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Messages - Necrorave

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General Off Topic / Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« on: April 16, 2016, 05:43:30 pm »
I was not around for any of this drama.  Although I will throw my two cents in regardless (Nerf throwing)

Calling specific people toxic and claiming that we are the reason a 5 year old MOD for a 6 year old independent game is dying is fucking hilarious.

This community had around a couple hundred maybe even a thousand of active members at its peak (4 years ago?)  Although, like any other community, the population dwindled over the years.  Majority of the ones that stayed were 20 somethings who like to fuck around with each other because yanno,  It's a GAME. 
We play to have fun and mess with each other because that's what FRIENDS do.  Ignoring the obvious problem with racial slurs, majority of our "Toxicity" was just harmless trolling and light arm punches.  If you honestly think someone saying "Get fucked" to you online is hurtful and harassment, then YOU are the problem.

All I ever do online anymore is enjoy myself and mess with people.  I have never broken a rule on Crpg (Go ahead and check).  Lets not consider that though, Im a "r00d d00d" so I am obviously a menace to the community.

Kesh.  I have to say.  You are without a doubt, trash.  You are a fucking blemish on the face of the CRPG community.
get fucking good nerd

As for the rest of the community, people have their differences I guess.  It a shame that we can't all get along.  That being said,  Fuck you.

Love u<33333

General Off Topic / Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« on: April 16, 2016, 05:15:53 pm »

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General Off Topic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: April 16, 2016, 05:55:08 am »

The sweet sound of Diplomacy right now

General Off Topic / Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« on: April 16, 2016, 05:48:43 am »
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General Off Topic / Re: you kids are all fucking retarded.
« on: April 16, 2016, 05:38:42 am »
You know this mod used to have a fun, playful community years ago.  People wouldn't say hate-filled speech in chat and a lot fo people did silly antics like all dressed up in smurfs and fought with tiny smurf weapons.  Then frisians and Dracul brought this ugly trollish shit to the community.  I know a LOT more people (specifically from my clan alone) that have left this mod because of the bile you guys brought to this community than ever left because you came back for strat 6.  We have a lot more older, mature players who simply don't want to play in an acid-filled community that you fostered.

And like always you all think its completely okay to spout racist shit while hiding behind your monitor.  Matey and Bale and Desire are all right, you guys just bring the whole community down to your level and now all the good people have long gone.
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Suggestions Corner / Re: Make 2H Hilt/Pommelsmash Do Damage
« on: March 30, 2016, 10:54:19 pm »
I'm kinda against any bash that does damage mostly because its almost like getting a free hit on an opponent.

While pommelstrikes are a little difficult to accomplish, I still don't agree with it doing damage.

I am more for giving it practical uses.

Possibly have it immobilize the target like all bashes did early in development?

Faction Halls / Re: [Dracul] Dragoni de Valahia [NA][Reformed]
« on: March 25, 2016, 04:32:58 pm »
Hey guys.

Remember Buttguts?


« on: March 24, 2016, 08:10:39 pm »
Yooooo, crpg is srs bidniz

Faction Halls / Re: The Frisian Freedom: Recruiting NA
« on: March 19, 2016, 03:05:45 pm »
Penis wiggle

General Discussion / Re: You guys make it hard for me to be addicted
« on: March 02, 2016, 05:13:19 am »  I am sry I wasn't trying to imply anything just point in a direction. Other than that I don't know how to help you but wish I could. sry

I will try this new source you have provided.

If this fails, even the gods wont be safe from my "Woe is me"'s

General Discussion / Re: You guys make it hard for me to be addicted
« on: March 02, 2016, 05:08:46 am »
check threads before yours players have link download threads

Of which did not work for me.

I am not as incompetent as you may believe

General Discussion / You guys make it hard for me to be addicted
« on: March 02, 2016, 05:03:35 am »
I am trying to relapse for the third time and you guys are having problems with your update mirrors.

Can you please get working on that so I can continue to be a worthless piece of shit?



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cRPG Technical problems / Re: Update Problem
« on: March 01, 2016, 12:17:42 am »
I cant even get past the initial loading screen without it crashing.

Even with Trumps fix

Hi everyone

Dupre said on the .4550 thread or what ever it's named that it's out of his hands and in the laps of the donkey masters when they find the time.

So it's never getting done haha

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