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