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Messages - Mongolista

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Strategus General Discussion / Re: Anti-Druzhina alliance
« on: May 16, 2014, 11:26:00 am »
Switch I was merely assuming theyre gonna invade the NA, I wasnt talking about their future plans, I just said believing them when they say "oh dont worry were not gonna go there" is the biggest mistake you can make. I remember En Dotter being as positive as you about them, he was like oh dont worry guys, they said theyre not gonna invade our land when I asked them Ive heard some rumours about DRZ coming north, BAM next week the whole map has been invaded. I am not saying you should be worried, Im just saying it is exactly your attitude that got us raped. They may have seemed nice to you exactly because you were fighting along their side ;)

Suggestions Corner / No multi - teams are not fair
« on: May 16, 2014, 03:53:23 am »
I have no idea whether such thing has ever been proposed before so sorry if I repeat what may have been said a long time ago but here is the thing. I usually play on EU2 and due to the banner stack and mass clan RQs in one turn there appears often the situation when one of the teams has for example 10 players while the other has 20. So the stronger team wins the round and the text "no multiplier - teams could not be justified" appears. One would assume that in order to make the end of the turn justified it would put all the players to the position they were before the teams got unbalanced, which would presumably be the same multi for both teams, instead only the winning team which obviously won thanks to having twice as many ppl keeps the multi while the losing team loses it anyway. This makes me feel like there is still a reward for the "stronger" team after all, either all should lose their multi or all should keep their multi, I cannot see a way of how this could be abused since nobody gains any extra multi. Thank you.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Anti-Druzhina alliance
« on: May 16, 2014, 03:36:22 am »
Switch I dont know if youre blind but the big fucking assholes is exactly the part why they are not popular, you cannot trust a single word of what is coming out of their mouth so if they say they are not coming for NA it doesnt mean anything, literally, the truth in anything they ever said or wrote equals to zero (that is also why you never see them actually write any explenation or a sophisticated answer to any question raised on forum, they only troll and do as they please). And that it is even below them? Look at EU strat, do you really think there is anything that can ever stop them from digging even lower? last few strats they were cheating, multiaccounting and idk what else. I am not QQing since I have stopped playing strat months ago so I couldnt care less about what their next intentions are, but I wouldnt exclude any option however low it seems to you.

On the other hand Im quite glad all this shit has happened to EU coz when I was playing strat I cared a little too much about it, Im 24 and Ive been told Im getting too old for playing computer games a lot and I was a bit scared when does this end, I have stopped playing all the other games but I still enjoyed cprg and strat a lot and blahblahblah all that deep shit, long story short the russians came, both to strat and eu2 aaand Im cured. Thanks guys, enjoy your time lol rofl zomg afk brb kthxbye gimme all your -1s haterssss coz sometimes I watch my red/green bar for hours and cry, I shouldve been more neutral and funny in my posts so I didnt get any minuses from either block

Edit: Im 22, lol cant even remember how old I am ffs brb lel bewbs bye

EU (Official) / Ban Kabardinka and freight_cylantium
« on: May 14, 2014, 12:32:56 am »
1. Name of my character involved: Guardian_Bethrezen
2. Name of offending character(s): Kabardinka & freight_cylantium
3. Time and server: EU2 around midnight server time (23:00pm +0GMT)
4. Written story of what happened: A new round started, they both spawned at the flag as defenders along with other defenders and right from the start started teamhitting and teamkilling everyone around and then just left the server (Kabardinka left right after killing the first guy). Freight cylantium kept attacking everyone around, he kept attacking thePunish3r, I think he killed him, not sure, then he started attacking Daernon who kept blocking and then he ran up to me and started hitting me as well, I blocked all of his hits, Daernon didnt, he kept reporting him till Freight had 5/5.
5. Why do I think he did what he did? Because its a FUCKING GREAT JOKE TO KILL EVERYONE AROUND OR OPEN A GATE OR DO SOMETHING VERY STUPID JUST BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE GAME. There was no story before or after it, there was nothing personal I think.
6. Multiple Screenshots: Will be added by Daernon, my screenshot option is fked up since the moment cprg isnt added on my steam
7. Names of players who witnessed what happened: thePunish3r, Daernon

Anders I may be wrong but Im pretty sure the exp gain is calculated 6k exp + the gear burnt in the battle per tick, not its price, because in the City defence where defenders had stupid expensive peasant robe with 8 body armor we got like 100-150k exp for an hour of battle. I even got more from one of the 1.5k vs 1.5k battles where we had strange light armor which lasted less than an hour and DRZ had the same gear as in the city siege. From this I assume the exp formula uses the type of the gear or its armor/dmg value rather than the price of the gear. Simply said doubling the exp would make sense since the higher armor is harder to obtain now.

Once again this is only an assumption based on my personal experience from all the battles I have fought this round so far and the battles fought in the previous round of strat. If you have any specifics or could link your source for the exp formula based on the price of the gear and how to count the exp gain, Id be eternally thankful!

EU (Official) / Re: Severyag (and something else)
« on: April 05, 2014, 11:32:06 am »
+1 to that, witnessed the severyag nub opening the gate as defender several times different days, he got kicked few times for it but thats as much the online community can do about it, he just logs immediately back and does it again. Also witnessed RunFast jumping out of walls everytime he spawned for three rounds in a row, when I told him to stop, he said he is not doing that so I asked him why is his score -23 and 0K/4D then, he stopped suiciding for a round but started again with a new round. I dont care if people are new or not, give them some time to read the rules please, thank you. Also getting more GMs on the servers wouldnt be a bad idea, Im getting frustrated of the constant spam of CSs everywhere.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Strategus Cardinal Sins
« on: April 04, 2014, 05:18:30 am »
This is why Knights who say Ni stopped going to one of our allied clan battles (Templars was it? cant remember) because one of their guys who was leading the battle asked us to bring ladders in one of the sieges and when we brought the ladders to the walls and asked him what are we supposed to do with them he just started shouting to stfu and that we are noobs for taking his ladders (he actually did it several times), so we were like what? fuck this shit Im out....

People dont realize we dont have to be there, we dont have to help, thats why you either have to have a very big clan or you actually have to be friendly to enough people on strat to get your rosters filled, going to their battles and stuff.

On the other hand people going to other ones battle should expect to fall under command of the guy doing the roster, because just going to the battle does not help itself, you can join 10 battles a day and still have everyone hate you simply because your participation in the battle does not in any way contribute to the victory of your side. For example dont expect the commander to be nice to you if you dont listen to his orders and just run into the enemies or go AFK right at the beginning.

When I was commanding one of the capital cities defence with randomers few weeks ago (last week I think) I was cheering everyone up, giving commands for the different sides to cover and when ppl didnt listen, I just called them stupid cunts and suddenly everyone was reading the commands again  :lol: Its the sugar and whip, sometimes ppl need the whip for a second to realize this is a teamwork battle, not a K/D hunt. The sugar then makes them feel appreciated for their teamwork which definitely boosts their performance. And we actually won since everyone united and we were all working as a team (apart from some asshole that kept opening the gate). At the beginning we were winning by 200 tickets, we got to the point where we were losing by 20 tickets but since everyone was excellent in their roles (poles destroying ladders, axemen destroying siege tower from the roof, archers shooting CSs and forward spawn, shielders splitting enemies into smaller groups and covering the spaces in the walls) we won with 260 more tickets and I must say it was one of the most epic defences for me :)
Long story short if you make sure you are enjoying the game, you are most likely making it enjoyable for the others as well, if you feel frustrated about the progress of the battle and you are leading, you should man up and take the responsibility for your team, in the end it was you who has done the roll call, who has chosen the players in your team and it was you, who was supposed to be leading them and if you feel like they were not doing their best to win the battle, you can simply choose not to invite them for your next battles.

On the other hand guys it is not the K/D that makes you the heroes of the battlefield, it is the fact that you can all act like one, cover each other, listen to orders and most definitely being a valuable part of the team, e.g. if youre a pikeman and you go 3 v 1 guy and you hear a horse nearby you dont chase that one kill for your score board, you look around and possibly prevent any cav from charging your group.

Strategus Issues / Re: Crime Bugged?
« on: April 03, 2014, 05:33:03 pm »
To be fair W4sd has a village up on the north which has 100% crime for the last few weeks and the population in the village is still the same, there is no army though, not sure if there was any before the crime went to 100%, I can imagine the crime either sucks at killing population or doesn't touch it at all...from which Id assume it only kills the army and/or the tickets on ppl inside the fief?

Have two chars, one a high level archer, one a high level anything else you fancy, have the archer as a hero at the beginning of the strat when they are so powerful against lower gear, switch to other hero when everyone starts getting better armour and archers arent that strong anymore = 0 gold

Strategus Issues / Re: Suno Equipment
« on: March 30, 2014, 08:53:53 pm »
bump, but I guess no shit is given

Diplomacy / Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« on: March 28, 2014, 02:21:29 pm »
its only like a mosquito bite, but the more often you get bitten the more it will start to itch and when they will start scratching it they might even bleed

and maybe they will catch some tropical disease and have to go to the doc and we can get their fiefs in the meantime! Glorious idea! Send the mosquito squad their way!

Strategus Issues / Re: Suno Equipment
« on: March 28, 2014, 03:18:21 am »
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Diplomacy / Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« on: March 27, 2014, 10:12:45 pm »
^  exactly what Bittersteel said, youre acting like a fucking genious while in fact you would get raped big time if we didnt always have 20 less ppl on the roster, just stfu, play your retarded way, we will play our retarded way and see what happens in few weeks time, I bet your moms gonna be proud

Strategus Issues / Re: Suno Equipment
« on: March 27, 2014, 12:17:41 am »
Erasmas please use your brain before you write something next time, they are talking about Suno having expensive but useless gear and you reply: Simple! More tickets = less money for equip! I bet you feel special

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